Maximize and Empower. Worth it anymore?
Been away for a while and about to start playing my PM again (lives 3 and 4.) I know that Empower and Maximize are now additive instead of multiplicative and that their values are now +75 and +150, respectively. That said, because they are now additive, are they worth picking up anymore? Are they no longer must-haves?
Hold up! What the What!!!
Metamagics Maximise and Empower work on spells cast from scrolls?
I've got Toughness, TWF, and Maximise on my level 7 Druid atm. Took maximise early because I'll need the feat slots later for ITWF and GTWF after my BAB improves.
It's toggled off most the time unless I gather a huge group of mobs.
I also found the magic of Ice Storm Scrolls at level 5. Even at 75% chance its suhweet.
But now I'm at 7 and can memorize Flame Strike and Ice Storm.
And use the scrolls with no fail....
All of sudden reconsidering swapping Maximise for Quicken :)