Best part about the patch -- the smell of bacon cooking in the galley of the ship!
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Best part about the patch -- the smell of bacon cooking in the galley of the ship!
Some virtual Pork Barrels may have been harmed in the making of that bacon.
thanks for bringing back the bacon :)
Glad to see it back, it looks a little more cooked this time around...but wasn't there three strips before? All part of the great baconspiracy I guess. ;)
Before Update 20:
After Update 20:
Also, sorry that this didn't make it into the Release Notes. There was a mis-placement in the bug on this in regards to which update it was targeted for, so we failed to get this into the notes. Obviously, this is the most significant change in Update 20, so we apologize. :)
Bacon of unimaginable evil power? YUM!
oh great, yet another stealth nerf. there is nothing quite as powerful as a half orc barbarian raging over the lack of bacon. now we have it back they are all pacified and happily munching away in the galley while damsels weep in distress! ok sure the damsels might sound quite manly, and may indeed be imposters, but that's not the point, at the end of the day there is still a chest with loot in it to be had and now the half orc barbarians are too busy making bacon cakes to help us get the loot!
I have a 28pt, level 20 Barbarian which I soloed (with Cleric Hires) all the way to 20, He spent the first 10 or so levels on Elite quests getting Bravery bonus, but dropped down to Normal when I couldn't open on elite with an Alt any more. One of my More enjoyable runs to 20 as well.
He recently ran the End of the Road on Heroic Normal, without a Cleric, shrined once at the first shrine, and forgot at the second one before the boss, he still completed it. Yes he was one level above the quest, but I was finishing the chain.
Does this mean my Barbarian Rocks!!!! ?
P.S. Do you think He stole all the Bacon from the Airships, maybe that's why he's awesome?
P.P.S Though I think maybe the real secret is the 20 temp hp every 6 seconds
It has returned to airship: