View Full Version : New Guild in Wayfinder: Your Part Time Guild

12-24-2014, 12:13 AM
Greetings to all Full- and Part-Time players of server Wayfinder. I am a prior Turbine game veteran of many years and have shifted to playing DDO. After initially buying in during the Black Friday sales event, I tried to take note of the many aspects of new player build, growth, and social dynamics here in DDO. I quickly noticed the differences on Wayfinder, and not just the server population. There were many lower level characters, but few who were in a guild. Most that I chatted with seemed to be only temporarily playing Wayfinder to either generate Favor, or just checking it out. Thus sprung my idea - start a Part-Timer's Guild!

"Your Part Time Guild" is a sincere effort on my part to breathe some life and support into the smaller Wayfinder server. The concept I am using is toward that of a Clearinghouse. I do not primarily seek full-time Wayfinder players, and my goal is to help players find a full-time Guild, whether on Wayfinder or elsewhere. There are no expectations for log-in minimums, nor donation minimums -- none of that. This guild will simply be a place to socialize, "hang out" and chat, but also to help organize those who do pass through. In a way, I hope that this Clearinghouse of a guild helps people connect who otherwise would not while they are on server.

Guild leadership will also be part time. My time in Wayfinder will vary, as I will be exploring all servers over the next year. Guild Officers will only be comprised of the alt characters for Guild Leaders in Wayfinder or elsewhere. As result, I hope that this guild also serves as a hub for Guild leaders around the game to gather when desired for various purposes, which has great potential to network and discuss the game. If you are a Guild Leader and would like to discuss further, feel free to PM me here in Forum or find my main "Kyll" in game in Wayfinder.

Specifically toward existing Wayfinder Guild Leaders/Officers, I am not here to compete with you. Rather, look at me as a potential Training Guild that can offer up players to your guilds should they choose to stay longer term in game. I will not recruit any players who are current guild members in Wayfinder, and any transfer into my guild will first incur a discussion with the prior Guild leader. I discourage full-time Wayfinder players from "jumping ship" to join me.

As for Airships: Plat donations have already begun flowing into the guild, and we are capitalized to buy Airships when we reach our initial thresholds. We will grow the guild, purchasing each ship as it becomes available.

As for Guild rules, simply follow the game's EULA. We expect a varied and diverse membership given the theme of this guild, and I am not turning anyone away who wants in. Given the history of the server, I especially want to reach out to European players who would like to bridge the gap across our different language-based guilds (i.e. would be great to have at least a few German typing/speaking members!).

All in all, I recognize that by myself I cannot change the player-base of an entire server, but I hope to have a positive impact on the community of the Wayfinder server, and over time look forward to chatting/talking to many other passionate MMO players who find DDO as their home.

12-24-2014, 03:46 AM
Welcome to Wayfinder. We are all about the Fun. :D

12-30-2014, 12:42 PM
Welcome to Wayfinder. We are all about the Fun. :D

Thanks Tscheuss. We just crossed over level 10, have bought the first/smallest Airship and filled it up with buffing amenities. For part-timers on server, it's a nice addition.

01-25-2015, 03:14 PM
Level 15 and growing; Floating Rock Garden amenity purchased and hooked, although a trade given our small Airship.
New guild leaders have joined from several other servers, become officers, and our growth is accelerating at a nice pace.
Thanks to Wayfinder TeaBags who provided some plats for guild purchases.
As reminder to Wayfinder guild leaders - I will encourage/push full-time players in the guild to seek full-time guilds elsewhere on the server, so if you have not yet sent me a private message here, or in-game mail, please do so, as it helps me gain insight into the types of players you are looking for and I can appropriately refer them out.
For non-Wayfinder guild leaders, same thing - please PM me here or in-game mail so that we network and I give players options for their DDO play outside Wayfinder. All guild leaders have an open offer to become an officer in the guild and then help bring in your guild members and help frame our future as a clearinghouse guild.

New-to-game players, you are especially welcome to join in and test out not just Wayfinder but you get a chance to communicate with several guild leaders before you make your choice where your full-time gameplay will end up. Some may wonder why a new-to-game, new installation player would log in to Wayfinder. I can't say there's one single reason, but Wayfinder always sits at the bottom of the server list for your choice of login server. Perhaps that is a draw to some players newly installing the game, but for varying reasons I have been bringing in many new-to-game players in the last couple weekends.

Last, and especially if you enjoy helping new-to-game players, new installations out - know that some players have their new computers defaulting to Direct X 11 (DX11) and they need to go ESC(Main Menu)>Options>Graphics>Check box labeled "Detect Optimal Settings" to get their PC better aligned, reverted to DX9 (this has worked with many new installation players). I hope the dev's change the default new installation so that this box is checked already, so your system reverts automatically, but perhaps there's some code issue. I put this here because I have helped three players with this problem already, and one had a newer premium gaming PC and was facing issues until doing this procedure. Get the word out!

04-18-2015, 03:24 PM
Your Part Time Guild has upgraded to a Daedalean Kraken, and looks forward to even more growth in our guild going forward. We have a growing group of part-timers on server, and some who simply choose to stay full-time with us. Send me a note here or in-game mail if you want to join us and help raise the Guild Level and fill up the ship with new Amenities.

04-19-2015, 12:52 AM
Congratulations on your new acquisition. I hope it serves you well. :)

04-19-2015, 02:32 AM
Your Part Time Guild has upgraded to a Daedalean Kraken

Envious! Gratz.

09-19-2015, 02:54 PM
We're about to make level 22. The Kraken is outfitted with every possible plat and shard-based Amenity hooked on the ship, along with what crew we can unlock and rent in the Cargo area. I've been away from the game a lot while the weather was favorable for outside activities, but will play a bit more DDO in the next few months as the fall and winter set in.
Send me a PM here or in-game mail if you would like to join us, even if temporary, and even if you intend to be perma-death, as our ship buffs are available if you need them!

11-25-2015, 07:50 PM
The guild is growing at a faster pace than I ever expected, have tripled in size in just the past two weeks, and we are often the largest group on the server now, depending on the time of day.

We've hit level 25, and quickly about to cross 26, and we have all but a couple Astral Shard based Amenities (awaiting next shard sale). The Cargo Hold is maintained well with all beneficial legacy buffing NPCs, and a single chest where we dump level 1-4 gear for new/returning players. The Guild Vault is 1st Deck Down off the Bath House, where we store mid-range gear in the all-member chests and most of the Epic and rare gear stays in the Officer chests. Farshifter is purchased, and hooked.

If you are interested in joining us, and (ironically) -- full time in Wayfinder, especially let me know in a PM here, as I am moving toward establishing officers that are not just Guild Leaders on other servers, as we have too many members online all the time to isolate the leadership roles to part-time players only. Translated - I'm looking to grow the guild's officer corps.

I will also need quest-savvy members who want to lead scheduled quests in the future (don't all guild leaders hope for these types?). I also want to establish a monthly Challenge day, or perhaps twice a month, but the guild will need to move toward organized Challenges to help round out our gameplay and Favor that way.

Overall, we're in a good place now, and I want to reemphasize that there are no demands on time requirements nor donation expectations -- now or ever, from this guild, so this truly is a "carefree" guild that is here to make your gameplay as seamless and enjoyable as possible when visiting (or staying) at the Wayfinder server. If a member character is away from the game for 4 months or more, I may kick out that character simply to keep the list organized and trimmed, but anyone returning later can still rejoin with no worries.

11-25-2015, 07:59 PM
The guild is growing at a faster pace than I ever expected, have tripled in size in just the past two weeks, and we are often the largest group on the server now, depending on the time of day.

We've hit level 25, and quickly about to cross 26, and we have all but a couple Astral Shard based Amenities (awaiting next shard sale). The Cargo Hold is maintained well with all beneficial legacy buffing NPCs, and a single chest where we dump level 1-4 gear for new/returning players. The Guild Vault is 1st Deck Down off the Bath House, where we store mid-range gear in the all-member chests and most of the Epic and rare gear stays in the Officer chests. Farshifter is purchased, and hooked.

If you are interested in joining us, and (ironically) -- full time in Wayfinder, especially let me know in a PM here, as I am moving toward establishing officers that are not just Guild Leaders on other servers, as we have too many members online all the time to isolate the leadership roles to part-time players only. Translated - I'm looking to grow the guild's officer corps.

I will also need quest-savvy members who want to lead scheduled quests in the future (don't all guild leaders hope for these types?). I also want to establish a monthly Challenge day, or perhaps twice a month, but the guild will need to move toward organized Challenges to help round out our gameplay and Favor that way.

Overall, we're in a good place now, and I want to reemphasize that there are no demands on time requirements nor donation expectations -- now or ever, from this guild, so this truly is a "carefree" guild that is here to make your gameplay as seamless and enjoyable as possible when visiting (or staying) at the Wayfinder server. If a member character is away from the game for 4 months or more, I may kick out that character simply to keep the list organized and trimmed, but anyone returning later can still rejoin with no worries.

Sounds like you need a new Guildname?

11-25-2015, 08:03 PM
Sounds like you need a new Guildname?

Most all the members are still part-time in Wayfinder. Many new-to-game players come to Wayfinder also, perhaps it is the interest given that Wayfinder is the last server listed among all servers, when a new game installation is finished and you must choose a server to log into (Wayfinder has always been listed last, for whatever reason). I think many players are hesitant to join a guild that they aren't committed to, and yet - there is no cost, other than a reduction of the Renown rate (for small guilds that care of it).

11-26-2015, 02:21 PM
(Wayfinder has always been listed last, for whatever reason).

Wayfinder was the Default server for quite some time after it was introduced as the 8th server - #1 on the list for newbies!
The Devs finally realised that newbies loading into an empty server was a bad idea and have given the default to Ghallanda, Cannith, Orien, Sarlona, Orien, Cannith again and Argo in the two years since.
Save your sympathy for the two servers that HAVEN'T had the Default in over 3 years! The two historically biggest servers - Thelanis and Khyber!

12-03-2015, 06:35 PM
Kyll on a great starter [permanent for some] guild to help people love the game as we do.

As a member of the Wayfinder community for 7-7 1/2 years , We welcome all who wish to be here.
We are a close group/guild based server and I can see why it is hard for new players to think of making Wayfinder their home.
I have some amazing people and some not so, but we all are here to grow and have fun.
Your Part Time Guild is probably best Guild for any new or transferring player to join on Wayfinder,
because of the setup and Kyll takes time to explain how and why things work to them.
I have run many quests with him and helped to answer questions that he does not know,
so we all can get the best experience possible on such a low-pop server.
Maybe if everyone helps each other we can grow our population server wide each month or year.

Remember if you need any help or have questions just ask me I am always around. :p

My mains are:
Cerena / Kikku / Miztrezz of Wayfinder
Hitori Guild

12-03-2015, 08:43 PM
As a member of the Wayfinder community for 7-7 1/2 years , We welcome all who wish to be here.


That was the very first thread on the Wayfinder Forums!

Wayfinder's only 4 years old!

12-17-2015, 11:30 PM
Your Part Time Guild has made Guild Level 30! Thanks to the many present and past members (some part-timers only stay for 100 Favor). We've had over 300 different players/accounts pass through this guild, with some staying around full time. I can honestly say that this guild is the most active guild on the entire server now. Last night, as example, we had over 20 players logged in simultaneously, which has been a rare occurrence on Wayfinder for any guild, even since the beginning of this game. We've achieved a "critical mass" at this point, and the word is out across servers that we're available if players do come in part time.

What has changed/updated with the guild?

- We have all available Amenities except 3 of the Astral Shard Amenities, but those should be purchased after I take advantage of an ongoing Astral Shard sale event. The level 30 Amenity, the Trapper's Workshop, was a nice addition with fortification bypass. We also have all available Legacy/Old buffing system items hooked in the Cargo Hold, to include all the lesser resist shrines that we have unlocked (still a couple to unlock).
- Guild Contests, Giveaway events. Last Saturday, I held a drawing for a free Starter Package, and a FTP player won. He had never upgraded yet with a single adventure pack (but he's old school D&D gamer). He was very excited to try out the Catacombs quest line for the first time in the game. I am holding more giveaways, especially over the Christmas holiday period, to include another Starter Package giveaway event.
- Officers. I've established several new full-time player officers, as we had to have a corps of non-guild leaders available for invite requests and guild chest/storage management.
- Challenges. We're teaching Challenges on weekends, learning as we go. I've found out that many players in DDO for years have not even tried Challenges before. Coming into Your Part Time Guild from another server helps open dialogue to expose players to many different things in the game, and information sharing has been key to our success.
- Organized Groups. With our increased membership, we're seeing more and more players step forward to lead groups on quests. Many of these same players have normally solo'd in Wayfinder or other servers, but we're reintroducing the social aspects of the game to many players.
- Crafting! We have a few members with crafting levels in the lvl 40+ range, capable of low-mid tier crafting now.

Interested in joining us, even if just for a part-time experience on Wayfinder? Send me a PM here in Forum, or in-game mail to Kyll.

01-12-2016, 08:19 PM
We just made Guild Level 40 and our surge continues not just in Guild Levels, but especially in active membership numbers.

At last count, per the stated numbers found at the pop-up "Guild Level" shield at the Guild Tab, we now have nearly 350 active accounts (that's individual players, not characters). We are now one of the largest guilds in the game, and probably will be the game's largest guild within the next 1-2 months at this pace. I consider us to be a guild that offers many things: a Training Guild, a part-timer's guild, a favor-runner's guild, and a full-time guild for those that choose to stay for Wayfinder to be their main/primary server. We have had over 30 members logged in at once during peak times, with average log-in numbers now toward 20.

Numerous officer promotions have occurred to handle the breadth of membership now on hand, and we look forward to Wayfinder being considered as large a server as any other in total population. We've done a great job of retaining talented players on the server that happened upon the server as one of their first visited. In the past, many of these same players may have logged out and tried another server, and we hear feedback from new members toward that exact point.

For Level 40 specifically: all available Amenities and Amenity upgrades of all types are hooked on the Kraken Airship, including Astral Shard based Amenities, and including all available State Rooms. At level 40, we installed the Green Steel Crafting Station (State Room), Upgraded the Experience room to tier IV, and installed the Large Guild Chest in our Cargo Hold. Speaking of the Cargo Hold, all beneficial old/legacy buffing items are bought on rental and hooked in the Cargo Hold.

Come visit us, even if you are only on a temp favor run on server. We'll keep the lights on.

03-17-2016, 11:12 AM
Your Part Time Guild has made Guild Level 55, and we now have 4 hour Guild Buffs from the Amenity Bar on our Airship. Other numbers/factoids to update:

- 650+ members/accounts in the Guild.
- 500+ active members/accounts are in the Guild now.
- We hit the 1,000 character cap, have maxed the guild, and have now converted to a revolving door approach. An officer kicks out the most inactive character at the bottom of the "Last On" column list, to then invite a new character in. We welcome back in anyone that has been kicked out, if they return to the game.
- Recent guild and server record, we had 65 members online at once, our new high.
- One additional guild "rule" that is more a guideline, is that we don't intend to take in alternate characters going forward. Each player joining should only come in with their Main or only one single Alt character if their Main is in a different guild. We encourage members to take Alts into other guilds if they are welcomed in elsewhere.
- Officers can put "useful" alts into the Guild, but not bank/mule characters. It's a common sense approach we're tinkering with, but especially to ensure officers have ranked alts available for when/if necessary to quest with others.

If you'd like to join us, send in-game mail to my main, Kyll, or a direct PM if I am online. Also, you can go O > Social menu > Who tab, sort by Guild column, and find a higher level Guild member to send a note to. At most any time of day, an officer is typically online.

04-26-2016, 07:34 PM
Congratulations to the Guild on reaching Guild Level 60.

Wayfinder Server has moved past our lag issues and the server appears to be lag free, and the player base is slowly building up again. When/if you do experience lag or log-in issues with another server, give Wayfinder a try.

We have purchased all Astral Shard based Amenities that we can to this point, and we are postured to pay for any/all remaining upgrades as we further level up the Guild, so this will be a fully upgraded Guild Airship as we level.

Our Guild's membership is up to 700 accounts now, with 300 alts in the Guild. As our current Alts exit or are kicked for inactivity, we're slowly growing the guild toward 1,000 true members (won't get there, probably will settle around 850 at most). Officers can keep in useful alts that are not banks/mules, but are using discretion.

I have had ongoing conversation with at least 5 active Guild Leaders on server, who are willing to take in your other alt characters if you need to house them and push Renown their way.

Send me a PM here on forum or in game, if you'd like to discuss joining the Guild or would like to be considered an open guild for taking in alternate characters from our members.

05-04-2016, 04:01 PM
Cleaned up a page of posts that are off-topic arguments about lag. Feel free to continue to discuss the guild. Also, moving thread to Wayfinder Guilds.

05-04-2016, 08:23 PM
Wayfinder Server has moved past our lag issues and the server appears to be lag free

Neither Wayfinder nor any other server is lag free. This is an enormous misrepresentation of the actual facts.

Cleaned up a page of posts that are off-topic arguments about lag. Feel free to continue to discuss the guild. Also, moving thread to Wayfinder Guilds.

If you are going to do the job, then you will need to also delete the post that I quoted above. If you choose to leave that in as being an appropriate post or statement in a thread about a guild, then it is fair game to be discussed, replied to, etc.

09-05-2016, 11:44 PM
Congrats to Your Part Time Guild on making Guild Level 70!

Our core mission remains the same, to offer a part-time home for anyone/everyone coming to Wayfinder Server, even if just for a Favor Run (even 100 and done are ok!).

We have affiliated guilds on every server now, for the full-time members to hang their hat while venturing over to other servers, and our mutually beneficial relationships have been paying off.

As far as our membership numbers go, we're near 800 accounts in the guild. Technically, we've had over 1500 (maybe even 2k) accounts pass thru the guild over the last 20 months, but we use a Revolving Door approach to remove an inactive to allow a new member in.

Reminder on one guild restriction - we're limiting to just one character per Member in the guild, which keeps us from Alt Bloat and as result we have more breadth in member numbers than most guilds.

For guild members - thanks again for your support along the way.

For strangers - don't be a stranger! Come to Wayfinder and give us a holler.

09-03-2017, 09:06 PM
Greetings Wayfinder and DDO community,

The original guild leader has passed on responsibility of Your Part Time Guild. His vision remains intact for the direction of the guild. It is a place for new players to learn the game as well as a place for favor farmers to use while they are in Wayfinder. We are Guild level 83 now and have all Guild Buff Amenities. Guild recruitment has slowed with the loss of Kyll but we still are accepting membership requests. So, if you are looking for a place to call home for your favor farming or looking for a guild open to helping new players out, feel free to contact me or any other guild officer.

Karisan, Ramasa, Ohmaraasa, Bensa

09-25-2017, 11:12 PM
Huh? Change of leader? Hope it is not the beginning of the end for a fast rising star. For quite some time Your part time Guild was the guild to go for any new player wandering accidentially into wayfinder.... Anyway good luck with the new leadership!

10-27-2017, 02:38 PM
Huh? Change of leader? Hope it is not the beginning of the end for a fast rising star. For quite some time Your part time Guild was the guild to go for any new player wandering accidentially into wayfinder.... Anyway good luck with the new leadership!

We are still growing. Your Part Time Guild acquired level 85 last week. The creator of the guild had been sending personal tells to anyone without a guild which is why we grew so quickly. When his desire to play this game waned, he passed leadership. I am happy to invite anyone who asks to join and help them get started.


11-09-2017, 03:50 AM
The creator of the guild had been sending personal tells to anyone without a guild which is why we grew so quickly.

Yes, ninja invites are a great way to grow a guild. You of course take the good with the bad, but most players seem to be of the good variety rather than the bad, and if your guild chests are emptied on occasion then it only costs items that people were willing to give away in any event.

All of the YPTG members I have run with have been quality players, and I would happily recommend the guild to anyone who asks me for guilding feedback.

11-29-2017, 10:04 PM
I am still alive, despite the rumors of my demise...

In any case, there has been much on my plate competing with any thought of logging into DDO, and on top of that I had a time where I went from a computer operating system re-install that wiped clean my hard drive, to then some work related foreign travel and long periods of low-bandwidth which made any streaming gaming impossible.

I am still transient, and while this note does not signal my return to the game, I may eventually wander back into Wayfinder, hopefully to find the guild airship still flying high. Admittedly, life moves on and sometimes away from things. The people in the guild were all great, and I wished them all well. Karisan has been a dedicated and kind person to any/all who joined the guild, and it seemed right to leave the guild and its assets to him.

NE aka Kyll and all those other made up names...