Looks like he is with LOTRO now
Graal - Howdy everybody! I am Graal, systems designer for the Champion class and the new Warden class.
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Looks like he is with LOTRO now
Graal - Howdy everybody! I am Graal, systems designer for the Champion class and the new Warden class.
Pfft. It's no wonder that Vision and Hound are both lacking in number of items.
Just because Graal says he's working on something for LoTRO doesnt necessarily mean he's left DDO for good.
Has he made any official statement to this effect? Like a goodbye DDO players or an I'm the new X designer *FOR* LoTRO? I would suspect we would see something from someone on the team, if not Graal personally, saying some form of bye bye/hello.
To me this reads as just a, "Hi, I'm helpin out here". Maybe I'm too optomistic today.
So how many of the other people that have left have made an official statement of some sort? The only one I can recall was when someone was moving from Community Relations to QA, to let us know they wouldn't be posting as much. Other than that, not a single post. For many people, we really don't have any way to verify if they still work on DDO if they haven't posted for awhile.(Codog? DeadlyGazebo? Slithe? Anyone?)
You wont see a goodbye thread from them. Tolero will close the thread right away with some PC bs statement about wishing the best of luck in the future. :D
On the topic of the OP. I understand the concept of resource management, but I can't grasp the concept of product abandonment without removing the product from the market.
I am, Rameses!
It reminds me when the Developers at SWG started jumping ship. I think one even moved to here. I cant recall it was about a year ago I saw a familliar name from the SWG forums. I could be wrong as I often am.
Hey Graal... if you're leaving.... can I have all of your stuff? :D
People move to different parts of the same company for many reasons, none of which are every really shared with customers. It's just how business work.
I think Mod 8 is actually a very good sign that Turbine is at least TRYING to do something with DDO. The problem is probably that there is a lack of income on DDO, so Turbine can't justify hiring more people to people like the CFO. If you take a look at the current economy, you should be able to tell that CFO's don't think much in the future and really only care about the current quarter. Therefor hiring 10 more developers to try and bring a lot of new content/levels/races/classes to DDO would get nix'd by the finance people because all they see is the outing money. Now admittedly with the current credit problems even rock solid companies have a problem getting short term credit, so I bet companies like Turbine are finding it almost impossible.
WOW... that was probably more than was really called for......