View Full Version : Reaper 11 Requirements
04-13-2017, 07:18 PM
List of things that should be in the new mode Reaper: 11 SKULLS:
Death upon quest entrance. Cake sales and running quests with a shrine at the start are up!
100% of monsters are champions
Red/Purple nameds are also champions
The following effects/spells do not function: DDoor, Invisibility, Jibbers, Jump, Cocoon, Enlarge.
Charmed monsters are instead only dazed.
The edges of your screen are on fire. (graphically... unless literally is possible to code)
When you die, a random dev laughing at you is played through the FX, music, party, and DM channels... all slightly out of sync.
When someone dies three reapers and a champion mimic spawn on their corpse.
Arcane casting monsters can charm player characters to attack the party. Ooh... I might finally learn how to play my build watching the server use it.
Reaper 11 rewards 5x the XP of Reaper 10, though every death will subtract 10% from the dying player's received reaper experience.
11 monsters must be killed to receive reaper 11 experience.
All monsters on reaper 11 move at 2x their normal move with a minimum movement of 140% base human move speed.
Named item drops have 100% chance to receive the Reaper and Mythic bonuses but also an 89% chance to have a durability and hardness of 11.
Additions welcome.
04-13-2017, 07:55 PM
no additions. just lol
04-13-2017, 08:28 PM
Characters become slightly smaller as they progress through the dungeon.
04-13-2017, 08:38 PM
* When you are raised from the dead by either a spell or raise shrine, your SP is reduced to zero.
* Reapers' incorporeality is raised to 55%. On reaper 12 this will be 60%, and so on to reaper 20 with 100%
* Reapers also gain the phasing effect that wraiths have
* Killing a reaper grants you and those nearby a "Reaper blessing", based on what type of reaper it is. These blessings last for 10 minutes.
* Curses and Diseases persist though death, but so do reaper blessings
And, the big addition:
* Kobolds have been contracted to place random traps around the dungeon. These include:
** Nets that fall from the ceiling - these are visible, and thus avoidable if you pay attention.
** Trip wires that trip you - visible with a spot or search check.
** Spell wards on the walls that will explode if you get too close - often has mud covering half to 90% of it.
04-13-2017, 11:36 PM
Usual tactic is to kill reapers ASAP.
Use the portal keeper mechanic from CiTW - when a reaper is killed, all near-by mobs become reapers
04-13-2017, 11:56 PM
Reaper 11. When you die you automatically have to re-roll your character. ;)
04-14-2017, 08:31 AM
Reapers have 11% spell reflect chance
04-14-2017, 08:52 AM
List of things that should be in the new mode Reaper: 11 SKULLS:
100% of monsters are champions
*Including reapers. 10% of mobs will be double champions.
04-14-2017, 04:44 PM
good ideas all, but I think you missed this reasonable one:
if you die your character is permanently deleted.
04-14-2017, 06:05 PM
04-14-2017, 10:35 PM
the hireling union, has hired a new pr guy his name is leroy and he use to work for the kobold union, but he heard loot was better than fresh rat, he has some new rules
1.) all members must run the absolute longest way you can and gather as much agro as possible with out doing any real damage, ( your adventuring guide will be greatly appreciative of this as they dont have to run the whole way around now)
2.) at any time you may take a 20 min break, this is required to be a half hour after doing a full 6 league agro run
3.) you may if you like cast harm on any adventuring pc in your party, they will be especially thankfull you ended the misery be a reaper got them
4.) classes on how to spam spells faster and more often for less damage are being offered every other friday
5.) union breaks are required to be taken you may not cast any healing spells during this break even at the cost of your own life as we can not afford the constant fines we get when you do not take a break, take extras just to be sure from now on
8,) adventures are looking for a challenge so fear and other spells that cause phasing/burrowing to happen are highly encouraged
7.) there is no such thing as too many union breaks
8.) always rember the water works, and feel free to remind them of that time you were on union break and they let you die and did let yu get any loot cuz they had some deal with the spirit binder to rob you of your loot
04-21-2017, 08:53 AM
Now THIS would be a cool option!! Got to have 11 skulls! :)
SSG ( The Reaper Difficulties in quests all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and...
Marty DiBergi ( Oh, I see. And in most games the difficulties go up to ten?
SSG ( Exactly.
Marty DiBergi ( Does that mean DDO's harder? Is it any harder?
SSG ( Well, it's one harder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your game. Where can you go from there? Where?
Marty DiBergi ( I don't know.
SSG ( Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
Marty DiBergi ( Put it up to eleven.
SSG ( Eleven. Exactly. One harder.
Marty DiBergi ( Why don't you just make ten harder and make ten be the top difficulty setting and make that a little harder?
SSG ( [pause] DDO goes to eleven.
04-21-2017, 10:34 AM
All mobs are like Hound of Xoriat--you must charm them and have them fight it out.
Oh nevermind. That reaper tactic is already in place...
04-30-2017, 07:44 PM
A d20 is still used to determine to-hit but half the dice sides are replaced with 1's... the half that would otherwise be 11-20.
Spells have a 5% chance to critically fumble and affect your party
Reincarnate actually brings you back as another race. Permanently.
Grim Reapers added. You don't want to know what they do.
Unkilled Fear Reapers continue to affect you outside of dungeons
Rust monsters destroy weapons. Permanently.
Potions and scrolls only stack to 10
Monster hp and health bars are hidden
UI is turned off
Voice chat disabled for party members not in line of sight
Warlocks and ranged toons may not enter reaper 11 mode
05-02-2017, 08:50 PM
Reaper X (not 10) When you enter a dungeon it collapses into a pit of spikes dealing 1000d1000 pts of dmg, which then collapses into a pit of acid dealing 1000d1000 pts of dmg, which then collapses into a pit of lava dealing 1000d1000 pts of dmg, which then collapses into an orb of annihilation which deals an instant death *no save* and deathblock does not prevent. when you die it deletes your entire account and all characters and money put in thus you start back as a lv 0 citizen with no content.
06-13-2017, 07:16 PM
A d20 is still used to determine to-hit but half the dice sides are replaced with 1's... the half that would otherwise be 11-20.
Spells have a 5% chance to critically fumble and affect your party
Reincarnate actually brings you back as another race. Permanently.
Grim Reapers added. You don't want to know what they do.
Unkilled Fear Reapers continue to affect you outside of dungeons
Rust monsters destroy weapons. Permanently.
Potions and scrolls only stack to 10
Monster hp and health bars are hidden
UI is turned off
Voice chat disabled for party members not in line of sight
Warlocks and ranged toons may not enter reaper 11 mode
i actually love the voice chat off when not in line of sight idea..
unless you 'yell' with a chat action button... then they can hear you on voice again....
which will aggro creatures in a certain radius of you.
06-23-2017, 12:35 PM
List of things that should be in the new mode Reaper: 11 SKULLS:
Additions welcome.
*Warlocks are unable to enter the dungeon
06-25-2017, 04:39 PM
A d20 is still used to determine to-hit but half the dice sides are replaced with 1's... the half that would otherwise be 11-20.
I think you missed a real opportunity here. The d20 should have 10 1's, with the remaining sides numbered 2-11.
03-14-2018, 08:01 PM
omg this is hilarious. Why did I only find this thread now ... lot's of great ideas :D (except for the delete-account-stuff ... you can always just exploit to get that :p)
03-14-2018, 09:59 PM
A d20 is still used to determine to-hit but half the dice sides are replaced with 1's... the half that would otherwise be 11-20.
Spells have a 5% chance to critically fumble and affect your party
Reincarnate actually brings you back as another race. Permanently.
Grim Reapers added. You don't want to know what they do.
Unkilled Fear Reapers continue to affect you outside of dungeons
Rust monsters destroy weapons. Permanently.
Potions and scrolls only stack to 10
Monster hp and health bars are hidden
UI is turned off
Voice chat disabled for party members not in line of sight
Warlocks and ranged toons may not enter reaper 11 mode
I actually agree on the Grim Reaper idea. And I would also suggest we come up with more reaper types since wether we like it or not, reaper is here to stay and a big part of the game.
03-14-2018, 10:07 PM
if you die your character is permanently deleted.
Been there, done that.
03-17-2018, 04:24 AM
Needs a whole new area for this.
Quests like Smell the Glove, Hell Hole, and Big Bottom.
03-18-2018, 05:47 AM
No mass hold, paralyze arrow, discoball, web.
I think that's enough.
03-30-2018, 02:47 PM
All attacks are rolled on a 1d2-999999999999 die, if you equal a number in the negatives, you die and give the mob invincibility.
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