Help with fire druid caster please
I am loking for some help for my Fire DPS druid. (no access to IoD yet.. but have raid runes for anything else.)
I am 20 druid (tiefling) i just hit lvl 32 - and I am just finding the DPS lackluster.
gear - Running 7 autumn, 4 winter feywild sets, have a LGS fire crit damage goggles, azure sky pendant.?*
wis = 78 , evo DC = 85
Spell power:?* fire = 860, force = 709, positive = 774
Crit chance?* fire = 58, force = 50, positive = 29
crit multiplier?* fire = 90,?* force = 40, positive = 40
saves 61,31,73 ppr 144 mmr 124
I run in EA , mantle and epic strike. (11 points in Draconic,?*and 11 in Primal avatar to get 3 cores each)
spells I use.
SLA's used on CD: produce fire, salt ray, WoB, sunburst , Tief scorch (fully meta magiced)?*EA epic strike, holy-fireball t5?*spells cast:?* heart seeds, WoB, salt Ray
CC spells cast : EQ, BoGW, tsunami?*
2x 2Wis
2x 2 int (eye, invetable)
2 eye set
6 elemental avatal (crit chance)
quicken, max, heighten, enlarge, empower
focus evo?* + greater evo
epic:Spell powers: cold,fire,force,positive, intensify, ruin, wellspring
--Am I playing the char wrong ??*are my stat numbers just too low ??*I don't have access Dino crafting yet...I am giving serious thought to going 3 Hruit, and Elder's knowledge?*set for the extra 6% crit (and freeing up more item slots for more useful?*items.?*
Any feedback appreciated, thanks. either in gear, feats, spell rotation, whatever. (I tried going full Draconic, and the fire breath really does rock, but I didn't like the playstyle of having to be in near melee range for the cone. )