Originally Posted by
I see now. I have good news! In update 14, the way Empower (and all other feats) interacted with other forms of enhanced spell damage was changed. Instead of...
base * feats * (enhancements + items)
We now have...
base * (feats + enhancements + items)
This is why it is not correct to say "Empower multiplies your base dmg by 1.75", because it adds 75 to whatever your other spell power is. As I said, if you have no enhancements or items, then it would be correct to talk about multiplication, but as you agree that is such an unreasonable situation that it does not warrant mentioning. Put another way: turning on Empower never (essentially) multiplies your damage by 1.75. To exclusively refer to them as multiplication really only serves to cloud the issue.
I'm glad we were able to reach an understanding, and I appreciate your clarifying. :)