View Full Version : Cross-Server and Multi-Way-Server Trades for IX and X cards! Post Here.

04-08-2014, 04:57 PM
I have not had a lot of luck getting cross server trades for the rare cards I pulled. And, like many who were lucky enough to pull one, I did not pull them on my home server.

I'm hoping if we can have more of these trades in one thread that people will get connected more easily. And, better yet, it will open the door for potential Multi-Way trades that could get the job done.

For example...


Tom on Ghal has an X on Thelanis.
Rick on Thelanis has an X on Wayfinder.
Harry on Wayfinder has an X on Ghal.


Tom can give Rick his X.
Rick can give Harry his X.
Harry can give Tom his X.

This way they all would get a rare on their home servers even though there is no single cross-server option for any of them.

A multi-way trade may not be for the faint of heart though. The vast majority of cross-server trades I made during this event went without a hitch, but I did run into two scammers (which cost me a total of 18 cards).

Given that, I suggest that all parties be prepared to post their intentions publicly here on the forums. Someone trying to make these kinds of trades who hardly uses the forums, has a relatively new account, and low level characters might have to be the one willing to make the first move. ;) But I leave it to the interested parties to work out how they choose to proceed.

So if you are open to Cross Server or a Multi-Way Cross Server trade please post what you have in the following format:

Have IX: Server Name (# of cards)
Have X: Server Name (# of cards)
Want IX: Server Name (card types willing to trade)
Want X on: Server Name (cards types willing to trade)
Multi-Way: Yes/No

Good Luck!

PS: Please edit your profile post after you've traded away your cards.

04-08-2014, 05:12 PM
Have IX: Orien (1) , Wayfinder (1)
Have X: None
Want IX: Thelanis (IX)
Want X: Thelanis (IX)
Multi-Way: Yes

04-08-2014, 09:40 PM
Looking for 9 10 and 11s on Thelanis.

I have 1-8 cards on most servers and two nines, two tens and four elevens on Sarlona.

Send me a PM or in game mail to arrange trades.

I have the following cards to trade for your cards on Thelanis:
Argo: 20 of each card one through eight

Cannith: In game mail to character Warchantress

Ghallanda cards available contact Faithbuilder : 24 Classic D&D IV Cards 14 Classic D&D III Cards 13 Classic D&D II Cards 9 Classic D&D VIII Cards 17 Classic D&D VI Cards 8 Classic D&D VII Cards 4
Classic D&D V Cards 18 Classic D&D I Cards

Khyber: in game mail to Character Allbout: four ones, one two, two threes, five fours, one six, one seven, eight eights

Sarlona: In game mail to character Faithhopes: one one, four twos, two fives, two nines, two tens, four elevens

Orion: Orionrising

Wayfinder: Maimkillburn

04-09-2014, 03:08 AM

Any chance you could keep your focus in this thread to only what you have available for cross/multi-server 9's and 10's?

04-09-2014, 06:42 AM
Hey hey, Super initiative ! :)

I am Ghallanda resident and I have:

X on Khyber

RD2play for pm

04-09-2014, 09:23 PM
I have cards to trade on all servers but wish to get cards on Gallanda.

In particular
On Argonessen a card X
On Khyber a card IX

Whole mixture of other cards.

Argo no II or IV or IX, all others
Thelanis no II's
Sarlona noIV
All other servers have all 8, I-VIII in various quantiuties

Willing to also trade for cards to Orien and Argonessen but Gallanda is my main,

Contact Romica on Gallanda

04-10-2014, 06:23 PM
Looking at the thread so far it looks like there are available IX's and X's on:


However, Thelanis and Ghal do not have anything available... and wouldn't you know it, those are the servers everyone in the thread needs so far. ;)

That means that if anyone on ANY server has an IX or X on Thelanis or Ghal we might be able to get a multi-way trade going.


04-10-2014, 06:33 PM
(This isn't gonna help the apparent drought of Thelanis IX/Xs.)

Have a IX on Ghallanda.

Would want to trade same to Thelanis.

(3-way would make me leary unless it's with old-schoolers here on forums.)

04-10-2014, 09:20 PM
(3-way would make me leary unless it's with old-schoolers here on forums.)

That's what she said!

04-11-2014, 05:23 PM
Have IX: Sarlona (1)
Have X: None
Want IX: Cannith (IX)
Want X: Cannith (IX)
Multi-Way: Yes

04-11-2014, 06:01 PM
Have X: Khyber (1)
Want IX/X on: Ghallanda
Multi-Way: Yes

04-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Getting closer.

Rares on Thelanis or Ghal are the bottleneck right now (and wouldn't you know, the one person with rare's on Ghal wants rares on Thelanis;)).

Keep them coming people!

04-16-2014, 12:40 PM
Have: IX @ Cannith
Have: X @ Sarlona

Want IX/X on: Khyber

Multi-Way: Yes

I used to have IX @ Wayfinder, but just recently successfully traded it to Khyber. The card event is an event that keeps on giving!

04-16-2014, 11:31 PM
have 1 card ix on way plus 80 regular cards. looking for cards on argo server

04-17-2014, 03:39 PM
Have IX and X on Sarlona
Want IX on Thelanis

04-20-2014, 06:01 PM
I have a X card on Thelanis

I want a X card on Ghallanda.

I think we can make a trade cdbd3rd if you are still interested with your X on Ghallanda :)


21/4: PMs received and trade completed with cdbd3rd. Thx :)

04-20-2014, 06:14 PM
I have a X card on Thelanis

I want a X card on Ghallanda.

I think we can make a trade cdbd3rd if you are still interested with your X on Ghallanda :)


Yup yup!


4/21: PMs received and sent. X trade completed. Good trade.

04-25-2014, 02:10 AM
Have X: Sarlona (1 card)
Want IX or X: Argonessen

04-30-2014, 08:47 PM
Have X on Orien.
Want X on Khyber.

05-08-2014, 07:06 PM
Have IX on Khyber
Have 15 each I-VIII to trade on Way

Want IX or X on Ghallanda (first priority)
Want IX, X or XI on Sarlona (second priority)

Multi Leery, but maybe.

Hope I'm not too late to join the party.

05-09-2014, 11:57 AM
Have IX on Khyber
Have 15 each I-VIII to trade on Way

Want IX or X on Ghallanda (first priority)
Want IX, X or XI on Sarlona (second priority)

Multi Leery, but maybe.

Hope I'm not too late to join the party.
I still have my card X on Sarlona, and I think I have a handful of I-VIIIs on Ghallanda. These can be yours for the IX on Khyber.