View Full Version : The Most Interesting Adventurer in Eberron
05-27-2015, 09:21 AM
- Paladins come to him for advice on ethics
- He once offered Bloodplate a new set of armor, just to be sporting
- He can save Coyle
- Kobolds don't hate him
- After a quick consult, Burgundy Tir was convinced to frame himself for stealing the Stormreaver Fresco
- Following his key repairs, the Leaky Dinghy changed its name
- Captain Rackam apologized for mistakenly inviting him to 'Prove His Worth'
I'm sure the rest of you have had some experiences with this adventurer... please testify.
05-27-2015, 09:24 AM
- Paladins come to him for advice on ethics
- He once offered Bloodplate a new set of armor, just to be sporting
- He can save Coyle
- Kobolds don't hate him
- After a quick consult, Burgundy Tir was convinced to frame himself for stealing the Stormreaver Fresco
- Following his key repairs, the Leaky Dinghy changed its name
- Captain Rackam apologized for mistakenly inviting him to 'Prove His Worth'
I'm sure the rest of you have had some experiences with this adventurer... please testify.
Sounds like me. ^^
05-27-2015, 10:20 AM
Sounds like me. ^^
But if it were, you'd never have to say so.
05-27-2015, 11:20 AM
-When he arrives in a party, the hirelings do precisely as he directs.
-The Dalkyr ask him where he shops.
-He once arrived at the Portable Hole without Teleport.
-On the dreamplane, he once told something to the Devourer of Dreams that gave it nightmares.
05-27-2015, 11:29 AM
- Jeets gets tounge-tied when he's around.
- Patrons try to earn favor with him.
05-27-2015, 11:33 AM
Patrons try to earn favor with him.
that's a good one, still laughing about it!
05-27-2015, 11:39 AM
- He's even managed to charm Malicia
- Rouge isn't in the know as to who he is
- No-one can persuade Suulomades to come down from his perch when he's in the room
05-27-2015, 11:42 AM
He is the only man to get the bonus chest in the Shroud.
05-27-2015, 11:45 AM
- Axer and Teh_troll hjeal him.
05-27-2015, 11:57 AM
-He applies the mark of coolness in Missing
-NPC’s escort him though the dungeon
-Altars purified themselves when he enters the room
-He is facing the enemy when he casts spells
-He doesn’t need lich form to feel viable
-When he posts LFMs, people from other servers ask to join
-Lord Sable asked to be his thrall
05-27-2015, 12:04 PM
- The only character that the Lag Monster fears and avoids.
- Mimics always freely disgorge their loot in his presence.
- Finds Kargon's Hams just a bit too bland, and is thus unimpressed by them.
- ...
05-27-2015, 12:27 PM
drinks Kobold Stout
05-27-2015, 12:28 PM
drinks coffee from this mug: jpg
05-27-2015, 01:03 PM
drinks coffee from this mug: jpg
Owww, that's to much of a hint. Now everybody knows.
05-27-2015, 01:05 PM
- He can solo a dungeon while piking.
- He gets EE versions of gear while running Heroic Normal.
- He put Suulomades to the question.
- He always exits the Wayward Lobster by the same door he used to enter.
Invis runs quests..........where the mobs make themselves invis in hopes he will not see them.
05-27-2015, 01:53 PM
- He has traveled beyond the End of The Road.
- Arraetrikos basks in him
- Elminster races ahead to open doors for him
- Champions simply hand over their remnants and walk away
05-27-2015, 02:00 PM
When they see him Monster Champions take off their crowns in respect.
He is the reason every one else knows they are not elite.
Paladin and Barb players lobby to get his builds nerfed.
05-27-2015, 02:04 PM
Elminster and Lolth join together to keep him out of the FR for balance reasons.
This is the DDO version of Yuck Snoreeze it seems.
05-27-2015, 02:24 PM
-Malicia gave him her hat... and her corset.
-When he goes to the Underdark, he snacks on purple worms.
-All his equipped weapons gain +5 to hit for being equipped by him.
-He CAN simply walk out of Schindylrynn.
05-27-2015, 03:03 PM
He once lit his keyboard on fire, just to see what it was like playing with lag spikes
He once banned Cordovan :p
Kobolds forget about him
05-27-2015, 03:21 PM
- he doesn't read tomes, he writes them
- he told Durk the secret
- he simply withdraws Velah's treasure from the bank
05-27-2015, 03:28 PM
-He broke down Titans impenetrable force shield. With his bare hands. On Wizard life.
-He can still scare Cholthulzz
-For him, Mastermind puzzle is just a puzzle.
-As druid he uses only the bear form. And does the most damage and kills.
-Abbot's Encasement is also called "His skin moisturiser"
-He doesn't always run raids, but when he does, he gets at least 3 pieces of raid gear.
-He can open Elite on first life. With f2p account.
He loots epic RoSS. From the heroic chest
He navigates rainbow in the dark by his own aura
Bards are inspired by his excellence
He once fought eternity with the windows closed. Just to be fair
The puzzle in monistary of the scorpion solves itself when he walks in
05-27-2015, 04:18 PM
- Chuck Norris simply logs out in shame when he logs on.
05-27-2015, 06:05 PM
He has gotten Ransack Bonus in Arachnophobia as well as Conquest in Home Sweet Sewer...
The Black Dragon in Litany of the Dead agrees with any answer he gives...
Dogs, Lions, Bezekira, and the like refuse to trip him...
The Time Limit respects HIM...
05-27-2015, 06:37 PM
... He soloed EE FoTP.. on a level 1!
05-27-2015, 09:16 PM
He simply bought Garrison some new tools AND let the kobolds keep the old ones.
05-27-2015, 11:20 PM
- The Abbot asked him for advice on ascending to godhood
- When he does TOD, Horoth leaves with the rest of the council
- When he skips the Korthos storyline, he goes straight to level 30
- He made Velah blush (she's really a white dragon)
05-27-2015, 11:35 PM
- Troglodytes take a shower before he kills them.
- He knows a hundred Bard songs on his Monk.
- Even his Elf has a beard.
- He only goes to a trainer to give advice.
- He won DDO and put it up for a roll.
He is the most interesting adventurer in Ebberon.
05-28-2015, 02:44 AM
He is the very model of an Eberron adventurer
He raids for fun & not for loot puts it to roll for everyone
He knew the way through the pit and crucible in his first run
then solos MoD & doesn't brag to anyone
The abbot hides when he appears,
made Suulo age ten thousand years
He doesn't die when in the shroud
Beholders blink when he's around
Heals parties as a barbarian
Played warlock back in module ten
Flushed Zuggtmoy down in the drain
then said "petrichor, the smell of rain"
...and now i should get back to work. Continue!
05-28-2015, 03:51 AM
All his feats, enhancements, destinies and gear stacks with it self which he finds funny as he walks around in End Game content on Epic Elite as a level One Character and win every fight butt naked and no gear equipped what so ever.
05-28-2015, 06:14 AM
05-28-2015, 07:37 AM
His 20-sided die doesn't have a 1 on it.
05-28-2015, 08:14 AM
His 20-sided die only has 20s on it.
There, corrected that one for you.
05-28-2015, 08:23 AM
Stealth? Hah! The mobs all go into stealth upon her entrance into the adventure--except for Drow slave masters who collar themselves in hopes of placating her whims.
Bravery bonus? She defines this as the dungeon's standard of mettle, not hers--that at least 1% of the mobs are not shaken and feared at the very sight of her (the THOUGHT of her causes -2 to will saves).
Bosses? Patsies.
Puzzles? The mobs solve them for her in hopes of getting her out ASAP! A few die in fear just attempting them as that caused the thought of her to loom into too extended a proximity.
Puddings? Ochres? Jellies? Desserts.
05-28-2015, 08:44 AM
Locked chests face HIM in order to be picked
05-28-2015, 08:59 AM
- He's even managed to charm Malicia
-Malicia gave him her hat... and her corset.
This explains her temperate indifference the last time went a-callin'.
I... I understand now.
- He is allowed to use pole-arms and spears.
- All the ToEE Wheaton orbs just say, "Welcome Sir!" when he walks by.
- He could still access the Market tent when Shavarath locked the rest of us lesser mortals out.
- ...Not that he had to^, for the vendors and pawn-brokers come looking for him.
- ...
05-28-2015, 09:52 AM
He is the very model of an Eberron adventurer
He raids for fun & not for loot puts it to roll for everyone
He knew the way through the pit and crucible in his first run
then solos MoD & doesn't brag to anyone
The abbot hides when he appears,
made Suulo age ten thousand years
He doesn't die when in the shroud
Beholders blink when he's around
Heals parties as a barbarian
Played warlock back in module ten
Flushed Zuggtmoy down in the drain
then said "petrichor, the smell of rain"
...and now i should get back to work. Continue!
I see what you did there: +1
05-28-2015, 10:02 AM
He IS the "foul miasma".
Raid timers wait for HIM.
He has every hair dye cosmetic active at all times.
He has zero pets.
He is the one who handed out the raid boxes.
Djinn come to him for wishes.
He can still make the shortcut jump in Sleeping Dust.
He is a Gnome player character.
He runs a guild of guilds.
05-28-2015, 02:02 PM
He continues to run Mabar.
05-28-2015, 02:20 PM
-Traps disable themselves as he approaches.
-Secret doors reveal themselves as he gets near.
05-28-2015, 04:21 PM
-He did tell Cellimas to keep her knickers on but she couldn't resist him...
-He gathered all of the dragons and giants together in Tor just to give them chance.
-The Stromreaver disabled the doomsday device himself because he asked the giant nicely.
-Varath ran off when he said: "Hush son or I call Your Mamma!"
When asked to link a boss beater to get into a raid group, he linked a jpg of himself.
05-28-2015, 05:08 PM
He never gets stuck, Eberron /stucks for him.
Pit Fiend venom gives him stacking constitution.
Feather Fall? he can fly.
Eberron is his air ship.
05-28-2015, 09:32 PM
-Lolth and the Spinner have to watch his cut scenes
Best thread I have read in years, was laughing out loud at the end.
05-28-2015, 10:12 PM
-The walls in Coalescence Chamber move to avoid colliding with him.
-He once got the Stormreaver to quit crying about things for a minute.
-He made a kobold forget Waterworks.
-Otto uses his boxes.
-He piked while soloing and still completed.
-He plays on Ghallanda, even when it's unavailable.
-CS contacts him.
05-28-2015, 10:16 PM
The most interesting adventurer finds himself perusing The Vault of secrets on a daily basis.
05-28-2015, 10:50 PM
- For him, simply logging in is considered an exploit and he'll ban any GM who calls him on it.
- When he swings his Great Axe, he stands still and the game-world has to twitch.
- Don't ask him if he's completed his puzzle. He finished in 2006 while creating his first character.
- Energy tries to resist him and fails.
- He's found a use for every single available feat.
- Every update, Fred comes to him and has to pay him for any changes to the game.
- He used 'Summon Monster I' to call forth the Tarrasque and dismissed it because it's 'gimp'.
- His farts are considered a valuable collectable.
- He once forgot his Boots of Anchoring and the Plane of Shavarath was banished to the marketplace.
05-28-2015, 11:01 PM
He can climb ladders without bugging out.
05-28-2015, 11:16 PM
He made the Kessel run in 1 parsec. Without a ship.
05-29-2015, 06:59 AM
He once earned completionist... On his first Life.
05-29-2015, 02:33 PM
- He can solo a dungeon while piking.
- He gets EE versions of gear while running Heroic Normal.
- He put Suulomades to the question.
- He always exits the Wayward Lobster by the same door he used to enter.
I'm giving my votes to this one; 4 of 4, especially #1.
05-29-2015, 04:40 PM
- Knows what happened to +Sir Lawrence
- Is the cause of Red Alert AND Lag
- Doesn't need Underwater Action, Feather Fall.
- All of his bonuses stack
- He is the reason Halflings invented the Heroic Companion Enhancement, out of embarassment
- Never gets ransack
- Was flagged for every raid Jan 1, 2006
- Was capped during character creation
- Has DR ?/-
- The Queen of Summer wants to have tea with him
- Fights with TWF (THREE Weapon Fighting) with Monkey Grip
- Knows what happened to +Sir Lawrence
- Is the cause of Red Alert AND Lag
- Doesn't need Underwater Action, Feather Fall.
- All of his bonuses stack
- He is the reason Halflings invented the Heroic Companion Enhancement, out of embarassment
- Never gets ransack
- Was flagged for every raid Jan 1, 2006
- Was capped during character creation
- Has DR ?/-
- The Queen of Summer wants to have tea with him
05-29-2015, 04:57 PM
-He built the mouth of Splinterskull
05-29-2015, 05:27 PM
He IS the man from Nantucket.
05-29-2015, 05:54 PM
When he logs to G-land, everyone else is disconnected.
So why are none of these in the form of: He doesn't always .... but when he does ... ?
For example: He doesn't always run Waterworks, but when he does, kobold doesn't remember.
05-29-2015, 06:11 PM
-Otto uses his boxes.
lmao best in show! :D
05-29-2015, 08:01 PM
Owww, that's to much of a hint. Now everybody knows. , old folks like me think that is Gor -Gor or something...'GWAR!' ... oh you must be talkin about Sleazy P Martini;) crack dealers pay him, to come to them.
05-29-2015, 08:03 PM
-Otto uses his boxes.
-He plays on Ghallanda, even when it's unavailable.
05-29-2015, 08:42 PM
- His PDK Key to the City transports him to Westeros.
- He plays on Hillary's private server.
- Xzibit pimps out his Daily Dice every morning before he rolls.
- His mouse plays in him-look mode.
- He has Severlin for a cosmetic companion.
- Him just thinking about joining your LFM guarantees you will complete.
- He never twists an ED because he knows it's best straight-up or dirty.
05-29-2015, 10:23 PM
has successfully taught Shade math.
05-30-2015, 12:36 PM
When he casts spells he actually generates sp.
Dragons in FoTP let him use artifact first out of reverence.
Ana left Elminster after meeting him for the first time.
Medusas turn themselves to stone when they look at him
Dupers stop duping and actually start farming mats when he logs on
He does not always run TOEE but when he does, drop rates increase to 100 percent.
RNG is afraid of him
05-31-2015, 02:39 AM
Is the only chaotic Monk in the game
Is the only Lawful Barbarian in the game
05-31-2015, 09:52 PM
has a stack of 10000 Flawless Red Dragon Scales that he actually earned.
06-01-2015, 02:43 PM
So why are none of these in the form of: He doesn't always .... but when he does ... ?
For example: He doesn't always run Waterworks, but when he does, kobold doesn't remember.
Because that's the phrasing said by the Man himself. We're just recounting his deeds, prior to when he says a line like that, as narrators. You should find a commercial based on this idea to see what's going on.
06-01-2015, 02:57 PM
-He once died, just to see what it was like, and then completed his solo raid as a soulstone with 400 Melee Power.
-He once slew Karas in Epic Elite "Lords of Dust" with a Club of the Holy Flame--with -1 Durability.
-When he visits the Underdark, denizens there must wear sunglasses to see him.
06-03-2015, 11:42 AM
He doesn't select a deity to worship. He selects a deity companion.
06-03-2015, 11:49 AM
Some say that Astral Shards just appear from His pockets and that He is the only person who can Elminster to shut up... all we know is that he is called The Most Interesting Adventurer in Eberron!
06-12-2015, 03:43 PM
The Silver Flame was born when he lit his fart aflame to see what color his flaming fart would be
Rakshasas shape shift into a pile of **** that disposes of itself up at the mere thought of him
He doesn't venture to the sewers often, but when he does, he doesn't clean them, the sewers clean themselves
06-12-2015, 04:53 PM
When he is around, Aghilde & other hags refuse to show their true form, because they don't want to ruin their 'chances' with him. ;)
06-12-2015, 11:12 PM
He doesn't always drink ale. But when he does, he drinks Old Sully's Grog.
Stay classy, my friend.
06-13-2015, 01:28 AM
He makes greensteel with no material components;)
He gains lvls from doomphere attacks!
His card cruncher is always active:)
06-13-2015, 01:32 AM
-Traps disable themselves as he approaches.
+1 ;
06-13-2015, 05:58 PM
* He has killed Jeets and Amalgam.
06-13-2015, 06:20 PM
- His sword is always holy.
- He can simply walk out of Sschindylryn.
06-13-2015, 09:54 PM
-He has gone beyond The End of the Road.
-His 10k hp from Unyielding is permanent.
-He had a bladeforged toon before F2P
07-17-2015, 02:19 PM
- in his caster lives, he doesnt FoD 2hp-stunned-tripped mobs being beatten by a melee
- In the demon's den, the Efreeti comes to the center.
- He saved Venn ar-Kerran from the Clan Tunnelworm.
- Monster mobs see a fiery crown on him.
- He put the giants and dragons to sit down and talk in Prey on the Hunter.
- His barbarian has a monk spash.
- His bard plays a flute.
- His cleric turns all undeads in the room on EE.
- His aritifcer's pet is a Titan.
- his warlock is not enlightened with evil damage.
- He /danced himself to break the crystal in 3 seconds in Madstone.
- Cellimas Villuhne waits for his buffs before charging.
- He brought the head of Ghola-fan.
07-17-2015, 05:38 PM
he dosn't need Yugolith potions to land his DC's
- in his caster lives, he doesnt FoD 2hp-stunned-tripped mobs being beatten by a melee
- In the demon's den, the Efreeti comes to the center.
- He saved Venn ar-Kerran from the Clan Tunnelworm.
- Monster mobs see a fiery crown on him.
- He put the giants and dragons to sit down and talk in Prey on the Hunter.
- His barbarian has a monk spash.
- His bard plays a flute.
- His cleric turns all undeads in the room on EE.
- His aritifcer's pet is a Titan.
- his warlock is not enlightened with evil damage.
- He /danced himself to break the crystal in 3 seconds in Madstone.
- Leeroy Jenkins waits for his buffs before charging.
- He brought the head of Ghola-fan.
Fixed that one for you....
07-17-2015, 10:16 PM
He is so Bad ... he makes Shaft shut his own mouth!
Surely badder than, LeRoy Brown
10-28-2015, 08:38 AM
Incorporeality enables him to walk through walls.
His Noisemakers play chart songs.
The Epic Wolf Whistle summons his cosmetic pet.
10-28-2015, 10:17 AM
- He uses both The Abbots and Lady Vols power to make others immortal. He has no need to use that power on himself.
- The Abbot and Lady Vol join together to seek after his power.
He remains unnerfed from U28.1.
11-18-2015, 01:28 PM
Has MF working from lv. 1 on. Will have MF working in Legendary content.
11-18-2015, 01:38 PM
He was the first to ever free Arlos and was never asked to again.
11-18-2015, 06:23 PM
When he logs on ...
... there is no LAG.
11-18-2015, 06:35 PM
He found Venn in the Clan Tunnelworm prison... alive.
10-16-2017, 10:05 AM
The Lord of Eyes looks at him.
One glance and Medusas turn to stone in his presence.
The green dragon Tharmalos orders his own snacks when he shows up.
When he says 'Prepare to Die', Vicala immediately frees the Midler family members.
He doesn't need water from a sanctified well to rescue the Purple Dragon Knight.. spitting into a cup is sufficient
Out of respect, the Lord of Blades doesn't use the 'superman' move while he's in the room.
Crystal Cove is always open for him.
He's the reason Eternity has never returned.
10-16-2017, 11:08 AM
Dragons get shock and awe when fighting HIM.
He once clicked "show dragonmark", and it crashed the server.
Mobs fail the saving throw against his wands.
His guild buffs cannot be hidden.
10-16-2017, 11:54 AM
- He put Heyton to Rest
- Depths of despair got its name when he left it
- He wrote Yarkuch's War-plans
- When word came that he was in town; Toven changed his title to "the barely proficient artificer"
- He calls Kor-Kaza when he wants a shower
- Reapers fear him
10-16-2017, 11:54 AM
- The Crucible was his play-place as a small child.
10-16-2017, 12:06 PM
10-16-2017, 12:16 PM
10-16-2017, 01:03 PM
10-16-2017, 09:50 PM
Has this thread been put into the Hall of Fame yet? ;)
10-16-2017, 10:18 PM
-Elminister actually stops talking in his presence
-Stormreaver will not white dot in his presence and actually does his job
-The TR Cache and DDO store always works correctly for him
-Devs are eager to answer his bug reports
-Trump once asked him to build a wall
10-17-2017, 04:26 AM
Wins Luckypenny's Platinum spin every time.
10-22-2017, 10:22 PM
-He was once hurled through hell and conquered the lower planes.
-The Everything is Nothing Technique was created when he accidentally killed a legion of Devils while he was sweeping his room.
-He once completed a raid with 12 toons all personally operated by him at the same time.
-Life-shapers come to him when they need to reincarnate.
-Fatespinners visit him to manipulate their destinies.
-A kobold shaman once made fun of him, so he superglued him onto a minotaur.
-Whenever he's AFK his toons play themselves.
-Whenever he wants to cast a buff the heavens align for him.
-He created a race of giant halflings for fun, and then created a race of halfling giants.
-Oozes can't see him with blind sight and he leaves no tremors for spiders to sense.
-Any weapon he wields is automatically vorpal, banishing, disrupting, metallic, morphic, aligned and antipodal and does 8d10 bane dmg.
-The only spells that can summon him are wish and miracle, and he has to allow it first.
-He's the reason wheeping dirges cry.
-He can interdict quells.
-The warlocks who formed a pact with him are now gods.
-He once beat a beholder at a staring contest.
-Energy drain gives him extra levels.
-Droaam halted it's invasion of Stormreach when they heard he was still there.
-He thought the idea of favoring one enemy over another was pointless, so he decided to do bane damage against any and every monster as a show of fairness.
-He once swam an entire lap around the ascension chamber.
-Gods make offerings to him.
-He can TR with a lesser heart of wood.
He taught Celimas the Protection from Death spell.
-He once postponed the coterminance of Risia because the Devs needed an extra week.
-He completed the Pit, Haywire Foundry, and Ghola Fan blindfolded on the same day with a character that didn't have evasion
10-22-2017, 10:40 PM
Warlocks agree that he's overpowered.
10-25-2017, 01:35 PM
Goodblade gave him the real sword of Tesyus.
11-16-2022, 01:25 PM
He died once while solo soloing in an Uber legendary. Rez shrines in other quests would not have that and raced to get to him first.
The lord of blades takes crafting lessons from him.
11-16-2022, 01:41 PM
Reapers wish they were his pet.
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