Still no fixes for Bard songs not working on WF? Or is that WAI?
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Still no fixes for Bard songs not working on WF? Or is that WAI?
Well... Considering the short time frame those changes look pretty **** good.
you could just get a mask ???
Well I'm late, but only recently been able to finally play on Lamannia (YaY :D )
Not sure what the problems was with starting Vet, I saw no difference
Haven't tried Grotto yet
And late testing the ship
the changing instances, well that is faster, and me likes ;)
I am playing on a old machine so the lag was more noticeable, but it could have been more latency on my end, waiting till later when there is less traffic and see if it was or was not a connection on my end.
I'm just happy because it took me 6 weeks once I started downloading Lamannia to finally getting to log in, sux when one is on a FAP, and limited to the amount of Bandwidith can be used.
How do you fight on the ship is it mobs or is it just attacking the air?
With all of the fixes to the Mabar event in 7.1, does that mean that we will see the event again after the patch? Or did I miss something? Thanks.
Thoon, can you comment on why the hate generation for the Stalwart Defender PrE was fixed, yet that for the Defender of Siberys was not?
Fear spell was broken in that it would no longer use the fear animation, scream or cone effect. It was working as an individual target spell with no animation or sound.
I logged onto Lamania, cast the spell utilizing a directional cone but it would not cast. I targeted a mob and cast the spell. The spell animation initiated from the mob and feared the mob and the target next to the mob that was targeted. In simpler terms it is working like a group effect spell instead of a cone effect spell. It's actually quite funny to observe...
Basically, Stalwart was fixed, going from non-functional, to working and useful, while Defender of Siberys went from non-functional, to working and pointless, since 3 tiers of an expensive PrE yields less threat generation than, and doesn't stack with, Divine Righteousness, a paladin enhancement with no prerequisites that costs 1 AP and is available at lvl 6. So, the paladin threat on stance wasn't fixed, it was merely changed to not be non-functional.
You're using a sarcastic definition of "not fixed" to indicate your dissatisfaction with the design, which will be unclear to a community relations staffer who's just flipping through changelogs to see if there was literally a bugfix applied to Fighters that Paladins didn't get yet.
I say "design flaw" a lot to emphasis that the problem was in the realm of the designers and not programmers. Like Bluff in combat: technically it's working because you can get another Sneak Attack, but the design fails because the ratio of time to benefit is unfavorable.
I just found one problem with the the starting ship for Vet Status.
The Half-Orc cannot run up the starboard ramp to the Captain, He's just too big.
it's a minor problem not a game breaker, just need to run up Port side instead, I only found this with the Half-Orc. No problems with Humans or Half-Elfs
so the DoS stances wont stack with divine righteousness ................phooey. suggestion: make the DoS stances a sacred bonus to hate gen and make divine righteousness a comp bonus to hate gen.. there, everybody is happy.
I'd recommend the reverse, actually, that way a paladin/fighter combo would be worthwhile, and maintaining incentives, or at least benefits to multiclassing is important.
My suggestion would be to type Divine Righteousness as a sacred bonus, drop it to 50%, type the hate bonuses on DoS as competence and have them scale up to 100%. That caps out at +150% generation vs. the 300% that we were supposed to have had while DoS was broken, which seems to be the dev's intent.
I'm just curious. Why is it that now you guys finally address the defensive stance threat generation, and then you feel the need nerf the **** out of it? Granted, it didn't work before so we're getting more than we were, but still it's really stupid. 50% threat means garbage if you're a tank against a fully specced out Barb. That's not even the worst part though. Stalwart Defender at least gets a bonus to their prestige now because the extra threat is working. Defender of Siberys does not because for some reason, you guys felt the need to make the threat generation of Defender of Siberys not stack with Divine Righteousness.
Divine Righteousness costs 1 AP, and is available at level 6, same as the first tier of Defender of Siberys. However, Divine Righteousness is 100% threat, as opposed to stance being 25% threat. Is this a joke? That makes the Defender of Siberys prestige worthless in it's entirety. Sure, you get +4 dodge ac at tier 3. AC is worthless in this game, you guys designed it that way. You get +4 str/con... whatever, Knight of the Chalice is still way better for doing damage, which makes that bonus minute and pointless. Saves? Paladins already have overkill saves. So now Defender of Siberys went from a broken prestige, to a pointless prestige and is now the most useless prestige in the game. Defender of Siberys stance should be changed to a competence bonus, same as Stalwart Defender, or completely rewritten to do something different. As of now, it's garbage.
Everyone might as well TR their paladins to half-orc barbarians. At least then you could use the brute fighting enhancements (which are cheaper than the Defender of Siberys prestiges and do better at threat generation) and hate tank anything all day long. Barbs also have intim as a class skill, so there is no reason to be a paladin tank ever.