Adjust Raids and EE before Classes
Here is my take on Class Balance as it affects my game play and enjoyment.
(A) [Epic Elite] ~ Irrelevant. EE is just a small portion of the game. What character combinations play or don’t play EE doesn’t factor into my build choices for running heroic level content, Epic Normal , Epic Hard and most raids before level 26. My disinterest in EE stems from the inflated bag of hit points that dominate those quest. I find EE tedious rather than challenging. Having said that; in my view, EE should be a challenge for the best builds with the best gear and not necessarily accessible to every wacky multi-class combination under the sun.
(B) [End Game Raid Design] ~ Important. This is 100% on Turbine and the raid mechanics it creates. Are save or die mechanics so extreme that a character with evasion and divine grace is a must? If so, we design builds with those characteristics? Is it too dangerous to engage monsters in melee range? If so, we design builds for missle fire and long range spell kiting.
Turbine, it is up to you to design mechanics that incentivize a wider variety of build choices. Are there traps that need to be disabled by someone specialized in that task rather than just evaded and ignored? Is there a reason to tank something rather than just kite it or kill it? Add monsters that are difficult to kite or kill but needed to be controlled, say one with a glass jaw that is easy to stun, but every time one is killed two more come back in its place. Or undead spirits resistant to physical attacks that are particularly vulnerable to turn undead. Give us problems that can’t all best be solved by one universal solution and we will play a greater variety of builds (and have more fun doing so).
(C) [Class Identity] ~ Relevant. Character power resides in Enhancements and Epic Destinies ~ unlocked through various levels of multiclassing. In this context, rating the strength of the paladin class as whole (2 or 4 levels of Paladin –great!, 20 levels of Paladin – not so much) or the relative strength of any other class misses the mark.
Most of the time this is a good thing. Being able to build and play almost anything on your own terms is what makes DDO worth playing. So long as I can have fun and reasonable success in EN playing a 7 wizard/13 zombie monk or a 12 ftr/7bard/1 barbarbarian brutal throwing halfling I consider the game balanced. Fringe builds such as these don’t necessarily need to excel in EE or even raids.
Where this is a problem is when a central feature of a class is so weak by comparison it becomes unplayable at upper heroic levels and EN content. At a minimum, a core concept of a class should be sufficiently strong to be enjoyable at all levels of content. Here are just two small examples:
DRUIDS: Bear Form/ Wolf Form. Unplayable at Epic levels and insufficiently supported at heroic levels. I havn’t found any workable class/enhancment combination for playing in bear form. The only way I can make wolf get by is to mult-class. This seems criminal that pure Druids are effectively barred from playing as Bears.
TRAP MAKING/ TRAP MONKEY: Trap making (mines/grenades) are far too weak even for casual solo play at heroic levels. Epic level play is out of the question. The trap making aspect of Rogue Mechanic is a joke in terms of relative power and there is no support within Epic Destinies. On the flip side, a dedicated trap monkey is emasculated by DDO quest design. There are exceptions, but for the most part, traps are absent or when present its more efficient to heal/raise your way through the trap then reward a dedicated trapper. As often as not, a minor splash in a few levels of rogue or artificer is enough to handle most traps.
1. First, before you do anything else, scale down the inflated hit points and to a certain extent, the excessive damage of EE monsters.
2. Second, look at raid design as a means to diversify end game builds. Make stealth, fascinate, charm, sunder, shield block, intimidate, healing, turning, assassinate, ranged, control, insta kill, energy damage, trip, etc. vitaly important at various times.
3. Be sure Raid end rewards are balanced for a variety of classes too. Look at CITW for example, not much reason to play a divine caster when this was end game based on the raid loot.
4. (*) Raise the relative power level of the Epic Moments of various destinies [Primal Avatar, Fate Singer, and Unyieding Sentinal in particular are categorically rejected in favor of other, stronger destinies]. (*) If you only have time for one class balance change, make revisiting all epic destiny moments the main focus.
5. Dramatically increase the capstone power of pure classes. Each capstone should be greater in power than both evasion and divine grace (benefits offered by splashing 2 levels or rogue/monk or paladin).
6. Link capstone with a specific Epic Destiny to increase the power while in that destiny and further reward playing a pure class. For example, Archmage Capstone (Master of Magic) could be linked "Arcane Adept" from Magister i.e. a 20th level wizard could gain 25% reduction in spell point cost instead of 10%.
7. Identify core concepts of various classes. Make sure these abilities are supported and scale in usefulness through all levels of gameplay (1 – 30). Consider whether these features are viable in EE and if not balance accordingly. Provide gear and quest/raid content that utilize and augment these abilities. Examples that fall short in EE relative to current FOTW builds include:
• Wolf/Iron Defender Enhancements @ Epic (Artificer/Druid)
• Trap Making [mines, grenades] (Artificers, Rogues)
• Rune Arms (Artificers)
• Damage Reduction (Barbarian)
• Fascinate (Bards)
• Control ~ Dance, Hold, Daze, Hypnotism (Bard, Wizard)
• Sonic Damage Spells (Bards)
• Turn Undead (Cleric, Paladin)
• Healing (Cleric, FVS, Druid)
• Bear Shape Change Melee (Druid)
• Wolf Shape Change Melee (Druid)
• Sword and Board (Fighter, Paladin)
• Stealth (Rogue, Ranger)
• Trap Disarming (Rogue, Artificer)
• Insta-kill (Wizard, Clr)
A. Before you do any nerfing, implement steps 1-7 above
B. Before you do any nerfng; Turbine, ask yourself, is the game more fun to play because of this abilitiy? Let the “fun factor” temper whatever measures you deem necessary
C. Legendary Dreadnaught (Blitz). I’m not convinced this is unbalancing the game. Master's Blitz is great for solo play but less impressive when other Blitzers are in the party competing for kills. Bring up the power of other Epic Moments to provide a viable alternative in a different Destiny rather than nerf blitz.
D. If Turbine is insistent on Nerfing don’t mess with the cool down or charge up; maybe cap max damage stack at 5 times instead of 10.
E. Shirardi Caster. I’m not convinced this is unbalancing the game. I enjoy running quests with a Shirardi caster in my party. It does not make me feel marginalized or like I need to reroll into something else. They are a fun build that is fun to play with.
E. Weakening the Shirardi destiny would be a mistake; it would penalize too many other potential builds from archers to throwing weapon builds.
F. Restricting Double Rainbow from spells would be a mistake. The randomness of a volley of magic missiles adds fun to the game. DDO is made better by the fact that this type of build can exist.
G. If Turbine is insistent on Nerfing maybe reduce the proc rate slightly for spells or cap the number of times it can trigger per second but don’t eliminate the build altogether
H Fury Shot. I’m not convinced this is unbalancing the game. In addition to Min/Max builds it provides fun for lesser ranged builds
I. Restricting Adrenaline from ranged combat would be a mistake. Periodically seeing big numbers is fun (although the magnitude of those numbers may be worth questioning)
J. If Turbine is insistent on Nerfing maybe restrict Adrenaline to the first arrow and only the first arrow of a multishot attack.
K. Refer to Item #1 again….. “First, before you do anything else, scale down the inflated hit points and to a certain extent, the excessive damage of EE monsters” No nerfs are sensible without a balance to EE content as well.