This player has posted some really nice runer arms..
Lokeal has posted some nice rune arms to address some arty wants, needs, and desires on the forums. Good stuff.
To help arties address the spell power drop from the changes to arty enhancments it would be nice to see rune arms that can slot spell power. For instance, orange augment slots.
Originally Posted by
To me, the biggest part of balance problems is the lack of build options for Melee artificers, simply a runearm that grants Tenser's Tranformation, Dream Vision 9, speed X, and Exceptional Fortification +50%
As a nerfing measure, it should curse you with 5 negative levels for the next five minutes when you switch to using a ranged weapon (Regardless of resistances).
Force Imbue
Force type blast
Nightshade Venom!
Colorless Augment Slot
Blue Augment Slot
On the balance issues with the combat system
Part of the problem in the game right now is that dodge, concealment, and incorporeality are almost always effective, and their effectiveness scales with difficulty: getting missed on a hit that would have done 50 damage isn't a big deal, but getting missed on one that would have dealt 500 is a big deal. Meanwhile, AC becomes entirely useless, and while PRR also scales, it doesn't account for the same level of survivability, particularly when you look at the typical figures of a character with 20-25% dodge and 60-90 PRR vs. a character with 150 PRR and 3-6% dodge.
When you (the Turbine devs) implemented the combat changes (moving away from the d20), you stated that some of your goals were:
- to make AC relevant for more characters, because you felt that it was poor design for a small subset of characters with excellent AC (then an AC in the 90s) to have use for an AC buff or item (or debuff), while the rest of the populace wouldn't care even if they received a big boost to AC (going from 40-60 is meaningless if the guy in the 90s is getting hit).
- to make AC relevant again for endgame use, since AC had become worthless in epic content.
- to pull the value of AC a little closer to the middle of the bell curve, where it would be useful most of the time without being the nigh-perfect defense it was if you were maxed out, and totally worthless defense it was if you weren't.
However, you basically failed on all of these goals. AC is worthless in end game content when you're maxed out, and no one else would even care. Now, instead of +1 AC meaning +5% defense for some people, it usually means +0% defense for everyone. Even +4 AC can be 0% depending on where your starting AC is. Now, sure, part of a meaningful AC was always about stacking bonuses, but once you were getting missed, under the old system, adding a small boost to AC (from an item or enhancement or buff) was meaningful and sought after. Now, even if you are getting missed, you need to be adding 2 or more items/buffs/enhancements before you're seeing any kind of difference at all.
At least one part of the problem here is that, for some reason, you like to boost monster to-hit values much too high on higher/harder content. That doesn't improve anyone's experience, and doesn't really challenge us more if you move from Hard to Elite and go from getting missed thanks to your armor 50% of the time to getting missed 0% of the time. All it does is marginalize certain builds and abilities, and send a lot of loot to the vendor.
Ideally, there would be a stepping down from normal, to hard, to elite in effectiveness of AC, but not so much so that AC becomes worthless, while there's also some impact on other defensive abilities, like dodge. Additionally, a much wider range of ACs need to be useful than we had on the base d20, while also not making bonuses to AC largely worthless for everyone due to the nature of the diminishing returns system. There have been numerous suggestions made on how to address these concerns over the years, to which I've added my own, but I'll not make this post much longer by including that here. I can PM you, Varg, if you like, or link you to some of the threads with these ideas (mine and those of others).
PRR also needs to become more meaningful for characters investing in it, and less meaningful for those characters running around in no armor and rocking 25% dodge. Right now the pajamas crowd are getting the best of everything.