Should issues with hirelings now go into bug reports? Having a shrine isse in Inner Splinterskull (part 6)
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Should issues with hirelings now go into bug reports? Having a shrine isse in Inner Splinterskull (part 6)
Yes definitely file a bug report if you have a Hireling problem.
And if it's the Shrine in Splinterskull that I'm thinking off (first one right?) there are some shrines they're having an issue with and we definitely would like to continue to collect locs for, so file a bug report with a loc of the Shrine.
Also sometimes your Hireling might get confused and think that his rest shrine is a rez shrine and vice versa. You can often exit the room and re-enter to point him in the right direction.
I also ran in to this issue (prior to Patch) but all i would do was rest (get contract click back) then boot the Bum from group then click on contract again and bring him/her/it back in full SP and HP. ...
is there a new hireling list of names, class/race type, Lvl's?
I didn't see it in the compendium where I think it use to be.
They're still available over in the Compendium. (I added a link to the article just in case)
We also added a category of Hirelings by level range to help make it easier to look through
Is there a limit on the number of times a Hireling will use a resurrection shrine per quest? Mine died several times, and after the 3rd time, he wouldn't use the res shrine. I took his stone back to one he'd used successfully before, and he wouldn't use that one either. Should I file a bug report?
Upon my scrying pool I read this from the hireling: "Bah, all my stuff are worn and this leader probably will lead me to death again. Why don't I quit? Three times its a charm. " :D
Since its Festivult, I'll let the hireling(s) decide their fate to show their personalities or are they not allowed personalities? :eek:
My cleric had a personality she absolutely refused to raise any WF in the party:eek:
Tonight I ran Redemption on elite and to help out, I bought the contract for Vendrack (sspelling, I don't remember his exact name) the lvl 2 paladin from the Orc hireling vendor in the Harbor near the mailbox. He did very well in the quest, he even threw me a lay on hands when I was getting low. Something I noticed, when Lars Heyton (the new Coyle) was low on hps, I asked to throw a Lay on Hands on him, he said Agreed, but never did it.
I've noticed the paladins tend to use up their lay on hands (on themselves) immediately after shrining if they're still low on health. They also don't seem to have extra lay on hands. Would be nice if the icon on the quickbar would gray out or something (or show a counter like our own "clickie" abilities) so we could tell when they're used up.
OK, so my hireling charges in and gets beat up all of the time. Fine.
I want to be able to give my hireling gear.
Restriction: I cannot give him BOUND items. That way, I do not go around and try to score all the MITHRIL armor from Hound and keep it for my hirelings. :>)
But, the gear I give him/her, is not coming back. I can choose to sell the treasure or give it to my hireling. What does this accomplish?
Removes some gear out of the game.
Removes some gold from the game, because I am not selling that +4 shield.
Helps my hireling last a bit longer and not just be a mana drain.
Helps me complete the quest, thereby making it enjoyable for me, and not babysitting my hireling.
The only kind of weapons I can give the hireling is the EXACT same weapon the hireling is using. If the hireling is using a Great Axe, Kurik, then I can only give him a great axe.
If the hireling does not use a shield, I can give him a shield but then it is JUST GONE. He/she does not use it anyway.
Using a hireling take away any experiance points??
Death penalty for a hireling is 5%. If a PC dies, then the 10% hit occurs.
The penalties don't "stack", though. If PC dies, XP report shows the removal of the no deaths bonus. If the hirling dies first, the XP report gets adjusted and shows a 5% bonus. If a PC dies after that, then the 5% bonus goes away as well.
how about bards hirelings? could anybody of them cast "inspire competence"?
Do we have any hirelings that can cast harm yet? Couldn't find an easy way in the compendium to search hirelings by spells.
It would be AWESOME if hirelings could kite :3
they die waay to fast when they have too much aggro.
PrEs would be awesome for the hirelings :D
ie. Flare-Warforged Level 8 Sorc. Fire Savant? :D
*EDIT: Hirelings level 6 and above. would be amazing if cleric hirelings had radiant servant. :3
I like how each hireling has a personality, but sometmes their stubborness to heal others of other races can lead to a wipe :3(speed of healing). I've noticed a slight speed difference of hirelings reaction tend to be a bit faster as the levels are higher? not sure. I'd like to experiment with all the hirelings, but most of them arnt even what i need in a party. I hate it when the hirelings in danger, and heals me instead :3
What would be Awesome is if they would fix the distance issue already !
right now you have them coded for x distance from whoever summoned them...... must be an easy fix to change that # to something higher.
This would help with them getting all in our fights, then just standing there and getting killed, as they just stand there not knowing what to do, heal themself or heal the summoner.
Well maybe one of these updates during one of these years, we can only hope.
And no i didn't use a raise dead scroll on this thread......someone else did :>P