Cmon this is a joke right ... A lvl 18 scorchy cant find Venn and needs some lowbie help....
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Cmon this is a joke right ... A lvl 18 scorchy cant find Venn and needs some lowbie help....
Because leveling up increases your "Find Venn skill", right?
Um... it's possible to get to level 18 and never do Waterworks...
In case you didn't notice, you can get into the Harbor now without doing WW first...
I guess not..
**Puts on "Goggles of Venn Finding + 10 " and heads into group to help with my lvl 4 Ranger **
What's a Venn and where can I find one?
Was he trying to make a diagram to show similarities and differences?
-----> Venn Diagram <--------
No, this is just an indicator of two things, one bad, the other good:
1) Good, that he didnt run that quest to ad nauseum, because thats what us Vets had to do to get items/XP/levels in "the before time" (c)(tm)
2) Bad, because he probably skirt-tailed other players, got his XP w/o hardly any real "work" and probably now considers himself a "Vet" cuz he's lvl 18.
While I'm slightly jealous of #1, I am ROFL'ing at him on #2.
I'm on Ghallanda with a Shaamis, please PM me his name so I can utilize his skills to my advantage.
hey don't pick on him too much.. I did it myself! lol at level 14 i went in there to get favor! i believe thats coin lords favor... anyway but his LFM should at least show WW No xp for favor only.. something like that
Aww I just kinda had a giggle when I saw it... was one of those OMG really moments.. Ive stopped dribbling down my chin now :)
Yah, i agree on all!
where is Venn?!
I give that screenshot a 3/10, and only because you went through all that effort to make your text look layered in MSPaint.
And actually sometimes Venn can bug and spawn under a pile of debris or somewhere not visible where you'd actually have to tab onto him to find him, so it's completely possible to not be able to find him...if you don't know how to tab-target...
but it really helps to know what Venn looks like. Even after killing the interrogator (and seeing the spoiler), I think I had to open every door to find Venn.
Don't solo it as a dwarf first. Try something taller (to see in those cells).
While it's entirely possible to only run WW at level 18, I see the OP's point, why would you?
It's pretty good xp at level, decent end reward and coin lord favor for that extra inventory space.
Additionally, there are frequent lfm's up if a person is not confident to solo.
at lvl WW is alittle bit more fun to run elite with a friend or two... on solo it's alittle but butt-kicker not to mention slow progress
what's the use in finding him when he is probably already mutilated and dead anyway...
I miss Venn.