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Sounds like you've been married to long. I'm betting your a once a week guy and you've probably got it scheduled. Even though it's besides the point, I've been married 10 years and have 6 kids (all conceived on some form of birth control). That should give you some idea about the frequency of our bedroom activities. Since we are guessing about personal lives, I'm guessing you are 18-25 and have no clue about real life or a real relationship. And, you probably are one of those guys that "used to be" a loser and now thinks they aren't because they got in shape and found a girl who puts out. Here's a hint: being a loser has nothing to do with what you look like, how well you can dance or how willing you are to bail on friends or family every time the opportunity to get your willy wet comes along.
The point is that I would rather be having sex than playing DDO or talking to you right now. I realize this may be difficult to grasp but I just don't care about this game or the people who play it, I do care about her and I don't golf fish or play poker but if I did, yes, I would totally bail on all of them if my woman called me up. Sex may be insignificant to you but golf, poker, and fishing are less significant to me, in fact the only time I would not drop what I was doing is if I was at work and even then if she worked with me, well, we've all seen office supply closet security videos on the internet. I know this may be difficult to grasp, but there are more important things than having *gasp* sex. One of those is being able to be depended on or known as reliable to people other than the one girl willing to have sex with you, whether it's a boss, a friend, a brother, a sister or whatever. This has nothing to do with DDO, even though it's what spawned the discussion. The point is that DDO, Poker, Golf or fishing isn't the point. Bailing on your commitments to other people because you value sex over everything (aside from being on fire, apparently) is.
Being actively on fire is about the only activity during which I would turn down sex 100% of the time.funny....if it wasn't so sad and revealing of your maturity level.
and as for being lead around by my d*ck well when I didn't listen to the captain I was a loser, I hid in closes and played Diablo 2 all day, I was fat, had no friends and certainly never got a date. I was a loser, but as soon as I started following orders I found my self climbing out of my hole, I got allot more popular, got a girlfriend, a good carrier, and got in shape because I learned skills to help me meet women like going to gyms and going dancing. I may be lead around by my d*ck but he's never lead me astray so for know I'm gonna do what ever he tells me to. If he keeps up at this rate I'll be peeing winning lotto numbers soon.Wow, look at that...I was right. I'm going to amend my guess that you are 18-25. You could really be any age, depending on when you "followed your d*ck out of your loser hole". As far as maturity goes though, I guess you are 15-21. In addition to my guesses about your personal life above, I add that you are completely shallow and self absorbed to the list. Also, if that's how you treat your friends when you have a girlfriend whose willing to let you inside her then I'm guessing you have no real friends that would be there for you no matter what. If you are willing to drop them every time your girl calls, then they won't be willing to go out of their way for you. Just the way it works.