I would like to see the ability to hide characters names from myddo searching via forum usernames removed. It would remove the anonymity from the forums and would imo increase civilty or atleast responsibility for ones posts.
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I would like to see the ability to hide characters names from myddo searching via forum usernames removed. It would remove the anonymity from the forums and would imo increase civilty or atleast responsibility for ones posts.
I will trade you this, for having the ability to see all sources of rep, which would also encourage civility.
I keep my toons off my pofile BECAUSE of in game trolling in the past due to a disagreement that someone with thin skin just couldnt walk off. They not only trolled me on the forums with neg rep on posts in threads they were not even in, but tried to troll me in game as well.
I know exactly who they were because we had the ability to see all sources of rep due to a mistake on the back end for a few hours on one day, a while ago. Had I been able to see their characters linked to their profile, I would have been able to verify it was them.
It goes both ways.
Most people are also much cooler in game than on the forums.
I would prefer the ability to hit obvious forum trolls with an acid blast from their keyboard. Stops their regeneration and everything.
I want all sources of reputation not only to be able to be seen, but to be able to report any unwarranted negative reputation, with infractions going to those who abuse the reputation system.
This would do nothing to reduce trolling. I think it'd have the opposite effect in most cases.You already can report Rep Abuse, and if the person abusing it does so too many times - they will be punished for it. If you believe you were Neg Repped unfairly - hit the Report button on your post that got the red box. In the comment field, explain that you are asking for a rep review, and why you feel it was undeserved.
If the Mods agree with you, they will remove the neg.
If they agree that the rep was deserved, they won't.
Maybe im stupid, but this makes no sense to me. Why would someone post something under a guise of anonymity that they would be unwilling to back up without said shield. I think posting things on a forum that you would desire to hide your identity from is called trolling.
Trolls everywhere! Oh noes!!!
Isn't it kind of pathetic to hide your myddo? I always just assume the person knows their toons suck too much. Exactly the kind of person to post avidly on the forums about how others are inferior =)
well, something to consider...
for a lot of us, trolling the forums is all we have left. there hasn't been any game in this game in ages, so pressing the neg rep button or writing mean things.... it's the only thing that keeps me paying the old subscription.
but then again, I have no problem identifying when I've done either. in fact, I think it would really add something to the game. well, "the game".
i'm not a troll, but this thread looks promising for my entertainment.
This is what I read.
OP you were troll'd, and want revenge in game.