First day of Headstart, Rolled up my Rogue and jumped into Euphonia's Challenge and did they three starter class quests, and headed into Stormreach where I pulled the server's 1st underwater action item and everyone thought it was awesome!
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My first day in DDO, I died in Korthos. More than once.
spent the first half of my first day getting killed in Korthos quests, spent the 2nd half convincing my PnP group to join me, which they did ... happy daze
On my first day in DDO, I spent most of my time learning gameplay.
Despite my join date, I've been playing since the game came out. All I remember about my first day is that I died a lot, and it took me forever to get out of the beginning area. It also took me a long time to get used to playing the game since the last game I played with any regularity before DDO was Fallout.
I started playing DDO with my boyfriend. We ran korthos, halfway through he got bored and quit playing, leaving me to die from falling damage in miserys peak. Good times.
On my first day, just under 8 years ago, my friends were showing me around the harbour...Friend 1: "Just go into that quest there, it's really cool"Friend 2: "Oh yeah, we did that one earlier, just wait at the gate"Me: "Oh ok..."Approx 10 out of 200 kobolds later... *Ding*Me: "You "
I remember bring my first character - dwarven cleric - into the Kobolds New Ring leader and getting smashed by the Ogres! That is where I learned to move, shield block, etc...
XP dept was large that day .....
In my first day I met one of the deadlier enemies in the whole game! The one that lurcks in the shadows awaiting for the very moment you feel so vulnerable in your big full plate and tower shiled. The one enemy that will give you the worse nightmares! None other than the unspeakable "WATER", even the tiniest puddles make the mightiest warriors shiver in fear... such is the power of this deadly enemy.
A cold but sunny day in 2006 and i learned to kite mobs in Scrag's Sewer.
My first day... Being a bard is hard!
My first day at DDO ..... I thought I never make it out of Korthos. I just died way too often trying to get to level 2 and 3 ..... And what the heck did they mean by sunny and snowy side ..... I had absolutely no clue. .... Haha, fun times.
My buddy was itching for a new MMO and I remembered hearing that DDO had just recently gone free-to-play. I had been in the original beta and enjoyed it enough so I recommended it to him. 2 days later he calls me up and asks me to download, install, and make a toon because he reached level 2 and had some really good gear he didn't want to lose but realized he needed to reroll due to having no knowledge of D&D previously and feeling quite gimp.
My first day of DDO...I learned to say, "Wait, how do you DO that?" to the experienced players who took hard things for walking, attacking, or sending a chat message to someone. Really, these things are HARD until they are easy!
From another forum on Oct 7 2009, 09:53 PM
... and here I still am...Quote:
that was one of the funniest things i've done for a while.
created party
accepted a few people
was playing with DrDoom from here and so wanted to unparty.
had no idea how. LOL
funnier though was discovering the run toggle... well running constantly for 5 mins into a wall before working out how to turn the run toggle OFF
i have absolutely NO IDEA what i'm doing. DrDoom is a WOW player so other stuff is unfamiliar to him too. so we are idly learning together if anyone wants to join one day...
1- There was no DM to bribe with Mt Dew and Cheetohs in the hopes he'd ignore the Nat20 he just roll for the orc swinging at you with that battleaxe.
2- DDO was much harder than the "Cook 10 coconut cream pies and deliver to Ginger" entry quests in most MMOs and my High Dex (for AC and to hit) PNP build Elf Wizard with a longbow (AA? whats that?) might as well have been wearing and wet paper sack and shooting cooked spaghetti.
Sitting in the corner of the bar in Korthos repairing and getting a tell saying "I can see you" (I had not idea what a tell was and was getting rather annoyed)
After listening to Jeets, I learned that not everyone is as terrible as Mr. van Dyke at doing a British accent.
Edit: Change of first name to 'Mr.' due to auto-censoring