I think she means to say pure ranged rangers are not op like splashes !!
Originally Posted by
What are you trying to say here?
And i have to agree with her ! Monkchers in particular have so many advantages over the pure ranger .
Movement speed for kiting those fast mobs , Better saves , Improved evasion , Better APR= Arrows per minute , Which translates too more dps ! Better healing amp , Better defense from poor design .......... Robes !!!
And they get a better critical profile !! Where is there a feat or an enhancement outside of improved critical or overwhelming for the pure build without being unreasonable and going heavily into a near useless destiny ??
Monkchers and there variants " And i will add 12/8 rogue ranger into that mix as well " Are so op that i believe they left out the expanded crit profile on new bows to try and keep them at bay !! While at the same time hurting anyone who stays pure !!
So they heavily outdo a 20 AA ranger !!
There is no tradeoff what so ever !! Wait rangers can get more use out of doubleshot " They do as well "
But who cares about doubleshot when you can have a superior version of it named 10k stars !!
All this and at the same time i will agree that a slayer arrow should only work on the first arrow as well for any class that incorporates its use , But at the same time they would make everything else work like this and severely gimp rangers and ranged classes all together !!
And if they do put a nerf bat/fix in for adrenaline+slayer then they need to look at making another destiny explicitly for ranged , And i mean all types of ranged combat , Preferably a dps destiny for ranged combat !!
Shiradi could of been so much more , Running in shiradi as a ranged user means you really don't have a dps or worthy epic moment . Yeah tea is cool for utility . ill have more later