If we could use ours bow like clubs and hit as hard as the archers in POP then you would see a huge surge in the creation of bow weilding melee rangers. :D
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well there is an artical on Wizards about throwing weapons.
IT talks about attacking more then once per round with thrown weapons, and they will be talking about projectiles next week(this would include arrows/bows and bolts/crossbows.)
You should honestly take your own advice. Allow me the chance to correct your mistakes. Ahem....
Start with punctuation, maybe throw in a little capitalization. Then, when we don't feel like that we've just run a marathon after reading your post, we can figure out what the heck you are trying to say. Ok? Am i making myself clear on this point? If I’m not, please let me know, because I can re-clarify and let you know just what it is you are doing wrong. I think if you took some time to just slow down and add periods, I would not have such a big problem with your posts. Ok?
(The "I think if you took some time to just slow down and add periods" statement doesn't sound right, but I left the grammar as is, for the most part.)
And back to the subject at hand,
I am glad the update is going live tomorrow. I am looking forward to the increased weapon sets and the adjustments to the auction house.
I wasn't talking about thrown weapons. When you attempt to melee a POP (Prison of the Planes) archer they stop shooting and use the bow like a club. They hold it with two hands and whack you with it. The damage they can produce is INCREDIBLE. Even without criticals they can quickly get my Paladin to half his HP with 2-3 swings (and I have 100% fort).
Yeah, I think this is pretty awesome as well. :)
I was in another quest once where the mobs are easily corralled and I was about to fall asleep, but now that they wander, one happened to and nearly wiped the party. That definitely woke me up and made it fun, haha ~ gg
I'm sad to see that lesser restore/remove paralysis potions still can't be used while in a condition where you can't cast spells (Barbarian Rage, helpless due to stat damage, Madstone Rage, Tenser's Transformation, Underwater). Hopefully they'll take a look at it. Seriously, I'd rather have it back the way it was before we could use them on others.
What happend to...
This isn't in the first look release notes, but was in last week's WDA. What gives here? This quest is one of the few that have stood the test of time, but now is broken every other time I've run it. Hopefully it was an oversight, and this will be in the final release notes tomorrow.Quote:
Originally Posted by Samera
Yeah, im all for making it tougher, do whatever you can. Making end boss in pop teleport is a start.
Im sorry but im old-school.... if you died in my party, you wouldn't regen XP....You would be lucky to wake up naked in the woods with none of your loot.....lol (Ohh! perish the thought!)
Theres not alot that challenges me in this game except maybe getting DQ pre-quests done on all my toons....
I can solo pop, come on now....I shouldnt be able to solo one of the hardest quests in the game.....reaver is, im sorry to say a joke....easy raid...i could go on.....
Can't you buckle down a bit and stop playing to the kiddies and give us something you don't think we can handle? What's the worse that will happen? We regen our XP.....OH NO!
Please take no offense to this post...love the game :)
It would just be nice if rangers did as much damage as melee, since they generally draw more aggro and take MUCH more damage while the melee are trying to catch up. Kill shots should be a lot more frequent, since I would aim for the neck as an archer, or the heart while the enemy's fighting a melee person. Or maybe I'd simply incapicitate an enemy by shooting in the crotch, or take out his/her shield arm. Honestly, tho, I think I could block a swing from someone a lot easier with a shield than I could an arrow from someone I didn't know was shooting at my jugular.
Rangers spend as much time as fighters building their characters. I don't think rangers should equal fighters in melee, but they should at LEAST equal them in ranged combat. A fighter can often even outrange a ranger, tho. So can a rogue or bard. That's kind of sad.
It's also sad to see straight melee who can't do anything but yell, "Keep me healed, give me HASTE again and again, give me buffs, let me get the most kills!" Especially when rangers do more DPS.
Also, it seems rare to find a +1 flaming bow, while +1 elemental melee items are common, especially dwarven axes -- which should not be common. And why should a dwarven fighter draw a +1 vorpal icyburst throwing dwarven axe of destruction (that may not be the correct description, but it's close), when it is less likely (or impossible, as far as I know) for a ranger to draw the same weapon as a bow?
There is no such thing as a true shield fighter anymore, so why make fighters who take a LOT more healing (especially if they can reach 500+ HP), generally, more powerful than they should be.
Totally agree here. Just chuck some arrows/bolts into that free ranged ammo slot, pick up a decent dps bow/xbow, and now everyone in the party can play the ranged game when need be.
Lost count of the number of times I've started saying "...ok, the easiest way is to range them down from here where they can't sleet storm us..." only to watch peeps jump onto the top of the maze in Crucible, get sleet stormed, then ***** that the quest is too hard because they can't find their way out of the maze when they fall.