Arrow of Slaying suggestion
Ok, going to propose a nerf and am prepared for the backlash/criticism/etc.
Revert Arrow of Slaying back to it's pre-pass status where it made arrows vorpal.
Giving vorpal is not nothing game breaking since L20 Monks get it and it can be selected as a Monk feat.
Making Slaying Arrows vorpal removes the possibility of synergizing it with Adrenaline since the vorpal damage is RNG dependent.
Vorpal still however gives decent damage.
Furyshotters can still make use of Snipershot in the Ranger DWS tree as their adrenalined shot.
If they do not have access to the DWS tree, then they have lower DPS by virtue of lacking Ranger training even if it is a 6 Lvl splash.
Then as a bone to L20 pure rangers, have the T5 Core upgrade slayer arrows to Improved Vorpal.
Vorpal coding is not something new.
There will be no need to recode Manyshot/10Kstars to only proc specials on the 1st shot.
You will be giving back something that Arcane Archers already had, which may be better than giving them something they may not like at all.
As for the individual saying that pure AA Rangers only specialize in one weapon, the autogranted TWF line sort of defeats that argument.
In reality, the only build that can truly be said to specialize in bows to the exclusion of everything else is the Fighter Kensai Archer.
Pre-pass there were a number of people playing such a build. Post-pass I have only seen a 2Rng/6Mnk/12Ftr Kensai hybrid.
edit: Sorry missed Blerkington's post while writing this
Extremely afraid of what the " nerf bows and shiradi " might do to the pure rnged rgr
For one pure ranged rangers are mediocre , mediocre with there healing , spells , ranged dps !!
Same for a bow user in shiradi , there's a reason why the bow user picks fotw or dreadnought over it !!
A pure ranged ranger in shiradi is average !!
I've tried both builds for a while with best gear in slots for both builds and the monkcher comes out miles ahead !!
I don't need my now average guy screwed . They will try and scale down fotm builds and other 10k builds and screw pures who might actually need a boost atm to oblivion !!
Same with shiradi they won't look at the disparity between the classes using it !!
And by the way Rangers in pen and paper have to choose a line to specialize in !