Thelanis player looking for a guild :)
A little bit about myself; I'm a fairly casual player who often doesn't have a ton of time to play DDO due to real life activities. As a result, I may take little breaks from the game lasting anywhere from a week to up to two or three months, although that's only happened once. Due to my frequent small breaks, slight altoholism, and currently a lack of interest for most of my characters, I have not spent any time at the endgame. As such, I'm looking for a guild that places more of an emphasis on leveling. I also enjoy PUGS and I don't want to be locked in to running exclusively with a guild, although I do want to run more than I did with my last guild (which was virtually never).
I have a variety of characters, but only three or four who are active and thus those are the only ones I'm wanting to have in a guild for the moment. They are a level 16 Wizard, a level 16 Monk, a level 10 Favored Soul, and possibly a level 14 Paladin/Ranger/Monk. I say possibly with the last one because he's gimped and I really need to get him to 20 and TR so I can fix him into a new build.
Thank you for your time reading this, and if you have any other questions please reply or send me a message here on the forums :).