got it :cool:
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how can i become a premium user?????????what need i to do?
A couple that have been spammed more often (usually in trade chat):
WTB - Want to buy
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade
And for all manner of things:
PST - Please send tell
I am new to DDO so I just want to say thanks to you guys for posting this.
OSP - Out of Spell Points
LSP - Low Spell Points
Thanks for this! I am pretty MMORPG/web acronym savvy...and have a fair amount of old AD&D experience. Yet, I still found myself lost in almost every one of the guide threads. I love it when a game has a consolidated glossary of terminology.
I know I'm probably pretty old-school despite being new here. Rather than PnP, I've often heard it referred to as TT (tabletop).
Thanks Shal - very helpful. Extremely helpful.
Can you please expand more on PUG though? (Ok, "pick up group" - this is like just an LFM party?) I still don't quite get that. Yeah - I'm a noob/newbie (I hear those terms used interchangeably - or maybe it's just me. :( )
Also what about just "Pull" as opposed to "Body pull". Probably a definition like "technique when only 1 or a few party members will go out and get the aggros of whole or only part mobs and bring them back to be dealt with by remaining party members at a particular location"
Oh yeah and "death taxi" - technique of leaving yourself bound somewhere such that if you want to get back quickly to a group forming as it's much faster (very common for Shroud).
And stuff with "spell points" ="SP" makes more more sense to me. Although I still talk about it as mana too - it just seems to be consistent with this particular game to call them SP and that's what the parties I've been with seem to all talk about as well.
Awesome thread!
Finally found out what IIRC means :)
Does anyone really use that definition? to me, that's body pulling. Kiting refers to "attacking one or more melee monsters with ranged weapons and running around so they can't hit you," in my book. Does kiting really mean body pulling to others?cQuote:
Originally Posted by Shal
I need to know, to keep the wiki's glossary accurate.
thanks, great guide
End game is missing. I defined it as "Term used to refer to the activities or quests done by characters at the maximum level." on the wiki.