End of the week with Major Malphunktion - Kobold Union Edition
There is still some confusion on why players are so nice to kobolds in Crystal Cove, but turn around and slaughter us on Kobold Island. Kobold just wanted a vacation!
So. Challenges!!! If you haven't guessed, Crystal Cove was a prototype for a new way to build stuff faster...and differently. There are some kinks still in the system with difficulty and rewards, but that from a implementation sense is the easy stuff. From a QA and Design sense, it is like trying to find a perfect middle ground...in an ocean.
Personally I'm excited by this system more than some of the other things we have done this year. I look at Stormreach as a place to play in, and not conforming to one set of rules. The idea that we can do things other than MMO accepted design, or explore other game types that MMO designers don't get to, or may never get to design is a win win for everyone. Happy players, happy designers...and happy QA folk. I know that there are some that are not going to care for them. That's cool. There is more that could care less about raids, but we build them too. Give them a chance, remember sometimes it is about *fun* and not about *loot* (SACRILEGE BURN THE HERETIC!). If you don't find these fun, you might find one to your liking in the future. Personally I want a kobold throwing catapult game where I'm trying to knock down buildings in the harbor or a death match hockey game with exploding pucks or a racing game around 3 barrel cove on flying carpets. All possible without adding much new to the game.
Let's talk about Lamannia for a min. It is a preview world. I say that for a reason, because I want feedback, but I don't expect people to 'bug hunt'. That said, please remember you are seeing the unfinished product. Loot, xp numbers and such are the last things coming in. they are the wallpaper, we need to make sure the foundation is sturdy before doing the interior decorating. We are attempting to get things out in front of people quicker and more often after the U10 crafting incident of 2011, but yes you will see things in a rougher state.
tomorrow there is an event for challenges-with real prizes! See Kookies announcements for more details!
I have plans for Lama in the future to make it more than a preview world...we shall see...
Bug fixes- there is talk about putting a plan in place to attack old bugs in 2012 (that is 2 months away already...how did that happen?) There were hundreds of fixes in the last patch, and I don't want to do mega patches like that again.
Lag-All I can say is there is an active investigation and we have made headway. But with U12 right around the corner we are waiting to put fixes out then. Trust me, this is the best option.
Mabar- I promise it will be better next year.
Fix in 12 that might not be known about: Cleric hirelings are no longer mad, but take 2pp for every heal...only kidding. Defensive healing works again, and wandering angry hirelings are more well behaved.
Also Epic chests no longer disappear. you can check that out on Lamannia
Well, happy weekend- Happy Halloween and...
Go Pats!