quotes from argo:
fat women are warm on cold nights -grindhaus
it was a good day in the hood, none of my kobolds got killed -scuddy
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quotes from argo:
fat women are warm on cold nights -grindhaus
it was a good day in the hood, none of my kobolds got killed -scuddy
"Many brave men lived through the Devils' Third Legion invasion, but all are weighed down in unending night, unwept and unknown, because they lacked the inspiration and musical inferno of a charismatic bard."
Mississippee Queen, Ghallanda
Dungeon Alert is not your friend.. unless your friends like to tie your ankles together then hit you with pointy things.. then, maybe.
Steeli, Argonnessen
“Stories ought not to be just little bits of fantasy that are used to wile away an idle hour; from the beginning of the human race stories have been used by bards - as magic instruments of healing, of teaching, as a means of helping people come to terms with the fact that they continually have to face insoluble problems and unbearable realities.”
Mississippee Queen,
“Oh! Blame not the bard, yet. Otto... OTTO!!! Look, the troglodytes seem to be dancing, as if they can't resist... Money is for nothing, but the trogs dance for FREE!!!"
Mississippee Queen
Tarril " The Mad Wizard " Moonstone of Orion " retreat backwards not forward into more enemies " " Keep calm and give me cookies " " if all else fails die within reach of a shrine but not on top of it " " just remember that death is temporary "
"I came here to pike and loot, and I'm all out of loot."
-Myrakka of Cannith
"I don't always push my goggles up on my forehead, but when I want to, saying "/googlesup on" seems to work!"
-Qwigley of Thelanis
Narrator in Walk the Butcher's Path: "It's an Ambush!"
Oomanovinoo: "A what sort of bush?"
Cannith Server.
"At level 1, when you put on your Founder's Helm that you were gifted from when you entered this strange land before it was completely formed, then put on your Boots of Minor Striding that you were gifted because you bought a Special boat ticket to this world, then you put on your Amulet of Natural Armor that you were gifted by buying your special ticket early, and finally you put on your Brooch of water breathing that you were gifted for buying your ticket from a special store, you will realize they are all junk within your first three quests and will never ever use them again."
"You'll never get lost, just as long as you're following somebody else."
- Cyclia of Cannith
"If you consider yourself a good person, please don't name your constructs the way my master named me."
- Swagettron Yoloborn
"Gunnysack. It's a burlap bag commonly found on rural farms. NOT a bit of male anatomy on a Marine NCO." Gunnysack, mule character, Thelanis.
"There's no wrong way to play DDO, have fun and buy cakes!"
-Musk, Argonnessen
The advice:
It's just a game. Dying and laughing about it is winning too. Remember this when your friends insist that you go first through the portal or door.
When you melee a skeleton archer or kobold shaman, always get between them and the nearest wall. They can and will defy gravity; you can't.
Puremouse of Sarlona
The sillies:
Kobolds are terrible with faces. They will hate you for what happened in the Waterworks, even if you've never been there before.
If Implosion is going to waste charges targeting party members and hirelings, I'd at least like to see it work on them for once. (old bug, fixed now)
Puremouse of Sarlona
*ding* "Why did those hobgoblins *you* aggroed come after *me*? I was around the corner breaking a vase!" / "Maybe it was an heirloom?"
Moonsparkle & Tetsuken of Argonessen
"I'll get the trap!" *ding* / "Well at least we don't need to worry about staying alive for the bonus now."
Cheyelle & anonymous raid attendee of Argonessen, 1st VoN5 run I ever did, in on HE
Way over 150 characters, but still an homage I wanted to include:
"Now listen very, very carefully. This is really important. You need to jump over and click exactly in the center of the portal. If you do it right, we get an extra chest at the end. If you miss, then something bad happens. So be sure to click exactly in the center."
Gingerspyce of Sarlona (not me); aka a lesson in the importance of being able to laugh at guild hazing rituals
Kobolds have a terrible union. Still, it's not how WELL the bear dances...(but the fact that it does so at all).
Steeli, Argonnessen
If you don't know what you're doing, you can seldom go wrong staying in the middle of the party.
Steeli, Argonnessen
(Adding a few for some of the ones who have moved on)
"Hands you a cupcake." Cupcake.
"Where'd all the pink go??" Rowanheal.
"Don't forget Sharks & Minnows tonight!" Merlask. ;)
...I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of memorable quotes from other folks. :(