The phrase "hey, I'm going to pull this lever, let me know what it does!" is simply a long-winded way of saying "everybody, duck".
Elrana, Ghallanda
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The phrase "hey, I'm going to pull this lever, let me know what it does!" is simply a long-winded way of saying "everybody, duck".
Elrana, Ghallanda
Drowladin of Ghallandra
says "kill the casters first!" ;)
The lowly Korthos "Curative Cloak" and "Bracers of Assistance" have saved many lives, even in Epics.
Steeli, Argonnessen
"I was a cleric before it was cool."
- Andurian, Sarlona
"Want to test your mettle? Run 'The Pit' solo (with one hire) at level 4." -Xenowulf Teknikko ("King of 'The Pit' "), Ghallanda
"Run and don't look back, because it will only slow you down. And give us forumites a chance to catch up!" Livmo, Sarlona.
"Kill the weaker first."
"Get flags to raids and repeat it as much as you can in it level range."
"Generally it's possible to adventure in quests 4 levels above yours. Use it to get flags to raids sooner as possible."
"Some party leaders sets level ranges above the minimum level needed to enter the quest. Ask then to join they may agree."
"To make your loot really worth put it on auction."
"Last moon I sold 20 dragon scales for 60 astral shards. It's a nice way to make wealth."
"In most of quests be wiped is not the end. Release, repair and run back to quest you have 5 minutes to do it."
"In most of cases casters need a direction. To avoid then use obstacles or run in zig-zag."
"Enjoy events some of your items can be worth much at auctions."
Nyrvjjn Canto da Tempestade - Sarlona
There be ham and broccoli around. But 'tis never found by looking for it.
Steeli, Argonnessen
Im a professional piker. Why? Because someone has to do it.
I know you can, but can you look this good doing it?
Lagin, thelanis
"Meat Smithing; Tasty Ham can be turned into Tasty Ham Oil at the Stone of Change for your warforgered/bladeforgered to consume!" Livmo, Sarlona.
"No matter how much you try, no matter how many you keep alive during "Crystal Cove", Kobolds still hate you." -Zbran Cober, Cannith
Crystal Cove teaches us Kobolds "see" with their noses. So where's my "scentless" buff?
Steeli, Argonnessen
"I only planned on staying in Stormreach a short while. That was Four years ago." -Timp O'Rary, Cannith
Death comes to all... But if it comes to you more than a dozen times in a single quest, maybe this isn't your game.
Steeli, Argonnessen
A friend who collects "Potions of Wonder" is no friend in a quest.
Steeli, Argonnessen
"Always kill the casters first. They're certainly trying to kill yours." -DagazUlf
A good guild is a home. A bad guild is still a buff-station and allows you to buy from House Kundarak vendors.
Steeli, Argonnessen
"Clerics can't heal you if they can't see you"
Kachinna, Argo
Warning: Stay out of the Waterworks. Kobolds have long memories.
Steeli, Argonnessen