12-05-2022, 08:42 PM
Hey there,
I'm unsure with the lore surrounding the enhancements, however I feel like they're sharing skills with one another rather than being more distinct.
Harper Agent is a high level generalist where as Inquisitive is a ranged combatant with some of the 'social' skills at play.
I'm writing this with the particular mindset of Harper Agent's improved deception and how it would work well with Inquisitive's Hit the Streets or Diplomatic immunity.
An Agent should be functionally invisible - thus the versatile adept passive.
An imbue which applies deception/sneak attack dice would lean into this cavalier yet suave combatant.
Improved feint would further facilitate this as a bluff to increase damage to foes.
Perhaps a trait - mastered feint: magical/mechanical/undead foes can now be bluffed
This combined with the the diplomacy stuff from inquisitive would give Harper a little more meat on the bone.
Diplomatic immunity being used in melee combat would be perfect too - as it's range and in turn potential damage from sneak attack/bluffing or diplomacy would make sense.
Perhaps choice of Int/Wis/Cha to boost appropriate innate skill if it doesn't already?
But what about Inquisitive?
If Harper will be getting the social ques from inquisitive - what will it gain?
More crossbow stuff.
Perhaps I'm a little in the mindset of Diablo and the demon hunter; but a few new skills for using a single or duel hand crossbow style could certainly be a bit more fun.
Leaning more into the hunter in the dark and culling the demon/werewolf
Back shot - leap back into the air with a flurry of bolts; a FvS leap of faith with a hail of crossbow bolts to boot.
Tunnel vision - shoot dozens of bolts in a line breaking fortification over time
Pirouette - consume a stack of returning bolts to surround yourself in a flurry of bolts for X seconds.
I know that these might be either a little outlandish or perhaps work well in game if done appropriately,
Just some thoughts on how to make both enhancement trees feel a little more meaty and lean into the archetypes more
Thank you for reading :)
12-09-2022, 08:09 AM
The thing with the Harpers is that they are an organisation in the Forgotten Realms; "agent" is used more in the sense of representative. Although they usually don't openly show their allegiance, they aren't professional spies, they're an association of militant do-gooders from all walks of life (though mostly bards, rangers and elves in general) who usually come investigating (and meddling) when things disturb the balance between nature and civilisation, or mess with historical sites that should be preserved (or stay forgotten). The enhancement tree tries to provide things any harper might want for their toolkit.
Inquisitive is a job description in Eberron - A private detective, so social skills make sense, but that whole dual wielding hand crossbows thing seems quite random, so any changes are fair game from a lore point of view, IMO.
A spy with more talky and less sneaky would make a nice rogue archetype, though.
12-10-2022, 12:10 AM
The thing with the Harpers is that they are an organisation in the Forgotten Realms; "agent" is used more in the sense of representative. Although they usually don't openly show their allegiance, they aren't professional spies, they're an association of militant do-gooders from all walks of life (though mostly bards, rangers and elves in general) who usually come investigating (and meddling) when things disturb the balance between nature and civilisation, or mess with historical sites that should be preserved (or stay forgotten). The enhancement tree tries to provide things any harper might want for their toolkit.
Inquisitive is a job description in Eberron - A private detective, so social skills make sense, but that whole dual wielding hand crossbows thing seems quite random, so any changes are fair game from a lore point of view, IMO.
A spy with more talky and less sneaky would make a nice rogue archetype, though.
Thank you for the info about the lore :)
Perhaps giving inquisitive the more social aspects and move the crossbows into a crossbow specific tree in the same way Horizon Walker has its Bow focus?
I guess they need a little more identity to them - just not sure how.
Giving the agent more sneak attack/bluff/feint skills would be one way around the issue
12-30-2022, 07:05 PM
Harper Agents are like Bard/Rogue/Wizard, somewhere in that spectrum. Charisma and Intelligence is a strange mix but Bard and Rogue are bound by Charisma and Rogue and Wizard by Intelligence.
01-08-2023, 01:05 PM
Harper Agents are like Bard/Rogue/Wizard, somewhere in that spectrum. Charisma and Intelligence is a strange mix but Bard and Rogue are bound by Charisma and Rogue and Wizard by Intelligence.
Currently playing an Harper Inquis Halfling, very good Skills & Kills
Halfling Inquis
12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Artificer
Level Order
1. Rogue 6. Ranger 11. Rogue 16. Rogue
2. Ranger 7. Rogue 12. Ranger 17. Rogue
3. Artificer 8. Ranger 13. Rogue 18. Rogue
4. Ranger 9. Rogue 14. Rogue 19. Rogue
5. Artificer 10. Ranger 15. Rogue 20. Rogue
36pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 6 +8 4: INT
Dexterity 14 +8 8: INT
Constitution 18 +8 12: INT
Intelligence 18 +8 16: INT
Wisdom 8 +8 20: INT
Charisma 8 +8 24: INT
28: INT
Rg Rn Ar Rn Ar Rn Rg Rn Rg Rn Rg Rn Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Heal 23
Disable 23
Open Lo 23
Search 23
Spot 23
Listen 23
Bluff 23
Diplo 23
Balance 23
Jump 23
Hide 23
Move Si 23
UMD 23
Swim 12
Tumble 1
48 11 9 12 10 12 14 13 15 13 15 14 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18
1 : Least Dragonmark: Healing
3 : Point Blank Shot
6 : Weapon Focus: Ranged
9 : Power Critical
12 : Improved Critical: Ranged
15 : Improved Precise Shot
18 : Nimble Fingers
21 Epic : Combat Archery
22 Destiny: Holy Strike
24 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
25 Destiny: Doubleshot
27 Epic : Improved Sneak Attack
28 Destiny: First Blood
30 Epic : Watchful Eye
30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane
18 Rogue : Improved Evasion
2 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Lawful Outsider
10 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Chaotic Outsider
Jump (8), Ram's Might (12)
Shield of Faith (3), Enchant Armor* (3), Enchant Weapons* (5)
Enhancements (Spent: 80 +16r +1u / Max: 80 +16r +1u AP)
Inquisitive (41 AP)
Inquisitive, Hit the Streets, Mind Like Iron, True Seeing, Undaunted, Master Inquisitive
Dual Shooter, Eye for Accuracy III, Law on your Side
Crossbow Adept, Observation, Improved Law
Crossbow Adept, What First?: Ask Questions First, Improved Observation, Stat: Intelligence
Crossbow Adept, What Later?: Shoot First, Inquisition Style: Martial Inquisition, Greater Law, Stat: Intelligence
No Holds Barred, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Inquisitor's Path: Optimistic, Diplomatic Immunity
Halfling (18 AP)
Halfling Luck, Dexterity, Halfling Luck II, Dexterity II, Halfling Luck III
Jorasco Dragonmark Focus III, Cunning I
Lesser Dragonmark of Healing, Halfling Guile
Greater Dragonmark of Healing, Halfling Guile
Halfling Guile
Harper Agent (18 AP)
Agent of Good I, Ability Score: Intelligence
Traveler's Toughness III, Strategic Combat
Know the Angles III, Harper Leadership III
Know Your Foe: Evil Outsider, Strategic Combat II
Deepwood Stalker (11 AP)
Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Called Shot: Sniper Shot
Favored Defense III, Stealthy III
Falconry (4 AP)
Summon Avian Companion: Raven
Practiced Accuracy II, Hunter's Knowledge
Thief-Acrobat (3 AP)
Staff Control
Fast Movement
Vistani Knife Fighter (2 AP)
Knife Expertise
Undead Hunter
Destinies (Spent: 72 (40 +32pdp) / Max: 72 (40 +32pdp) AP)
Shiradi Champion (36 AP)
Fey Favor, Vision, Audience with the Queen
Prism, Good Luck III, Shiradi Strike: Hunt's End, Fey Sight III
Stay: Stay Frosty, Phase Double III, Shiradi Power: Pin, Healing Spring
Double Rainbow, Pierce Deception, Improve Shiradi Power: Otto's Whistler, Fey Force: Fey Force
Fey Form, Track, Enemy of my Own, Overwelming Force: Overwhelming Force, Whirling Wrists I
Stay II: Stay Frozen, Lore of the Hunt, Feywild Attunement, Epic Moment: Inexorable Advance
Shadowdancer (22 AP)
Shadow Training, Step Through Shadow, The Darkest Luck
Cover of Darkness III, Technician III
Dance in the Dark III, Lithe III
Grim Precision III, Shadowcaster: Shadowstriker
Bring Darkness
Exalted Angel (14 AP)
Astral Touch, Deepening Faith, Angelic Charge
Born By Flame III, Angelic Form
Divine Protection, Saving Grace II
Noble Affinity: Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Holy Presence
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