View Full Version : Cross-server card trade to Khyber

03-12-2014, 06:24 AM
Hi; I'm looking for a cross-server card trade to Khyber: I have 9 cards to trade that I'll happily give to you if you give me your cards on Khyber.
Please PM me here or on Khyber (Ninevrisei) if interested.

Red Orm

03-15-2014, 02:37 PM
Currently I have the following cards on Wayfinder: 4x #1, 3x #5, 2x #7, 4x #8. I'm still looking for cards on Khyber. If you want to trade, please contact me here or on Khyber (Ninevrisei) or Wayfinder (Keeptokens).

Red Orm

03-19-2014, 01:46 PM
By now, I found 2 non-vip trading partners on Wayfinder, and we excange cards daily.
However, I'm doing the cards for 3 vip accounts, so by now I have 20 cards on Wayfinder that I would very much like to trade for cards on Khyber. Any takers?

Red Orm