Vargouille, I will answer your questions
In response to direct questions from Vargouille
“If anyone feels they can't continue to play a current-day Bard with the changes proposed, what are you losing that you feel you still need? The bard that you are playing today: What's going away that will break your build? We've already reversed some tentative cuts due to players asking us to keep those abilities.”
In the beginning there was Spellsinger, the support Bard, and Warchanter, the mele Bard. Enter the Swashbuckler. In my opinion, a bad idea and misplaced. You should have spent your efforts refining the Spellsinger and Warchanter PrEs, and to be honest, I bet you feel a bit of “damn, we really didn’t think this through” and you are now dealing with the aftermath of “now that Swashbuckler is the mele bard of choice, what can we do with Warchanter?,” which in turn, is having a trickle-down effect on Spellsinger. Hindsight is 20/20.
The Bard I am playing today
100% support, no offense whatsoever. All buffs and heals. Gear, stats, enhancements and feats, everything, entirely spent to help others. Extremely difficult to solo and get to L28, but worth it. Even on a first life I can be the only healer/res/support on an EH FOT. No clerics, no FS. He’s so good in fact, that I have had people buy me guest passes and raid bypass timers just so they can keep me with them. You’d be hard pressed to find a gamer with an intent and patience to design and play a character to whose sole purpose is to enhance the gameing experiencing of others.
What am I loosing that breaks my build?
1. Arcaine Aid: I can no longer boost the spell-pen of a party member. Not on a single member, and not on an entire group with an Epic Elyd Edge. What on earth do I care about spell pen? I have no spells of any significant worth that stand to benefit this. My mates on the other hand, them it helps. So you haven’t really nerfed me, you nerfed the party.
2. Raucous Refrain: I can no longer boost my party's saves against sleep, paralysis, exhaustion, and energy drain. Not so much of a problem for me as I stay out of harms way. My job is to support and heal. A dead healer is not very effective. So again, you didn’t really nerf me, you nerfed the party.
3. Ironskin Chant: Make it an aura, and I’d need to stand in the middle of the isht-show. Not a good place for a support character to be. A dead support character isn’t very supportive.
4. Inspired Flicker: At the cost of making the landscape difficult to navigate, I stay in shadow-mode constantly to make it easier to distinguish my selected mates name, which in turn, helps me help them. I can easily argue that someone who wants to hold agro doesn’t like it, so you should be able to “toggle it off” like you can Rage for example. For a rogue, healer, heck, anyone who wants a little extra safety, it’s great. So yet again, you didn’t nerf me, you nerfed the party.
5. Epic Elyd Edge: Because of the afore mentioned changes, it’s essentially worthless now. Being the only item with Inspiring Echoes (and I feel it should remain that way), I literally bought the pack for it alone. Were it not for the returning bolts, I’d ask for my money back.
No matter how you slice it, or what combination of all three (proposed) TrE enhancements are selects, a pure Bard T5 & cap-stoned Spellsinger simply can’t be as effective a support character as it once was. No pure Bard build can. From my perspective, you have essentially reduced Spellsingers (indeed, the entire class) to something worth splashing, and little more.
I will reiterate my main point: You didn’t nerf me, you nerfed everyone a support Bard runs with.
(Thank you for leaving Heal where it is)
Song Duration and Number of songs
My suggestion for song duration/number of songs granted
It would be nice if they lasted a tad longer than they do now(my IC lasts ~8:30 min @ 28). Perhaps cutting the number of songs available but increasing the overall duration would help alleviate the constant refreshing. Also at the rate of 1 song refresh every 5 min. I don't think this would hurt anything.
I play a multiclass bard (16 bard/2 fighter/2 rogue) and even though I don't get max duration because of my split they still could use a tad duration increase. I already press way too many buttons (Great Cleave, Cleave, Consecration, Focusing chant, Displacement, Strike down, CCW, Primal Scream, Haste Boost, Dmg Boost, Zeal of the Righteous, OID, 5 Weapon swaps, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Excellence, Song of Arcane Might, Spellsong Vigor, Spellsong Trance...probably more)to stay effective in my group (I like buffing and keeping my party well suited for every encounter throughout)