First of all: I love DDO! Happy 8th Anniversary! You know what would make it even better?!?! FREE STUFFZ GIMME!!!! :-D
My first day was shortly after DDO became f2p. I was actually f2p for almost a year, then I started spending pretty heavily. Basicall, any bonus points promotions and I was deep in. So, f2p model definitely works :-)
I rolled a dwarven fighter. I wanted a monk, my favorit class from Neverwinter Nights, but it was p2p and as I said, I was f2p for a long time. I figured that I cannot really mess up fighter that much and thus, its a good start. I lured my buddy in the game and he started as a cleric (I kinda manipulated him in there, yes :-D), so I had hjealer!! with me. I was complete noob he was even worse, as i had at least some little idea how DnD works (In my country, we mostly play our national DnD mutation, called The Dragons´s Dungeon, which is much simplier). So... we did pretty well, untill the final Korthos village quest, which we finished easily on normal and then hard. feeling invincible (Dorf Fighter with cleric strapped on his back!!) we entered elite.
They slaughtered us.
Also, during the hard run, I dropped +2 Full plate armor and I felt like king.... :-D
I love DDO. I love those traps, I love that the game is, compared to many others, unforgiving. But truth to be told, it is NOT new player friendly. Took me 7 levels to learn the total basics. And two lives to start being decent.