Thanks for the info. +1. Was wondering this.
So I guess on my 6 mules I can:
Get ham
Get tome and crunch into purified shards which I can pass to alts?
Other ways to give stuff to alts?
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Fair enough, although that list also includes 5x slayer boosts, 4x spirit cakes, 5x guild renown boosts, rest shrine, each of which can be used by melees. Sure they may not have the same perceived 'value' as a Tome, but their value is greater than 'nothing,' which is what you would have if they were not doing this for the birthday celebration at all. I guess I just don't see the point of complaining that they are giving us things for free.. things that we would not have had otherwise unless we wanted to spend TP for them.
Pretty awesome if you ask me. Ham and other items for people who don't need the tomes. :)
The ham barrels are really awesome too. :)
Nope, I am pretty egotistical (I can own upto that one :)), but I am not self centered enough to tell someone else that their own pure opinion is wrong.
Just like I will readily admit that many of the new players in the game will find the list very exciting. I am not someone who finds it very exicting, but that doesn't mean that I am deluded enough to think that others could not feel that way.
We could actually be talking about ways to make the list more exciting for a wider variety of players instead of you telling me that no I am wrong I really should be excited.
I know everyone in the forums is so uber they never die and don't need a spirit cake, and all their guilds are capped at 100, and they never need an extra rest shrine b/c they are so awesome at sp conservation, but talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth...
Beware Ghallanda ...
"Gather around mates, gather 'round! It's DDO's sixth birthday, we got pigs to blew up!"
5x Slayer Boosts - Might be useful in the expansion, of minimal use now.
4x spirit cakes - Minimal Use to high end melees. Not like you are going to solo something
5x Guild Renown - again minimal use.
Rest Shrine - Cannot be used in Raids - little or no use.
The problem is it kind of like your crazy little aunt that gives you a [insert wierd gift here], there is no question that the hearts in the right place but the gift itself is of little or minimal value.
Sure I would have love to seen a +3 BTC Tome or a +2 BTA but I would settle for getting the items as a BTA.
A nice update to a classic anniversary item. I feel it's a bit shy of a "great" update - but it is good to see that the Devs have listened to/responded to the pleas for the return of the cake. Does having characters who will have two pieces of cake socked away in their inventories mean I've been around this game too long? Who cares, it's cake. And cake is good.
"All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much."
George Harrison