thank you kind sir :) added one to yours, but your so far up there now youll probably never notice. lol
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DoT = Damage over Time
Lysol needs more DoTS!!
...and I'm still not sure I have the correct definition, but here goes, I got this from context clues:
Proc - short for "proctology", used when talking about a stat or damage number you pulled out of your a**.
usage - "My DBF always procs for like 890 even if they have FR"
Hey there, I'm a new player who's looking around the forums for some answers to those little questions. I came upon this one and I have a question about abbreviations.
on the social tab for people looking for groups they will have notices like "n/h/h/h" what does that mean?
It doesn't come up often, but TTS = Trap the Soul, both spell and weapon based
Hi, New player here;
I looked on your list for PERMADEATH and don't see it. I'm sorry, but been playing for a few days now and still don't know what this is referring too. I imagine it's hardly important but I'm curious.
Permadeath: when your character dies in game, you don't get to recall out and try again. The character is dead and gets rerolled. Now, that having been said, different permadeath guilds have different rules as to what is/isn't allowed for deaths and resurrections.
oh ok, thanks.
I see where serious roleplaying guild would want to take this serious I guess. I died once and two other times I was knocked down to -3 or -5 and managed to actually recover back to consciousness and get back to safe area to recover.
I'm not sure if I'd want to be in a guild that would penalize a character or player who dies but at the same time I would rather players take thier characters serious instead of treating them like zerg or rambos.
u forgot toaster=warforged
not really needed...but fun.
ffs-for f**ks sake
roflmaotisoak-rolling on the floor laughing my a** off till i shat out a kidney :)
updated in four locations ...
got it
got it, but disagree with "most commonly" as it depends on the crown you hang with, i guess. lol.
its listed as the acronym pd
to each their own. all i do is pd now a days. not all your toons have to be pd toons. even in a dedicated pd guild, you still may have non pd toons, they just cant join the pd guild. most players i play with will have one or two pd toons reserved for pd, and the rest for whatever their other playstyle(s) is. :cool:
IQ for Inspired Quarters.
Took me some time to understand it.. for me IQ is usually "intelligence quotient". :)