Runearm To Fix The Melee Artificer Build!
To me, the biggest part of balance problems is the lack of build options for Melee artificers, simply a runearm that grants Tenser's Tranformation, Dream Vision 9, speed X, and Exceptional Fortification +50%
As a nerfing measure, it should curse you with 5 negative levels for the next five minutes when you switch to using a ranged weapon (Regardless of resistances).
Force Imbue
Force type blast
Nightshade Venom!
Colorless Augment Slot
Blue Augment Slot
Balance on the facts, not the misconceptions
You are going to get a lot of flawed data from this poll by virtue of the fact that you essentially ignore the currently realities of perceived OP character builds., specifically that they are multi-classed and not pure. Monks are OP because of Monkchers? No, Monks are not OP. Monkchers may be because of the synergies between 6 levels of Monk, 6 levels of Ranger, access to all of the AA tree and FotW.
Also you will have people rating class with which they are really not knowledgable about. For instance:
Originally Posted by Somone in this thread
Taking 2 levels of monk is just insanely broken -- it gives you evasion, 2 free feats, great saves, along with access to one of the best ranged options in (zen archery/10k stars).
Evasion and 2 feats: yes
Getting monks saves for 2 levels are great? Decent yes, but give me a 2 pally splash for great saves.
Zen Archery and 10K starts best ranged options?
Zen archery allows you to stay centred and use WIS to hit. Hardly game breaking.
10K Stars allows for about an average of 2 arrows per Volley for every 1 minute out of every 2 assuming you have about 40 WIS. While better sustained DPS than the 4 arrows provided by Manyshot which can be used 17% of the time, Manyshot has the better burst value with Furyshot. But more importantly, 10K stars requires 6, NOT 2 levels of Monk.
You poll is going to reflect popular opinion which is not necessarily informed opinion.
Right now people multi-class because a) some classes are front loaded b) some classes synergize extremely well and c) MOST L20 CAPSTONES ARE NOT WORTH IT.
Rather than nerf the strong, I would suggest buffing the weak.
Strengthen L20 Capstone Cores and (in some cases) make the L5 required abilities more desirable. I mean who wants to invest 41 pts in Tempest when the top abilities are so terrible?