View Full Version : When i Epic reincarnate .. i will get back a reaper first time bonus completition ?

10-06-2022, 02:13 PM
If i decide to epic reincarnate .. my toon goes to lvl1 to lvl20 and then i must gain the xp to reach again lvl30.
Each quest i do at lvl21,22..etc at reaper difficulty, it's valid as first time bonus ?

Also, once at lvl 30, if i do a quest i will get a 'first time bonus' ?

or i must do a True Heroic Reincarnate only to have that ?

please help me to understand. thanks

10-06-2022, 02:46 PM
Nope. As the Wiki's Epic Reincarnation page (https://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Reincarnation) says, first time bonuses don't reset upon ETR. You need an ITR, HTR or RTR to reset first-time bonuses, including Favor

Why? Well, under the hood, an ETR gets you to 20 via a LR+0. If LRs reset first-time bonuses and favor, those hearts would be significantly more expensive