View Full Version : Vistani Crit Multiplier Type - Competence?

02-29-2020, 01:25 PM
I can't find it anywhere, and I don't want to invest time/money unless I'm sure this is going to stack - What the heck bonus type does the Vistani core use for the multiplier? The tooltip states: You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Threat Range and +1 to Critical Damage Multiplier with daggers and throwing daggers.

The threat range is very obviously competence, but the multiplier is ambiguous. Is it also competence?

02-29-2020, 04:34 PM
It it a competence bonus to both range and multiplier. It's worded weird. Permanent bonuses to range/multiplier that come from enhancements are competence.

03-01-2020, 09:21 AM

vendetta stacks with lethality if you are wondering

03-03-2020, 10:01 AM
For crit profile, assume that nothing stacks unless it very very clearly does. They're very stingy about crit and the non-Competence bonuses are very few and far between. +1 Mult on 19-20 is different, though, that usually stacks.

03-07-2020, 08:03 PM
The core does not stack naturally with other bonuses from other trees; as stated as I am aware active enhancements do stack. Anyhow I would also like to hear this approved by a the developers who works mon these projects.

03-12-2020, 07:34 AM
The core does not stack naturally with other bonuses from other trees; as stated as I am aware active enhancements do stack. Anyhow I would also like to hear this approved by a the developers who works mon these projects.

It's a bit convoluted. One With Blades, Vistani 4th core, provides a competence bonus to crit range and multiplier with daggers and throwing daggers. Knife Specialization, Assassin tier 5, also provides a competence bonus to crit multiplier (daggers and kukris) and range (daggers only). Being the same bonus they do not stack. Lethality, Assassin 5th core, provides an insight bonus to crit multiplier for any one-handed weapon you are wielding if you meet the requirements and applies to both hands. Being an insight bonus it stacks with both One With Blades and Knife Specialization.

On one hand I can understand not allowing One With Blades to stack with Knife Specialization as that would expand the crit range for daggers by an addition +1. On the other, it's a core and should be an insight bonus like Lethality. Perhaps what they should do is move the expanded crit range from One With Blades to a tier 5 enhancement, Vistani Knife Training V seems most appropriate and would block it from Knife Specialization, and make One With Blades an insight bonus so it doesn't stack with Lethality.

Is there a particular enhancement you have in mind that prompted this post? Currently, because it's a competence bonus it does not stack with an Assassin tier 5 enhancement and I suspect that that's the reason it is an enhancement bonus instead of insight.