View Full Version : U-45: Rise of Child Eating Pigs!

04-02-2020, 12:02 AM
I know it is alot to expect common sense about this, or even vague understanding of the actual outdoors...

Wolves: Predator that you nerf constantly. Predators fight above their weight class because they subsist by hunting and killing. IE, 500 lb tigers will kill and eat 1000 pound brown bears in Asia. Wolves will target bear cubs (despite 700 pound mad momma-bears) and eat those tubby bacon bits. Bear is really fatty and tasty, like bacon...

Bears: Scavengers that use their size to take control of food. Scavengers can bully small predators but are still prey to top level predators. And once again, tigers typically half the size of bears will kill and eat bears because of the bacon factor. Bears are close relatives to pigs, this is why horses do not get spooked by them the way they do around big cats or even coyotes/wolves. As close relatives of pigs, they sort of just scrounge around and use their size. Sure large boar grizzly do hunt, but hunted meat is a small portion of their diet. Also, the thing bears probably hunt (if you can call it that) and kill the most is BABY BEARS. Male bears even eat their own cubs. It has nothing to do with spreading their genes or putting females back in estrus. It is entirely about the yum factor. You gave strikethru and other buffs to glorified cannibal baby eating pigs.

Just sayin'

04-02-2020, 04:36 PM
I know it is alot to expect common sense about this, or even vague understanding of the actual outdoors...
Just sayin'

Wow, common sense... man this post is just filled with misinformation.

Ill point out one that i found quite humorous.

Bears are close relatives to pigs, this is why horses do not get spooked by them the way they do around big cats or even coyotes/wolves.

Bears are more closely related to wolves and cats then pigs. The idea of an animals fear response based on some distant genetic similarity is just wrong.

There are plenty more bits of miss-information in this post. Ill let others have fun pointing out witch of your “alternative facts” are also just false.

Ps, bears (and cats and wolves and most land mammalian carnivores) are part of the order carnivora. Pigs, along with the other hoofed animals, are from the order artiodactyla.

04-05-2020, 09:04 AM
Bears are caniforms, sharing both a recent common ancestor and high genetic similarity with wolves.
Grizzly bears get a lot of their protein from fish.
No bear is a pursuit predator. They aren't built for it.
Polar bears are almost obligate carnivores and hunt via ambush.
The only place tiger and brown bear populations overlap is Siberia. They are competitors as apex predators and thus actively actr aggressively towards each other.
In the majority southeast Asia, the Asiatic Black Bear and tigers overlap, with the same competition.
Sloth bears mainly eat termites. They also have a disturbing habit of ripping people's faces off.
Sun bears are actually not that dangerous. They're also pretty small for bears.
Pandas, despite previously being considered related to raccoons, are genetically bears. Also, they aren't very dangerous.
Spectacled bears are Paddington Bear. Change my mind.

The OP is so wrong I had to type all this on a phone. Oy vey.

04-05-2020, 07:54 PM
Bears are caniforms, sharing both a recent common ancestor and high genetic similarity with wolves.
Grizzly bears get a lot of their protein from fish.
No bear is a pursuit predator. They aren't built for it.
Polar bears are almost obligate carnivores and hunt via ambush.
The only place tiger and brown bear populations overlap is Siberia. They are competitors as apex predators and thus actively actr aggressively towards each other.
In the majority southeast Asia, the Asiatic Black Bear and tigers overlap, with the same competition.
Sloth bears mainly eat termites. They also have a disturbing habit of ripping people's faces off.
Sun bears are actually not that dangerous. They're also pretty small for bears.
Pandas, despite previously being considered related to raccoons, are genetically bears. Also, they aren't very dangerous.
Spectacled bears are Paddington Bear. Change my mind.

The OP is so wrong I had to type all this on a phone. Oy vey.

First off, I am an avid hunter. However, one of the several animals I will never hunt/kill is a bear. (well maybe a black bear someday...because they are basically vermin...like feral pigs in my area.) Also, if anyone says "hunting is bad!", but still eats meat...you're a complete and total hypocrite...But I digress!

I agree with all your points except points 2 and 3.

Grizzly bears are the only brown bear that doesn't have access to fish laden diets. (the others being Kodiak and Brown Bear)


Grizz, Brown and Kodiak bears can and will chase down elk/moose calves, and show impressive speed and even stamina for the task. While this isn't as clear as a distinction as my first point (your second/third), its still clear that Bears pose a huge predatory threat on the elk/moose populations overall.

Finally, my last point....

dlsidhe, your post is FAR more accurate than the OP, which I feel has to be trolling....in which case I bit, but I had to come to the rescue of my favorite mammal...the Kodiak/Brown bear. Grizz is cool too.

(And as Eliot from "The Magicians" said, "I'm so happy you're dating a bear.")

So yeah, the OP sucks with his misinformation and I chose to nit-pick your post because it was easier for me to fine-tune your comments than do a complete and total re-vamp of the original post. FML

PS dlsidhe, REP added for your overall bear knowledge and your "no-****-I-had-to post-from-my-phone-the-OP-was-so-wrong" approach.

PSS to anyone that is druidically persuaded, how is bear-form after the 2HF changes? I need to do some druid PLs.

04-06-2020, 06:31 AM
Bear bacon... :D

04-06-2020, 06:47 AM
And once again, tigers typically half the size of bears will kill and eat bears because of the bacon factor.
I'm gonna laugh myself to sleep on this. :D:D:D

Bears are close relatives to pigs...
Okay, there is video evidence of this...

o https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc

04-06-2020, 10:08 PM
Yeah, I know they aren't actually related to pigs, FFS. Hooves and paws, yeah.... Sorry, but bears are omnivores and not true predators. I really didn't think this would make so many peoples' backside be hurt.

Brown bears, Grizzly, and Kodiak are the same sub-species.... Brown bear is the common name, Grizzly because of the golden color, and Kodiak (or coastal brown bear, specifically Kodiak island). Brown bears don't have much flavor (IMO) but are very fatty. That is why boars, and sows, will snack cubs, even their own (in case of boars), like fatty bacon popcorn at the movies. Brown bears will also murder the heck out any black bear they come across, including digging them out of their dens, because bacon. The number 1 cause of mortality among bear cubs is predation by adult bears. Among black, brown, or polar bears, boars (and some sows) will hunt cubs relentlessly. FACTS

Black bears are vermin.... Took another hunter to come up with this very accurate reply. However, they are tasty vermin. Think of an almost berry flavored bacon. Seriously, I am not joking. Also, black bears will predate on humans (rarely). It is almost unheard for for brown bear in N. America to predate humans. Sure, brown bears will shred your face off, but they are not going to murder you to eat you. Black bears will stalk and kill a human to eat. Or just start eating your head as you sleep through the wall of your tent, true story. FACTS

Yes, brown bears can (and do) run down moose, elk, and deer. WHEN they get a mind for it, they WILL do it. They have the capability for sure. However, they will steal a kill about as often as they make a kill. As omnivores, brown bears will eat a wide variety of foods, including massive amounts of insects. Larvae form usually, pounds and pounds. Only a small percentage of brown bears get "a lot of protein from fish" as well stocked salmon runs exist only in a tiny fraction of the brown bears total habitat. Black bears will predate deer. But then again, deer will predate baby birds that ground nest or even injured small mammals. YES, FACT. Deer straight murder baby birds in ground nests because.... Tastes like chicken? But yeah, they do.... Omnivores, as hunters, generally pursue prey that is smaller and less powerful. FACTS

Being omnivore, bears generally are not the best of hunters, or the tip of the spear. They do not have to be. However true predators, are the tip of the spear. Tigers (a predator) do hunt, kill, and consume brown bears in Asia that sometimes double their weight. Wolves (predator) will target cubs despite over protective rage fueled momma bears. Predators often pursue prey that is larger than themselves. This is the key difference I was mocking. Bears (omnivore) are huge and strong yet rarely successfully hunt prey larger than themselves. Wolves subsist from successfully hunting prey larger than themselves. For example, a hunting account related to me by one of my best friends father, he witnessed something I doubt few people have ever seen, a lone wolf chasing and successfully taking down a Roosevelt elk. It was a single bite that appeared to shatter the bones of hind leg, it was pretty much game over at that point. FACTS

Now to address the psuedo-trolling and random similarities that caused me to mock to bears as glorified pigs. Pigs & black bear are considered vermin in alot of areas. Brown bear, however, are not vermin. If you get trichinosis, its like 99% that it came from a pig or black bear. Pigs will also cannibalize their own. And maybe because bears are omnivores, and horses sense this, horses are really not spooked by bears the way they are around big cats (cougar) or coyotes (small subspecies of wolf). And flesh consistency, very close.

I was bored and irritated so decided to post on how this made no sense to me, yet I have no hope whatsoever that whatever I say, or anyone, that Devs would ever change their opinions. Steve Irwins' ghost would be shunned if he tried to reason anything to Devs. It just feels wrong that the actual predator, that hunts way above its' weight class regularly would not have greater DPS, much greater. Or that bears (specially if we are talking brown and not trash black bears) are in no way even remotely close to represented as to how "tanky" they can become even after being lunged. Real life can be way more fantastical than even fantasy lore, specially where nature is concerned.

04-07-2020, 04:33 AM
Hint... </jk>