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Smutt is love. Smutt is life.
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Elite it or Delete it!
Smutt is love. Smutt is life.
Hope it's not too late to reply.
From Caleene, a wizard on the Cannith server:
Hoardes of mobs are much more manageable when half of them are working for you. Don't underestimate your charm and suggestion spells.
From Tilenaa, a rogue on the Cannith server:
If you're building a trapper, don't ignore the spot skill. You won't ALWAYS make your save.
From Kristii, a barbarian on the Cannith server:
Let the rogue go first, especially if you've never been there before.
Always bring fire and acid to a troll party. Talame Sedar of Ghallanda
Always get yer reward when you have been raiding - Beldras Wyrmslayer (barbarian, Ghallanda)
Dreadsnought of Orien says:
Make sure you have a featherfall item the first time you teleport.
Get all the free bags and vendor purchaseable bags and largest quivers you can, you will need them
Take advantage of the special events, at least to get a set of critical BtA gear. Mysterious Bracers/ Cloaks, Spyglasses, even cookies from festivult have their place.
Take UMD for every life. Then enough spot and balance if you can work it in, after a critical specific character based skill (i.e. perform for bard).
If you are splashing rogue, take it at 1st level and at least 14int, better 16.
"Mantles!", said no one ever
"The Raise Dead Scroll - Don't leave home without it"
- Killowatt of Sarlona
PLEASE wait for your buff songs! -- Forgesong of Kbyber
"Web everything that moves; smash everything that doesn't."
- Therri Bulgaard @ Thelanis
It might not be the best plan to annoy all the archers at once
- Othala, Sarlona (just as he realised he was now a [dead] pin cushion)
1. All players can get a free Ingredients Green Bag, holds 30 items, by going to the House of The Twelve which is reached from the marketplace, crossing the bridge over the Fire Lake, going inside the building, and talking to Jeanselme Brucetius, <Twelve Patron>.
2. The most important magic item to have in this game, is some item that has permanent Feather Falling on it, Boots, Cloaks, or Rings.
3. When looking for gear or weapons, be sure to always check the brokers in the Marketplace, House Deneith Fare Trades, and House Kundarak Second Gauntlet Goods.
4. You can buy medium Collectable Bags(holds 30), medium Gem bags(holds 12 gems), and a Small Ingredients Bag at the Erstwhile Emporium in House Phiarlan. If you are low level, ask a friendly Bard to buy you one cheaper.
5. With Daily Dice Rolls, you can win Astral Shards(All players Silver Daily dice 15 or 35, VIP Only Gold 75 or 100) and you can use those shards to trade for Feather Falling, Water Breathing, or Blindness Immunity augments from the augment vendors.
Character Recipemaker
Server Cannith
Guild Top Chef School of Recipes
"You can try to heal me, but it won't work too well. Try repairing instead." - Shagarot von Nordvar, Bladeforged Paladin from Orien
"Don't be a cheapskate, invest in proper tools. It's better to have empty pouch than trap panel exploding right in your face." - Mecanus Powerblade, Warforged Artificer from Orien
They say you can't miss something you never had.
A high UMD is the exception to that rule. If all you ever use is teleport it's still worth it.
Krimsonrane -Orien.
When the rogue in front of you suddenly halts and moves his head like Stevie Wonder singing a ballad.... STOP MOVING.
Krimsonrane -Orien.
"Always shoot first."
Kassaria of Orien
"Do NOT do what I do, do what you are supposed to do." Tymelorde of Khyber.
"When going to the Vale of Twilight bring Paralyzing weapons, everything there is vulnerable!" -Samaka of Sarlona
"If you plan to TR ensure you obtain some upgraded Ioun Stones for your next life!" -Samaka of Sarlona
"Always bring potions for healing, curse removal, poison neutralization, disease removal, blindness removal, etc..." -Samaka of Sarlona
"It may seem like a strange idea at first, but True Resurrection is a lot of fun!" -Samaka of Sarlona
"Always wear something with Fear Immunity, or slot it into a yellow augment socket... always!" -Mylina of Sarlona
"Obtain the Ring of Ancestors (Raise Dead 1/day) and the Royal Guard Mask (Teleport 1/day) from the Restless Isles, especially if you TR!" -Mylina of Sarlona
Mercenaries are not a be-all-end-all solution to conquering a difficult dungeon. Make sure you bring some of your true friends, they won't let you down (as much.) -Majikalfists, from Orien.
When faced with a need for coins, powerful allies make powerful banks to withdraw from. -Majikalfists, from Orien
If the barbarian says he can fight the dragon, maybe he can. Maybe you should get the resurrection ready. -Majikalfists, from Orien
If the rogue stops, everyone stops. -Majikalfists, from Orien
If something smells fishy, its probably sahuagin. -Majikalfists, in response to Jeets, Orien
Death is a horrible experience, avoid it by bringing something to heal yourself. Your cleric(s) will thank you (and you'll probably not die.)-Majikalfists, from Orien
A lot can happen in ten years. -Majikalfists, from Orien
Fight in the doorway. -- Aeryyn the Staid, Thelanis (formerly Xoriat)