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Btw, spyder, as someone who does only get hit on a 3 threat-tanking elite TOD, there's still something to be said for blocking, becuaes it does reduce incoming damage even further. Both Horoth and Suulomades have 19-20 crit ranges (they have ic: natural weapon), and the difference in incoming damage for people who block and don't is noticable, both as a tank and as a healer. I will at times stop and block if something very busy or wrong ish appening in the Suulo area to reduce the needed healing on myself, and it makes a difference. There's a benefit to intimitanking, as well as a benefit to threat tanking. I clearly prefer the latter, as that's how I built my character, but I would welcome it being easier to be an effective intimidate paladin, even if it just meant 70s intimidate and not the feat-spending, fighter-style Lailat lock. If we got half the intimidate stalwart defenders did (1 pt per tier instead of 2), I could nofail intim Horoth if I wanted as well. I'd still threat tank, but there are a variety of benefits to having access to the other method, and situations in which the other method is useful are not limited to Lailat.
There are also more advantages to building for threat, even though its much harder (you have to get 5 more armor class without blocking, for example), primarily that it's much easier to support having a dps mode, whether its your TWF, or my silver sword of shadows. Threat's also more reliable when its allowed to work, as it persists through lag, doesn't lead to the boss randomly whacking the party 2-3 times when intimidate doesn't fix properly, and, outside of the harder time maintaining equivalent ac, it's actually less buff dependent in a lot of ways: if something goes wrong, you can get back to the task at hand quicker (though regaining aggro may take a little longer, the difference isn't that large vs needing bardsong and etc, at least with righteousness and a sos in your hand).
Tanking has a lot of stigma on DDO because, once content is not challenging, it isn't welcome unless it's as fast or faster than simply brute forcing the quest. A threat tank that has to be waited for for even 10s engenders complaints. Many players view any kind of ramp-up or any requirement that other players hold back slightly as unacceptable. Personally, I feel like the developers ought to just bow to that reality and support the tanking with threat modifiers that permit them to do just that. However, pretty much every other MMO that's ever existed is able to get their playerbase to handle that kind of play, and in fact it's often one of the few responsibilities for dps players (along with 'dont stand in the fire, twit'). However, as long as its as easy (just some resources) to either not tank or to ignore the consequences of being irresponsible (the extra 3 mass cures that come from horoth whacking the party twice because someone pulled aggro), people will continue to treat the entire concept with contempt.
As to the poster above me, I may in fact be even -more- tricked out than Spyderwolf's build, and I'd agree its unfortunate that characters need to be on that level to be able to barely do this job. On the other hand, we're barely doing this job in the very hardest circumstance out there (elite tower), and in some ways it would simply be better if other roles and classes were more demanding in such a way that only the best dps players and the best healers and the best casters could thrive in those same situations. On the other hand, I think DDO is getting away from anything being so gear and grind-dependent as to have content that such a small percentage of players would be able to succeed at. Epic has been made easier repeatedly and my guess is that it will be again, because it's simply too hard for people without a lot of time spent on the game for prior knowledge to do it smoothly, easily and without significant grief or resource use. Even now there are groups of players who routinely do epic quests in more time it takes me to solo them and feel great about doing so without any resource loss, and in fact they're far more successful than most players in their guilds and on their servers. The dividing line between those players and me isn't even about play skill: its simply about knowledge and repetition and equipment quality.