Originally Posted by
Well, lets examine that in terms of matters of degree:
A) Should traps cripple, or kill on elite at level, even once a given pack is unpopular enough that it's tough to find a group for?
B) If cripple:
1) how many casts of self-healing should it take on average to recover to full for a main healing specced class, such as cleric or favored soul?
2) As above, but for classes such as palies, rangers, and arties where self-healing is built in, but not necessarily the main focus to the point where it's expected?
3) How should that correspond to scroll usage?
C) How many pots should innate self healing represent for those without any of that capacity?
I think most would generally tend to agree that the proportions are a bit out of whack. Particularly the last, but B:1-3 as well.