Looking for a mature, light RP guild/group
I've played DDO on and off for a while now. I have a handful of characters on Khyber, the highest is level 9. I've pretty much always soloed, however I'm bored of that, once you get to a certain point it becomes dull on your own. I find hirelings are sporadically useful and not very chatty.
I really miss pen and paper roleplaying, which is why I play online. So, I'm looking for a group/guild to play with on a regular/semi fixed basis.
I'm in the UK, so all times are UK based. I play mainly around 4-7pm and then maybe around 9.30-11.30pm on Monday-Thursday.
Friday I play around 4-7pm.
Saturday and Sunday I do play but I'm unlikely to be able to commit to a time.
I'm looking for a group I can hook up with and play during any of these times. Ideally as a fixed party that plays through the content together, but I'm open to anything as long as you are mature ( I'm 42 ), easy going with some light-medium level roleplaying thrown in.
I'm happy to start new characters on any server and happy to play any class pretty much, although I'm generally best at support roles.
I don't know the game inside and out but I'm not an idiot - although sometimes I might make mistakes, but hey who doesn't.
Anyway if you're interested in hooking up with someone for some fun then give me a shout.
Thanks Steve