Hello people
My question is What for are the Alignment in the creation process?
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Hello people
My question is What for are the Alignment in the creation process?
Nothing. Just remember if you want monk or paladin levels to select lawful good. If you want bard or barbarian levels to not select lawful good. Max your UMD (use magic device skill) and alignment will never be an issue.
Just click here and soon you'll get the idea.
Not true.
If u are planning on using Anarchic or Axiomatic weapons or ammo u must be the same alignment or neutral or u will suffer a negative level. UMD will not bypass those weapon types.
Also bards and barbarians can be good, just not lawful.
Monks can be neutral, just not chaotic.
Paladins HAVE to be lawful good.
Some combinations are just Not Allowed by the game. The underlying rationale for the benefits those characters get are just irreconciable. Ie you cannot be both LAWFUL (as required by Paladins) and NOT LAWFUL (as required for Barbarian) at the same time. Baring unique interpretations of quantum physics your cup cannot be both full and not full at the same time.