So your saying you hate pure builds?
Originally Posted by Vargouille;Many players have urged caution with any changes, specifically to minimize collateral damage. As an example, if changes are made to nerf monkcher Furyshotters, don’t break monks, rangers, other Fury of the Wild characters, and all ranged characters at the same time. Favor the scalpel over the sledgehammer.
On Synergy[/B] It’s OK for certain combos to be more than the sum of their parts, as long as there are lots of different synergies that don’t end up too far apart from each other in terms of fun and viability.
Multiclassing (ignoring Enhancements)
This could be another entire discussion. But many players thought it was crazy that multiclassing wasn’t the forefront of the discussion, so let’s talk about it.
We like being D&D. We are unlikely to significantly alter or remove core feats or abilities from classes or races.
Multiclassing and Enhancement Trees
• Frontloading and Minimizing changes to characters: Many popular & powerful abilities are “front-loaded”; they are on low tiers in the enhancement trees. This was very consciously done so that most characters could still get most of what they desired without much hassle. We knew this would incentivize multiclassing, but decided that was an acceptable cost. Even with this, during the enhancement pass there was a great deal of outcry. This is something we could make incremental changes to affect, but each change would probably make some subset of players upset, and we’re in no hurry to revamp everything and move everything around. (Giant tangential discussion for another time or place: “Class” enhancement trees aren’t a simple solution to this.)
• Number of enhancement trees: A major part of the original design (intended to present choice as well as help balance multiclass builds vs. pure builds) was the limit of 3 enhancement trees. MULTICLASSING IS STILL CLEARLY AN INCREASE IN POWER (you get the “best” 3 trees out of 6-9, instead of just 3), but not as much as it is with 6 class trees. Essentially, we changed this due to feedback at the time, KNOWING IT WOULD HELP LEAD TO THE RISE OF MULTICLASS CHARACTERS. • Class Level Requirements: The U18 Enhancements largely required 6/12/18 class levels to get “the good stuff”. Both internally amongst the design team and publicly amongst the players, during the Enhancement pass a great variety of class level restrictions were proposed for the 5-tier trees we have now. These included some very strong calls for 1/3/6/12/28 (similar to the old system), all the way down to not requiring any class levels at all (essentially just requiring access to the tree). I’ll take personal responsibility for fighting for the 1/2/3/4/5 system we have today, which was for the goal of meaningful choices along with interesting possible builds. Instead of nearly every build being 20 or 18/2 or maybe 12/6/2, there’s a much wider variety of builds that players consider and actually take. Along with the third Core enhancement requiring level 6,THERE'S AT LEAST SOME REAL REASONS TO WANT ANYWHERE FROM 1-6 CLASS LEVELS AT LEAST. And there are definitely some builds that splash 2/3/4 levels for specific enhancements and synergies. While these synergies do provide EXTRA POWER, they also provide a much wider array of possible choices while still being choices (compared to only requiring 1 level of a class to access the entire tree). There’s still some debate that perhaps 1/2/3/4/5 is too generous, but this isn’t something we’d change lightly.
What’s specific items do players consider overpowered?
Major caveat: Anything considered overpowered by some is also loved by others. We’re aware of this. Anything on this list is also NOT automatically going to be nerfed or changed in any particular way, but these are things we may take a closer look at. There’s quite a few other possibilities we might look at, but these were near the top of the list for discussions.
• Ranged Fury of the Wild
• Monks using 10K Stars and manyshot (monkchers)
• Bladeforged Reconstruct
Ok maybe I am wrong here but when I read this what I took away from it is what I have snipped above. Ok we are going to nerf the ranged class, but not right now. But we are looking into nerfing you in the near future. 2. We favor and want multiclasses over pure builds because the multiclass is more powereful and we designed the enhancement tree to offer this. All I have to say is WoW! I'm in shock literally. So this is the direction the developers want to take this game is it? I think it may be time for me to start thinking about a different game to invest my time and money into then.
So now the Ranged class is up to par with the melee class we now have to nerf them. Hmmm As I recall a few years ago it was those Melee guys who would not let my wizard or my ranger into the shroud raid because as I was told by them "Your ranged your just a liability we need healers and dps" The ranged class sat by silently saying nothing. But now the table has been turned We see the melee guys screaming nerf nerf nerf the ranged class.