The real issue, stupid mechanics
Just to reiterate what I said previously based on something that just happened.
I've been to Wheelon many times. Ranger, Paladin, Healer, Sorc, 2 Arti's. Lots of deadly firepower (no Shiradi tho, just your basic draconic stuff). Selfhealers fine, evaders and ranged, fine. Not that many mishaps.
So I just took my pure horc fighter. Your run of the mill blitzer. I was blitzing mind you, I was saving that to the quest.
Came close to thrill of the hunt, ambushed brutally by those idiotic assassins, hag, casters, those spikey doggies etc. Dead. Despite hireling. Knocked down, slowed down, using all kind of swings, dead.
The reason? No self healing (Duh, fighter) but more importantly - not using things like blitzing and not being able to evade to mitigate damage).
That's your issue; not the fact that some decide to range instead or use as much maximum dps as a result. Because your added mechanics of things stunning, holding, knocking down, crippling, swinging a stupid chain around infinity and slowing down kills anyone that's not evasion, ranged EIN, Shiradi, blitzing. Anyone not doing that including using some of the lesser useful destinies will be toast.
I understand why you guys feel like you need to 'balance' player power. But maybe you need to take a serious look at WHY people move towards those classes? It's not just because they're cool or save resources and kills fast - it has to do with the lousy sordid failure of damage mitigation. I don't use my tank - I've tried. EE content. Unless he selfheal he'll die quick. No amount of PRR will change the fact that he can't evade all kind of spell damage - and when things hit for 400 and you reduce the damage to 200, you won't live long. See - I actually miss as a player. Sometimes a lot. I seldom see enemy critters miss. Unless I have evasion, deflection, dodge, blur, displacement. Now I can do ghostly and blur on my fighter. I can create a displacement clicky. But I won't evade, can't dodge effectively and PRR is just not worth to pursue beyond a bare minimum.
You made tanking useless unless there's a lot of dodge and displacement. AC and PRR means nothing. So the result of this horc heavy dps hitter NOT blitzing was death. Death is okay; I don't lament death. it happens. What I lamanet is the stupid mechanics you put in place, making people gravitate towards the very things you now want to make lesser. Guess what.
It won't change the fact that the mechanics are still stupid.
You cannot rebalance this game until you realize that some classes are not stronger; they're about the only reasonable classes you can play without being a burden to healers. There's no point nerfing the current good DPS if you're also not understand that some classes have no effective way of mitigating some of the current mechanics.
I don't want to play a Monkcher. I got a monk. I don't want to play a triple multiclass hybrid for max saves max evasion and cheesy dps. I want to play my horc. I like the idea of a burly horc fighter beating the snot out of stuff. But your idea seems to be to make blitizing less useful, therefor reducing the only thing he got to be effective to zilch.
So lets talk mechanics before we talk reducing players; I bet if you make all destinies useful in their own niche you will rebalance what people play. If you move away from making everything ranged and evasion you will create content where heavy dps outside blitzing has a niche. Now I'm going to have to rerun out there and blitz cheese myself to the quest entrance, then stand inside and rebuild blitz again because there's no other reasonable way for me to destroy that cheesy stupid chain swingers before they slow me down too a crawl. Remember - you created the cheese, now I need to use it to overcome your dumb mechanic.
Properly Ballanced Player Build
Let's be honest about the real problem, the current game mechanics definitely favours certain classes/races over others.
I'll discuss the good, the bad, and proposed fixes:
- ability to create very versatile character and customize them for specific functions
- some classes/races are better suited for character specialization
- giving players the freedom to make decisions and mistakes in figuring the right mix out
- feats, skills, destinies, and destiny twists can make an "ok" build decent, even at end game content
- certain play styles are overlooked in their potential
- key features of some classes are broken (i.e.: bards)
- First life toons cannot keep up with those who are Legend builds
- Melee combat currently underpowered compared to ranged and spellcasting
- Quests have gone from needing skill, just just button mashing
- Threat generation is seriously messed up
- DON'T NERF ANYTHING, doing so will just create more whiners and the overpowered will just find a way to stay overpowered.
- Melee combat should be given incentive to play (lead the horse with a carrot, don't beat with a stick)
- We hate chasing down mobs that the ranged players are just kiting around
- Fix intimidate to work like it did years ago, to properly draw agro from mobs.
- give us a "Stand Ground" ability to force mobs to attack closest player for 5secs, c/d 30secs
- If we're going to stand and fight, give us a bit more protection, or damage output
- EITHER: give us a stacking DR+2/- for every 3secs standing still, stack up to 10 times (similar to caster +1 stacking spellpower while standing still, stack up to 10 times)
- OR: give us a stacking +0.25[W] for every 3secs standing still, stack up to 10 times
- Threat needs to be reworked to engage players (tank draw agro, others just beat on the boss...this is dumb)
- Introduce new Aggression Management System (AGS):
- Every player is assigned an AGS value while in a PvE combat area
- AGS = (1 + Total player kills in zone) * Threat Value * (1 + Damage dealt over past 15secs)
- Threat value = either subtlety (i.e.: 0.8), or hate (i.e.: 1.2), or neither (i.e.: 1)
- intimidate grants AGS value * 2 for 30secs, cooldown 60secs
- Diplomacy grants AGS value * 0.5 for 30secs, cooldown 60secs
- The monster then attacks whichever player has the highest AGS value