View Full Version : fix the XP?

04-15-2017, 01:27 PM
2.) We take the level of the highest party member and compare it to the base challenge rating. This creates a “spread” between the difficulty of the dungeon and the highest party member.

Once the spread is determined we apply the following penalty:

• If there is a 1 level difference: -20% of base XP.
• If there is a 2 level difference: -50% of base XP.
• If there is a 3 level difference: -70% of base XP
• If there is a 4 level difference: -80% of base XP
• If there is a 5 level difference: -90% of base XP.
• If there is a 6 level difference: -95% of base XP.

Note that this is not a multiplier to all XP, but rather a penalty to total XP based on the base XP. It works the same way as the normal XP penalty.

Since the introduction of Reaper, overlevel penalty IS a multiplier to all XP.
It works differently than normal XP penalty.

Are you guys ever going to implement it as described in Severlin's post?

04-17-2017, 10:08 PM

Since the introduction of Reaper, overlevel penalty IS a multiplier to all XP.
It works differently than normal XP penalty.

Are you guys ever going to implement it as described in Severlin's post?

Is the Reaper XP calculated the same way that regular is? for example, if I do a HE quest 6 levels over, there's a 99% penalty, but then I get 80% for elite, 30% for traps, etc, so I'm pretty quickly back up to a real xp amount.

I feel like with reaper, none of this is happening, and the 95% (or whatever) is deducted from the end, not from the initial xp amount.

04-18-2017, 01:49 AM
You are right, ranthrock; this is exactly what is happening. Not sure why devs refuse to acknowledge and fix this.

04-18-2017, 04:06 AM

Since the introduction of Reaper, overlevel penalty IS a multiplier to all XP.
It works differently than normal XP penalty.

Are you guys ever going to implement it as described in Severlin's post?

They really need to do a re evaluation of reaper xp in general to reward playing higher reaper ie above 5

doing a reaper 10 should provide a huge bonus but each level above 5 should have a significant bonus over the 1-5.

06-09-2017, 04:46 PM
Also fix it so that its worth not only doing Reaper on heroic.. The Reaper XP vs time you spend in epics is very bad.. they need to add more XP for Epic reaper quests. Its simply too poor..