My first day of ddo I made a cleric, playing with my 2 friends. Cleric barbarian wizards don't really work.
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My first day of ddo I made a cleric, playing with my 2 friends. Cleric barbarian wizards don't really work.
I learned that being a Rogue(For Traps)/Fighter(For Heavy Armor)/Wizard(For Spells) doesn't really work.
My first day in DDO: I realized that DDO was the best MMORPG.
My first day in Beta I made a Warforged and was amazed at the graphics. My first day in Live I made an elf to be a cleric/sorcerer because I wanted to see the graphics of as many of the spells I could, as quickly as possible. I also took a picture with about 200 other members of the Old Timers' Guild dancing on a table. Fun times! :)
on my 1st day on DDO ,I found a great place to Escape Reality ,and conect with old friends,at same time...thx DDO
yes, it was seven years ago,
my Brothers had me download the game and started to teach me the ropes,
I had just been recovering from a serious illness, and the game actually aided me in re-learning my hand co-ordination
and dexterity. .. I ran into lava, promptly died, fell off walls and tripped over dandelions, and thru the hysterical laughter from my Bro's I eventually got the hang of it, and
my hands and eyes started to heal..
and enjoy it.
Thank you :)
aka 'Lem' on Sarlona
I started playing D&D 25 years ago and have very fond memories of the adventures I played and some of the characters that I grew to love. The friendships I made were absolutely priceless as well. I started enjoying fantasy like a lot of people of my generation, by reading the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien. I believe that this helped broaden my imagination and made role playing in the D&D universe so much fun. I have always been into computer games, especially the swords & sorcery RPG variety. This started way back on the C64 with Pool of Radiance and the other original "Gold Box" D&D games. I remember hearing about DDO from a good friend of mine. He told me to check it out, but I was hesitant because at that time I was more into single player games and the concept of paying to play made me a bit hesitant. Years past and I continued enjoying other game franchises and fended off requests from friends and family to join that "other" big MMO out there. I recently moved across country and found that I wanted something to do in my leisure time off work this winter. I was tired of playing all the same old RPG's and nothing new caught my attention. One night I was checking out some stuff online about D&D and had an epiphany. I decided to go to the DDO website. I did a LOT of reading the forums and other things on the website and got real excited when I saw all the different adventures that there were to explore. With a little hesitation I decided to take the plunge and become a VIP. My first day playing was spent creating two classes of character that have always been favorites of mine. the Paladin and the Monk. I'll tell you I had a lot of fun running around on Korthos Island and seeing what these guys can do! Since then I have made a point of trying every quest that these guys can handle! They are now both level 10 and I am really enjoying the story lines of the different adventure packs and can't wait to try them all. I should have started playing DDO those years ago but I'm making up for lost time now. Happy 8th anniversary and a big thank you! I look forward to the new adventures to explore into epic levels and beyond!
My first day on DDO was a blur of character creation, recreation, name changing (which involved more recreation) and running around Korthos like a madman exploring all the nooks and crannies.
...I eventually actually got into a quest, but pretty sure not my first day.
My first day in DDO, I sulked!
My husband had spent most of the previous day downloading a stupid computer game onto my new laptop and then he made me play it. And I am still playing (and so is he). The only other computer game I have ever played is Zoombinis. Why would I want to spend my evening staring at screen when I have to stare at a screen all day for work?
Well I got over my sulk and now I enjoy this amazing world where I can be whatever I want to be for a coupla hours.
My first day was in beta and what I remember was that the game was running really slowly for the hardware I was running it on vs the graphical quality of the game.
My first day in DDO went something like this:
Ooh, pretty!
This moldy quarterstaff is not very effective. Oh well. WHACK WHACK WHACK!
Oh, I see, if you rotate the tiles you can make them light up.
Darn you, sneaky cultists! Stop whacking my crystal!
Where's the rogue trainer?
Can someone tell me where the "algid falls" are?
Where does the 3rd rare pop?
Can someone open elite for me?
Scuse me, why does your name have water wings?
Can someone tell me where the "algid falls" a--oh, there's a wiki? Thank you.
Sure, I'll join your guild! Ooh! Free stuff! Thank you!
Ow! Ice render hits hard!
We can't seem to group up. I think I'm on Sunny Side.
Wow, the Harbor is big and scary and complicated.
I rolled up a fighter and ran around Korthos (after being shipwrecked and running through the Grove, of course). It took me about an hour to find a name that wasn't taken. After finding a trap that I couldn't disable ('cuz, you know, I was a fighter), I deleted my fighter and rolled up a rogue THEN trained as a fighter, just so I could have a chance to diable traps and open locks.
My first day I got lost in the marketplace, which looked a lot different then...
I was finally playing that wonderful game I played in high school for such a short time. It took me a long time to settle on a server - kept switching and it took even longer to realize that this game is better when you group.
When I started there was no Korthos - it was Euphonia's quest then onto Goodblade quests and there was a kobold island.
(pre korthos)
Go on character creation,
Watch wizard video,
Think that looks cool, make wizard.
Go to magic training quest, repeat quest, repeat again, think I can level off 5xp per run.
Talk to halfing and get letter,
Teleport to Harbour, thinking this is easy.
Do first quest, die
Learn where the spell tab is.
Complete quest
Finish happy!
I learned melee combat is boring, healing is something I'm better at receiving than giving, casting is not something i should be trusted with, and - after my first trap - rogues rule!
My first day, i made a cleric. Hoping to relive my pen and paper days using a duel hammer wielding cleric. To my surprise i can! I enjoyed the narrations in dungeons. Also it dawned on me i wasn't going to be grinding X mob for hours to level. I was very impressed my first day playing DDO.
Very quickly on my first day of DDO, I realized I was.... "home".
My first day in DDO I ended up sneaking all Korthos Island with my daughter, She a rogue and I was a ranger. This was My first Contact with DDO and forever hooked.