The Silver Legion Periodical - Volume #1 Issue #6
01 September, 2012 - Issue 6
Welcome once again to the Silver Legion Periodical. Submitted for your enjoyment - Volume #1 Issue #6. We celebrate a milestone achievement for Issue #1 of 1000+ views!
Thank you for following our guild members triumphs and glorious adventures. We also announce the change from a weekly submission to a monthly format, with the first weekend of each month set for publication.
To view all of our previous fun filled issues please go to our Issue Archives.
So here it is, September already. The little ones are headed back to school (no not the kobolds the only lesson you can teach them comes from the business end of a weapon) and there is the slightest nip in the air hinting at fall's imminent arrival. That is unless you live up here in the mountains where the leaves are already changing and we could have snow any day now.
Back in Ebberon and Faerun, things are getting colorful as well. While the leaves are falling here on the plane of dreams the dream crawlers are falling out of the trees in record numbers and the kings forest should be spectacular if fall ever arrives there!
Fall also brings to mind the last time I danced my way off the guild ship or fell into all that nasty lava.
One thing we can all fall for, however, is the latest <ahem> triumphs of our intrepid adventurers.
So whether apple pies or spirit cakes are more appropriate for your situation, sit back and share a laugh with us.
Fare you well wherever you fare.
Yours in Christ
Ernie Basener, Guild Medieval DDO Knight Templar
Have you ever been in this situation?
Ivorygem reports that while doing VON in Maisock's static group they were doing VON 5 Heroic Elite as we had under 20's in the group...entered eVON 6 ... ummmm ... our under 20' s locked out ... big mistake! Classic GM moment as we all recalled ... (you recall and have to start VON 5 again ... you are locked out of VON 5). So the whole group does VON5 epic elite again ... then von 6. So ... a very satisfying moment when everyone got their dragon.
Cheers Gemmy
This one is called: Elvis is alive and well!
"The Silver Legion were in a flurry of excitement as they realise that Elvis may have joined their ranks. Rumours of his death may well have been just that ... ?"
(Much ribbing about Rugar's character looking like Elvis that day ... truly a funny GM moment!)
Once in a lifetime?
Oldiscool TRed into an artificer and only had a few repeaters. When the new content came out he was just dying for a Silver Slinger.
On his 14th run of Servants of the Overlord he finally saw a drop that was put up for roll and here's what happened:
Guild member Freememory reminds us all that The Silver Legion is not just about laughing over party wipes.
Here are two shots of our Thursday night static group's victories over Hobgoblins. (Hobgobbies seem to really like thrones.)
Horkster remarked: "Last night was quite the fun session! I actually checked the Tear of Dhakaan XP page while we were in-progress, to make sure we were in on Elite, since it was going so smoothly." :D
This is Mecastunias very first shroud run. Oh! The excitment, the anticipation ... Let the ingredient grind begin!
Elyzia meets Xathrizopksis
Guild Medieval, founded in March of 2001, is committed to providing a drama free, family oriented, people focused gaming environment for its members across a multitude of online games. If this sounds like what you've been looking for, come check us out at