That's right up there with my Okinawa joke...
If you put an orange inside a sock, do you get orange sake? :D
PS: Very clever. I chortled.
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Nookie always trumps Raiding I love to raid but if I had the other option the raiding could wait lol.
But that being said Lorien hit the head on the nail I guess I have an advantage being a gamer but I never understood females who would see their guys gaming and want to take them away for you know what but meh whose to say when the mood hits you eh?
Either way hope you got to have some out of game fun now get back to raiding! lol
Multitasking is also an option hehe Sirea beat me to that comment but its so true :p as long as you know when not to hit push to talk :eek:
"brb Bio"
Real life takes precidence. There is always another raid. What about if you change up the situation a bit? What if you 6 month old baby starts flipping out? Are you gonna stay with the raid group? i hope for the sake of your baby that you bail...
If I have a possibility of my baby interupting I always tell people "I may have to AFK for indeterminate periods of time because of my baby." and if they don't like it I leave the group.
And besides... nothing like DDO and... well... she better not get up too fast....
As someone who spends alot of time playing DDO, i have had this happen before (not in raid but in groups). I think women want to know they are the most important thing and sometime want to put us guys in situations where we have to make a choice. For me it was a no brainer."Sry guys gotta go!".
You do not ignore your lady for games. Not under any circumstance. If that means logging out during a roll for the Sword of 1000 truths, so be it. Your guildies will forgive you. And if not, they cant do much to you, they cant even hurt you if you dont enter an area where they can do so. Your lady however is not bound by any particular pvp ruleset and you need to remember that.
As for ignoring a man to play games, I cant speak to that. Its never come up since for me fun time can be shifted to login+fun time and I really genuinely dont mind at all and never have.
And that is a scientific fact.
Does DDO get you laid? No.
Can it? No.
Does it get you anywhere closer to it? No.
Can you show your new raid loot to your significant other, and instantly insert <blank> into <blank>? No.
Does DDO wake up to you in the next morning? No.
Does it bail you out of ******** luncheons with your mother-in-law? No.
Disclamer : There are always exceptions to the rule of absolute, but they better make for a dammn good story lol
Wow strakeln only an hr? I be killed if it was that short:). But in all seriousness tell the group look man duty calls I'm gone for the evening. Im sorry but pleasure over raid loot any day:) Regardless of how minimal my ddo time is this year due to a deployment.