DDO's 10-Year Celebration: Help us do a thing!
We're planning A Thing as part of our 10th Anniversary celebration around Update 30, and would love your assistance.
Answer this question in 150 characters or less:
What advice or comment would your character like to tell the world of Dungeons & Dragons Online in-game?
- Make sure to also give us a character name and server to attribute the phrase to!
- This needs to be an in-game tip, advice, or comment, so while we can be a bit flexible, try to not break the "fourth wall". "Hjeal me!" is good. "You can find maps on the DDO Wiki", while accurate, won't fit. "You can get lumps of coal by killing Duergar!" works great.
- Not all of your comments will be used for the Thing. Many of them will, however.
- We reserve the right to make edits and other adjustments to your statement if necessary.
- Have fun! There's no firm deadline on this at this time, but we're probably looking at something like/around a week, so if you can respond by January 15th, that'd be great.