Here's another thought...
Go human, pure cleric
28 Point stats as follows:
STR 14, DEX 8, CON 14, INT 8, WIS 18, CHA 8
Use staff as your primary weapon
Feats at level 1: Toughness, Extend Spell
Feats at level 3: Empower Healing
Feats at level 6: Extra Turns (take RS I at this point as your PRE)
Find an adamantine type armor (hvy plate is best) or "invulnerability" as they will absorb damage from being hit (can be expensive though, but they're worth it at low levels).
Command is your friend, this spell will temporarily take one opponent out of the fight or make him easier to hit (many non-humanoids are immune though). Sonic Burst is another at level 3, it damages and stuns and is an AOE. Both of these spells should get your through a lot. Add in Bless or Aid and Divine Favor as melee buffs and have fun!
Command, smack smack, command, heal, smack get the idea.
Paradigm shift around levels 6-10, start thinking of healing/casting more and less meleeing. At this point your spells will be better DPS. Once you get Blade Barrier/Comet Fall/Destruction (11) you'll be kickin' butt with your mana as well as healing.
IMO this is what I do at lowby levels where melee is supreme. Just get a big stick and hit them til they don't get up. Once you level up past 6 start reviewing what you're doing, if it ain't workin' start rethinkin' you're spell slots and what kinda DPS you're packing (+3 Staff of "energy type" and pure good, is a good all around choice).
A good hireling for you will be a bard or arcane type that can give u buffs like blur, bard songs, haste, rage etc...
Potions are you're friend, if you can swing it, Haste/Rage/Heroism pots/clickies are a melees friend. Buy them lewt them, use them...
Haste nets faster swings, bonus to hit
Rage nets bonus to STR/CON which means more hit points and a better BAB and damage
Heroism nets bonuses to hits and saves.
Also, keep in mind you if you can't carry a spell yet, but can cast it, you can always buy the scroll in House J. So if you don't carry a meat shield spell like summon monster II or III, your could buy it and use it, there is no diff between carrying this spell and scrolling it (so carry a stack of 10 or so, for those times you need help with aggro).