View Full Version : Crafting Recipes by Gear
05-14-2011, 09:25 AM
Crafting recipes by gear will let you see at a glance all the shards that can be added to a given piece of equipment. Note that only one prefix and one suffix can be added to any one item.
Starting with the Menace of the Underdark expansion, new flexible slot shards have been added to the game. For details on flexible shards see the second post in this thread. For traditional crafting, see the following:
Main Hand Weapons (
Armor (
Shields / Off Hand Weapons (
Docent (
Clothing (
Headgear (
Goggles (
Necklace (
Cloaks (
Bracers (
Gloves (
Belts (
Boots (
Rings (
Trinkets / Rune Arms (
Some effects have a parenthetical explanation of what they do, others don't. The main idea of these lists is to give you the keywords you need to search the shard machine.
There are a dizzying array of spell effects. To help get a handle on them, here are all the keywords associated with an energy type both for spells and weapons.
.............------------ Spell Power ------------...------- Weapon Effects -------....Energy
Energy Type..Passive.........Active......Lore........Stan dard...Burst.......Other......Absorption
Acid.........Corrosion.......Erosion.....Acid..... ...Acid.......Acid
Cold.........Glaciation......Freeze......Ice...... ...Frost......Icy.........Cold
Electricity..Magnetism.......Spark.......Lightning ...Shock......Shocking...............Electrical
Fire.........Combustion......Inferno.....Fire..... ...Flaming....Flaming.....Fire.......Fire
Sonic........Resonance.......Cacophony...Sonic.... ...Screaming..Thundering..Roaring
Negative.....Nullification...Nihil.......Void..... .....................................Negative Energy
For easy reference, here's a list of the standard crafting slots for stat bonuses:
Strength: Belt, Gloves, Ring, Bracers
Dexterity: Boots, Gloves, Ring
Constitution: Belt, Necklace, Ring
Intelligence: Goggles, Headgear, Ring
Wisdom: Headgear, Necklace, Ring
Charisma: Cloak, Headgear, Ring
Quick tip: Persuasion, Good Luck and Charisma are the only ways to boost UMD apart from Command, which doesn't stack with persuasion and only goes on armor. A typical umd swap will be either charismatic (hat/ring) of persuasion, or if you normally equip charisma, underwater action (goggles/ring) of persuasion.
05-14-2011, 09:26 AM
Flexible Shards
U14 introduced flexible shard recipes (bound level 101-150), allowing standard shards to be crafted into non-standard slots.
The following keywords mean that the shard can go in any slot in the list:
.....Accessory: Hat, Goggles, Necklace, Cloak, Bracers, Gloves, Belt, Boots, Ring, Trinket
.....Armor: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor, Docent, Clothing
.....Weapon: Two-handed weapon, One-handed weapon, Shield
.....Shield: One-handed weapon, Shield
NOTE: To avoid confusion, for shards that go on the "Weapon" group I include the "Shield" keyword even though it's redundant.
Stats: Accessory
.....Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Energy Resist: Anywhere
.....Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sonic
Energy Absorption:
.....Electrical: Accessory, Armor
.....Fire: Accessory, Armor, Shield
.....Negative: Accessory, Armor, Shield
.....Power: Anywhere
.....Wizardry: Accessory, Armor
.....Magi: Accessory, Armor
Spell Focus: Anywhere
.....Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Spell Power: Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Weapon, Shield
.....Potency, Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance,
.....Impulse, Devotion, Reconstruction, Radiance, Nullification
Lore: Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Weapon, Shield
.....Acid, Ice, Fire, Healing, Kinetic, Lightning, Repair, Sonic, Void
Armor Bonus................Ring, Bracers
Attack Bonus +2..........Accessory, Armor
Attack Bonus +4..........Goggles, Ring, Trinket, Weapon, Shield
Deathblock..................Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Shield
Dodge Bonus...............Accessory, Armor
Dusk..........................Accessory, Armor
Eternal Faith................Accessory, Armor
False Life....................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Feather Falling.............Accessory, Armor
Fortification.................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Good Luck...................Accessory, Armor
Melee Alacrity..............Anywhere
Natural Armor..............Accessory, Armor, Shield
Proof Against Disease....Accessory, Armor
Proof Against Poison.....Accessory, Armor
Protection...................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Ranged Alacrity............Anywhere
Regeneration...............Accessory, Armor
Secret Door Detection...Accessory, Armor
Silver Flame.................Accessory, Armor
Spell Penetration..........Anywhere
Spell Resistance...........Accessory, Armor, Shield
Striding.......................Accessory, Armor
True Seeing.................Accessory, Armor
Underwater Action........Accessory, Armor
05-14-2011, 09:26 AM
Main Hand Weapons
NOTE: Anything that can be put on a main hand weapon can also be put on a shield.
Any one energy Touch:
.....Acid, Cold, Shocking, Fire
Any one energy damage:
.....Acid, Frost, Shock, Flaming, Screaming
Any one energy Burst:
....Acid, Icy, Shocking, Flaming
Any one divine damage: (Also available in Burst form)
.....Holy, Unholy, Axiomatic, Anarchic
Double critical range:
.....Keen, Impact
Bodyfeeder (Melee only, not ranged)
Life Shield (Weapon) - Ranged weapons only
Ghost Touch
Aligned (Bypasses any alignment-based DR)
Metalline (Bypasses any metal-based DR)
Songblade (+2 to Perform skill)
Finesse (Light weapons or rapiers only, Weapon Finesse feat and +2 Dexterity)
Maladroit (Bludgeon only, -1 Dexterity on hit)
Strength Sapping
True Law
True Chaos
Vengeful (Note: May not work if put on last, so try to make this the first shard attached.)
Increase effectiveness of any one spell type (passive):
.....Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance, Impulse,
.....Devotion, Reconstruction, Radiance, Nullification
Increase effectiveness of any one spell type (active):
.....Erosion, Freeze, Spark, Inferno, Cacophony, Impact,
.....Ardor, Mending, Brilliance, Nihil
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Increase effetciveness of all spells:
.....Potency, Efficacy
Efficient Metamagic: Empower Healing
Spell Penetration
Melee Alacrity
Ranged Alacrity
Everbright (Immune to ooze and rust monsters)
Parrying (Insight bonus to AC and Saves)
Vampirism (Melee only, not ranged)
Bone Breaking (Bludgeon only)
Puncturing (Piercing only)
Pure Good
Shatter (Increase DC to resist your Sunder)
Shattermantle (Temporarily reduce target's spell resistance)
Sneak Attack Bonus
Staggering Blow
Stunning (Bludgeon only)
Tendon Slice
Vertigo (Increase DC to resist your Trip)
Manage threat level:
.....Incite, Stealth Strike
Any one Bane:
.....Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Gnoll,
.....Reptilian, Goblinoid, Orc, Monstrous Humanoid, Plant, Animal, Vermin, Ooze,
.....Giant, Dragon, Magical Beast, Elemental, Aberration, Construct,
.....Undead, Incorporeal, Evil Outsider, Chaotic Outsider, Lawful Outsider
Any one Lore: (Increase spell critical hit and damage multiplier)
.....Healing, Repair, Void, Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Kinetic
Recipe Ideas
Weapon recipes can be found here (
05-14-2011, 09:27 AM
WARNING: You can only craft items that have a "+" rating in the top right of the description. If it doesn't have a +, it can't be crafted, so be wary of Elven Chain; that's an uncraftable "named" item. Elven Chainmail is craftable.
Any one Guard: (Damages melee attackers each time you get hit)
.....Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Thorn, Undead
Blood Rage
Blueshine (Immune to ooze and rust monsters)
Feat: Mobility (Medium or Light armor only, can't be metal armor)
Life Shield
Silver Flame
Any one energy Resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one damage reduction:
.....Axeblock, Hammerblock, Spearblock, Invulnerability
Eternal Faith
False Life
Natural Armor
Negative Energy Absorption
Nimbleness (Similar effect as mithral, stacks with mithral, but doesn't make it lighter)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Recipe Ideas
...of Invulnerability
Life Shield of Greater Stability
Deathblock of Spearblock (or Axeblock)
05-14-2011, 09:28 AM
Shields / Off Hand Weapons
Shields and Off Hand Weapons can take any ability in the Main Hand Weapons lists, plus the following additional abilities:
More Shield / Off Hand Weapon abilities (
Life Shield
Shield Spikes
Undead Guard
Any one energy resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one damage absorption:
.....Electrical, Fire, Negative Energy
Any one damage reduction:
.....Axeblock, Hammerblock, Spearblock, Invulnerability
False Life
Natural Armor
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Spell Resistance
Recipe Ideas
Seeker of Stunning (or Sneak Attack)
Efficient Metamagic: Empower Healing of Healing Lore
+5 Life Shield Mithral Tower Shield of Axeblock (for shield blocking)
05-14-2011, 09:29 AM
Any one Guard: (Damages melee attackers each time you get hit)
.....Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Thorn, Undead
Arcane Sigil (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Blood (Increase healing from positive energy, reduce fortification)
Blood Rage
Feat: Mobility
Life Shield
Any one energy Resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one damage reduction:
.....Axeblock, Hammerblock, Spearblock, Invulnerability
Construct Fortification
False Life
Natural Armor
Negative Energy Absorption
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
05-14-2011, 09:29 AM
Clothing (Robes, Outfits)
Any one Guard: (Damages melee attackers each time you get hit)
.....Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Thorn, Undead
Blood Rage
Feat: Mobility
Life Shield
Any one energy Resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one damage reduction:
.....Axeblock, Hammerblock, Spearblock, Invulnerability
False life
Natural Armor
Negative Energy Absorption
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Recipe Ideas
...of Invulnerability
Life Shield of Greater Stability
Deathblock of Spearblock (or Axeblock)
05-14-2011, 09:30 AM
Headgear (Helmet, hat, cap, mask, etc...)
Silver Flame
Underwater Action
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one mana boost:
.....Power, Wizardry, Magi
Eternal Faith
Persuasion (+3 to charisma-based skill checks, eg: UMD)
Recipe Ideas
Underwater Action of Persuasion
05-14-2011, 09:30 AM
Blindness Immunity
Underwater Action
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Attack Bonus
Persuasion (+3 to Charisma-based skill checks, eg: UMD)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Secret Door Detection
True Seeing
Recipe Ideas
Blindness Immunity of Attack Bonus
Underwater Action of Persuasion
05-14-2011, 09:31 AM
Proof Against Disease
Proof Against Poison
Silver Flame
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Eternal Faith
Natural Armor
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
05-14-2011, 09:31 AM
Feather Falling
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one energy Resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Negative Energy Absoption
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Spell Resistance
Recipe Ideas
Feather Falling of Resistance
Feather Falling of Spot (for trapmonkeys to free up goggle slot for blindness of attack bonus)
05-14-2011, 09:32 AM
Armor Bonus
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Natural Armor
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
05-14-2011, 09:33 AM
Arcane Casting Dexterity (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
05-14-2011, 09:33 AM
Proof Against Disease
Proof Against Poison
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
False Life
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Spell Resistance
05-14-2011, 09:34 AM
Feat: Mobility
Feather Falling
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide,
.....Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search,
.....Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
05-14-2011, 09:34 AM
Increase effectiveness of any one spell type:
.....Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance, Impulse,
.....Devotion, Reconstruction, Radiance, Nullification
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Any one stat bonus:
.....Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Blindness Immunity
Casting Dexterity (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Feat: Mobility
Feather Falling
Potency (Increase spell damage)
Proof Against Disease
Proof Against Poison
Silver Flame
Spell Penetration
Underwater Action
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one energy Resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one mana boost:
.....Power, Wizardry, Magi
Eternal Faith
False Life
Natural Armor
Persuasion (+3 to charisma-based skill checks, eg: UMD)
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Spell Resistance
05-14-2011, 09:38 AM
Trinkets / Rune Arms
Note that craftable trinkets are tougher to find than other items. They can be bought in the DDO store, found in quest drops -- I found mine in Red Fens as an end reward for Into the Deep -- or created by disjuncting a Shard of Power from The Shroud. Note: Greater and Supreme Shards of Power aren't craftable, only a regular Shard of Power can be disjuncted.
DDO Store trinkets must be disjuncted before you can craft with them.
Increase effectiveness of any one spell type:
.....Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance, Impulse,
.....Devotion, Reconstruction, Radiance, Nullification
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Any one Efficient Metamagic:
.....Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, Empower Healing
Blindness Immunity
Casting Dexterity (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Feat: Mobility
Potency (Increase spell damage)
Silver Flame
Spell Penetration
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate,
.....Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Enchantment
Any one mana boost:
.....Power, Wizardry, Magi
Melee Alacrity
Ranged Alacrity
Attack Bonus
Eternal Faith
False Life
Good Luck (Bonus to all saves and skill checks)
Good Luck - Will Save +1
Good Luck - Reflex Save +1
Natural Armor
Persuasion (+3 to charisma-based skill checks, eg: UMD)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Secret Door Detection
Spell Resistance
True Seeing
Any one Lore: (Increase spell critical hit and damage multiplier)
.....Healing, Repair, Void, Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Kinetic
One of two energy Absorption: (Absorb 33% of incoming spell damage)
.....Electrical, Fire
Recipe Ideas
Superior Devotion IV of Melee Alacrity (for pallies and rangers)
Efficient Maximize of Lore
05-15-2011, 09:55 AM
you don't happen to know which item can use the Hidden doors shard do you ?
I've only tried on a Ring and Cloak and I get no recipes can be found message
05-15-2011, 10:37 AM
Note that craftable trinkets can only be found in quest drops. I found mine in Red Fens as an end reward for Into the Deep.
One other place to get these, you can deconstruct a shard of power from the shroud (pt 1) to make a bound to character one. I know these may have more value for GS depending on how lucky you are in pulling but just an FYI that it can be done.
Nice job putting the list together ! +1
05-15-2011, 10:58 AM
you don't happen to know which item can use the Hidden doors shard do you ?
I've only tried on a Ring and Cloak and I get no recipes can be found message
do a search in the bound items construction device for secret doors. hover over the portion of the recipe that is not a shard - it should tell you what it needs.
on a side note, goggles work, according to his lists :P
05-15-2011, 10:59 AM
you don't happen to know which item can use the Hidden doors shard do you ?
I've only tried on a Ring and Cloak and I get no recipes can be found messageA search of the thread shows goggles and trinkets. I'm surprised it didn't come up for the ring, though; I kind of assumed rings could take the abilities of any gear apart from weapons and armor.
05-15-2011, 11:07 AM
You've got metalline as a suffix, whereas on a random weapon it is a prefix. Is this an error, or did they switch it around for crafting?
05-15-2011, 11:26 AM
Great guide
05-15-2011, 12:07 PM
+1!! Very nice, thanks very much.
05-15-2011, 06:41 PM
You've got metalline as a suffix, whereas on a random weapon it is a prefix. Is this an error, or did they switch it around for crafting?Error on my part that I'm correcting now. Good catch, thanks much.
05-15-2011, 08:00 PM
Ahh missed seeing it,
I was thinking that the hidden doors was a Prefix
yes, I too thought for sure it would work on a Ring, but I did get that Recipe not found message :(
05-15-2011, 08:24 PM
so you can't put guards anywhere except your armor? *sadface*
05-16-2011, 04:43 AM
do a search in the bound items construction device for secret doors. hover over the portion of the recipe that is not a shard - it should tell you what it needs.
on a side note, goggles work, according to his lists :P
that is one part I never had hovered over before, never have hovered over the item Icon, but that's worked.
well dang it, not enough TP to buy, Poince was not giving any TP away tonight, guess That leaves finding some Goggles.
05-16-2011, 06:04 AM
Very nice guide will be book marking this.
05-16-2011, 07:09 AM
Awesome post, very much appreciated. :D
05-17-2011, 11:42 AM
Wow EllisDee37 you've been very busy!
This thread is hugely useful, big thanks!!!
05-17-2011, 09:03 PM
Looks like Songblade is actually a prefix.
Don't suppose you have this in a spreadsheet somewhere so it can be added to:
05-18-2011, 07:36 AM
Don't suppose you have this in a spreadsheet somewhere so it can be added to: used that spreadsheet for reference when u9 first hit, and when I started this project I began with a spreadsheet approach but quickly realized that this data doesn't really fit a spreadsheet very well. The problem is the same one as when you add a blank item to the machine to see all the shards it can take: too much garbage data.
Going by memory, there are a total of 45 pages of shards, and something like trinkets can hold 31 pages of them. Each page has around 20 items. It's just too much mainly because of skills (~20 skill with 7 levels of each) and spells (~15 types with ~15 flavors each) cluttering the lists so much that there is no real value. As a quick example, again going by memory, with armor there are like 27 pages and Blueshine doesn't show up until page 25. That's just not a useful interface.
As a programmer I considered writing a desktop app people could download, but eventually decided that the most efficient and useful way to present the data is how it is in the thread here, particularly the idented categories consolidating the skills, spell modifiers, and energy effects. Feel free to copy & paste the data into a spreadsheet if you like, but I think you'll find that it'll be a) more cluttered and b) more labor-intensive to actually use.
05-18-2011, 07:45 AM
Looks like Songblade is actually a prefix.Thanks much, correction made.
05-18-2011, 09:30 AM
Robes won't take all the prefixes ascribed to armor. So far unable to craft sacred or hallowed onto a robe for my lowbie cleric.
05-18-2011, 10:29 AM
Nice work! We've now added this to the Other Helpful Resources section at the bottom of our Cannith Crafting Guide ( in the DDO Compendium.
05-18-2011, 10:43 AM
Looks like you left out Everbright as a suffix for armor and shields. I'm at work, but pretty sure they go into both.
05-18-2011, 11:44 AM
I used that spreadsheet for reference when u9 first hit, and when I started this project I began with a spreadsheet approach but quickly realized that this data doesn't really fit a spreadsheet very well. The problem is the same one as when you add a blank item to the machine to see all the shards it can take: too much garbage data.
Going by memory, there are a total of 45 pages of shards, and something like trinkets can hold 31 pages of them. Each page has around 20 items. It's just too much mainly because of skills (~20 skill with 7 levels of each) and spells (~15 types with ~15 flavors each) cluttering the lists so much that there is no real value. As a quick example, again going by memory, with armor there are like 27 pages and Blueshine doesn't show up until page 25. That's just not a useful interface.
As a programmer I considered writing a desktop app people could download, but eventually decided that the most efficient and useful way to present the data is how it is in the thread here, particularly the idented categories consolidating the skills, spell modifiers, and energy effects. Feel free to copy & paste the data into a spreadsheet if you like, but I think you'll find that it'll be a) more cluttered and b) more labor-intensive to actually use.
I think if the spreadsheet had a column for enchantment location (for prefix, suffix, bonus, or imbued), as well as item, seperated by a common delimitor, it would fit in the sheet and be useable by an app (like the shroud tool or the character planner).
05-18-2011, 12:02 PM
nicely done
05-18-2011, 12:04 PM
Very nice, thank you.
05-18-2011, 12:42 PM
Sneak Attack is only available on weapons? Attack Bonus is only available on goggles? Bleh. I hope Turbine expands that to reflect what's in the game today (SA on goggles, bracers, gloves; Attack bonus on gloves).
05-18-2011, 01:53 PM
Looks like you left out Everbright as a suffix for armor and shields. I'm at work, but pretty sure they go into both.Everbright is in the shields list. Note the top of the shields post: Shields and Off Hand Weapons can take any ability in the Main Hand Weapons lists, plus the following additional abilities:
Everbright is not an armor ability. To make armor immune to ooze and rust monsters you have to add the Blueshine prefix.
05-18-2011, 02:05 PM
I think if the spreadsheet had a column for enchantment location (for prefix, suffix, bonus, or imbued), as well as item, seperated by a common delimitor, it would fit in the sheet and be useable by an app (like the shroud tool or the character planner).I still think it would be unwieldy, probably quite useful but definitely more unwieldy than how it is in this thread because instead of a few dozen lines to look at there'd be several hundred rows to deal with for any given piece of equipment.
I could see value in putting together an app for this data, but not as much value as there is in, say, the character planner. Because there isn't much complexity to the crafting system, just a simple "big picture" overview of the abilities that go on the various items seemed sufficient to me. The only real obstacle for crafters is knowing what they can put on what equipment. Once you decide on a recipe, everything you need to know about it is easily accessible in the game.
Except Min Level, I suppose. I'm bummed that they changed how that info is presented to users in 9.1.
05-18-2011, 02:58 PM
can u put greater nimbles to a mith armor? the bonus stacks?
05-18-2011, 05:08 PM
Don't know if its been said or not, but I just tried to add bloodrage, apparently its a prefix and not a suffix.
05-18-2011, 06:25 PM
Don't know if its been said or not, but I just tried to add bloodrage, apparently its a prefix and not a suffix.Corrected, and apologies, sounds like you got an unpleasant surprise.
05-18-2011, 06:48 PM
Corrected, and apologies, sounds like you got an unpleasant surprise.
A little bit, just cost me 2x life shield shard materials, but I got a nice chunk of exp out of it since I was crafting it at 50% success. Then I just went and disjunctioned it again.
05-19-2011, 11:24 AM
can u put greater nimbles to a mith armor? the bonus stacks?Yes it does, just tested it now and added a note to the Armor list.
Mithral Full Plate of Greater Nimbleness has a Max Dex Bonus of 5 and an Armor Check Penalty of 0.
05-19-2011, 02:15 PM
Note that craftable trinkets are tougher to find than other items. They can be bought in the DDO store, "deconstructed" from a shard of power from The Shroud, or found in quest drops. (I found mine in Red Fens as an end reward for Into the Deep.)
Increase effectiveness of any one spell type:
.....Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance, Impulse,
.....Devotion, Reconstruction, Benevolence, Radiance, Nullification
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy,
Any one Efficient Metamagic:
.....Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize)
Blindness Immunity
Casting Dexterity (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Feat: Mobility
Natural Armor
Potency (Increase spell damage)
Silver Flame
Spell Penetration
True Seeing
Pretty sure True Seeing is a suffix for trinkets, as it is a suffix for goggles, stands to reason that it would fall into the exact same places as secret door detection... but without being able to craft the shards we can't tell.
05-19-2011, 02:36 PM
Pretty sure True Seeing is a suffix for trinkets, as it is a suffix for goggles, stands to reason that it would fall into the exact same places as secret door detection... but without being able to craft the shards we can't tell.It is indeed, correction made and thanks much.
Not sure what you mean by the last sentence, you can tell the prefix/suffix status of a shard by hovering the mouse over it in either shard machine. That's how I made these lists in the first place.
05-20-2011, 02:19 AM
Not sure what you mean by the last sentence, you can tell the prefix/suffix status of a shard by hovering the mouse over it in either shard machine. That's how I made these lists in the first place.
Interesting, I can't seem to find anything of the sort in my client, I can find where it says what a shard can be put on... but cannot find anything specifying a prefix/suffix
05-20-2011, 06:32 AM
Interesting, I can't seem to find anything of the sort in my client, I can find where it says what a shard can be put on... but cannot find anything specifying a prefix/suffixIn either shard machine, hover the mouse over the shard icon on the left. It'll either say:
Ability Shard
Shard of Ability
The first one denotes a prefix, the second a suffix.
05-20-2011, 11:42 AM
Added Maladroit to the weapon prefix list. It didn't show up before because when the blank weapon I added to compile the weapons list was slashing. That means there could be other non-slashing weapon shards I missed, so keep an eye out for those.
05-22-2011, 08:00 PM
Added Maladroit to the weapon prefix list. It didn't show up before because when the blank weapon I added to compile the weapons list was slashing. That means there could be other non-slashing weapon shards I missed, so keep an eye out for those.
pretty sure there's a stunning one as well.
05-23-2011, 11:40 AM
this is great! thank you. I don't know if you are interested, but for some of the more obscure effects (ie. vengeful), if you could give an abbreviated description, that would be helpful.
05-23-2011, 02:07 PM
this is great! thank you. I don't know if you are interested, but for some of the more obscure effects (ie. vengeful), if you could give an abbreviated description, that would be helpful.I actually started out doing that, but decided against it (and removed a bunch of them) because the lists were so cluttered it made it harder to process.
A separate glossary post where all the effects are listed alphabetically along with their in-game descriptions would probably be pretty sweet, though I'm not sure how motivated I am to do that.
05-23-2011, 04:26 PM
Still no list for rings?? Pout..
05-24-2011, 01:23 PM
pretty sure there's a stunning one as well.There is, added to list and thanks much.
I ended up adding a bludgeon weapon to the machine and checking all 31 pages for bludgeon effects. (Tedious!) In addition to Stunning, Bone Breaking also got added to the list.
Just happened to remember Puncturing, so added that too but I haven't done a complete pass for piercing yet. If anyone can think of any other Piercing-only effects it would be much appreciated.
05-24-2011, 06:04 PM
Robes won't take all the prefixes ascribed to armor. So far unable to craft sacred or hallowed onto a robe for my lowbie cleric.I added a new category for Clothes, cannabilizing the last "Corrections & suggestion welcome" post to make room.
Still no list for rings?? Pout..heh, finally got to it, rings are now up.
EDIT: Spoiler alert, there was one ring-only shard: Regeneration.
05-25-2011, 12:42 PM
05-26-2011, 02:16 AM
Thanks! +1
05-26-2011, 04:34 AM
Nice one.
Do you know where to put efficient metamagic except trinket (if possible)?
05-26-2011, 04:37 AM
Nice one.
Do you know where to put efficient metamagic except trinket (if possible)?They only go on trinkets with the exception of healing, which goes on trinkets or any weapon, or a shield.
05-26-2011, 05:00 AM
They only go on trinkets with the exception of healing, which goes on trinkets or any weapon, or a shield.
Thx for info anyway :)
05-31-2011, 02:23 PM
BUMP - please make this a sticky.
06-02-2011, 03:14 PM
BUMP - please make this a sticky.
it is at least part of the official guide (there's a link near the bottom) which is stickied...
06-09-2011, 08:12 PM
Many thanks, good stuff.
Saw your post within the thread that you can hover over shard in crafting machine to see whether it's prefix or suffix. good to know. Unfortunately, before I saw that, made a few mistakes and wanted to point one out. You have seeker listed as both a prefix and suffix for main hand weapon. I tried to put seeker as a suffix on a bastard sword, and it told me it's a prefix.
Since they also removed in 9.1 telling us what the new minimum level will be after adding a shard, I've also accidentally made some items higher level than my characters. Does anyone know of an easy way to tell that in advance?
06-10-2011, 06:32 AM
You have seeker listed as both a prefix and suffix for main hand weapon. I tried to put seeker as a suffix on a bastard sword, and it told me it's a prefix.Ouch, apologies on that, it's now corrected. At least (IIRC) Seeker is very cheap in terms of total essences to make, but also (IIRC) it uses valuable Law essences, so my bad.
Since they also removed in 9.1 telling us what the new minimum level will be after adding a shard, I've also accidentally made some items higher level than my characters. Does anyone know of an easy way to tell that in advance?Hover over a shard or its recipe in the last machine (the one on the right that attaches shards to items) to get the detail window to pop up. In the top right of that window is a large-font + number. Add up all those + numbers of all the shards you want to put on an item. If that number is x, the minimum level of the crafted item will be:
(X * 2) - 1
So a +5 item is ML9. The highest possible crafted ML is the level cap, so don't worry that you'll craft an item beyond level 20. +12 = ML20 as the game currently stands, but if at some point they raise the level cap your crafted items will have their ML recalculated, so that same +12 ML20 item could suddenly become a ML23 item. heh.
WARNING: Only use the shard machine on the right to calculate ML. The one in the middle -- the one you use to actually make the shards -- does not show the correct information for this. For an example, check Ardor shards in both machines.
06-12-2011, 03:52 PM
Great thread.
Might be good to flag what is and isn't craftable thus far ... Dusk for one seems to not exist (so much for my Feather Fall of Dusk cloak on my TR) ...
06-13-2011, 05:36 AM
Spell focus is a prefix, not suffix,
IMO this thread should be sticky :D
06-13-2011, 09:24 AM
Spell focus is a prefix, not suffix,Good catch, those are now corrected. Thanks much.
06-14-2011, 02:20 PM
I may just be doing something wrong, but is it the case that bound Dusk shards are uncraftable (i.e. they don't show up in the bound shard crafting altar recipe list) even though they show up as something that can be added to a craftable item?
06-14-2011, 02:38 PM
Nice work!
Just adding my 1,333333333cp (missing info in bold) : Life Shield can be slotted in armors, shields, and ranged weapons
06-14-2011, 03:02 PM
I may just be doing something wrong, but is it the case that bound Dusk shards are uncraftable (i.e. they don't show up in the bound shard crafting altar recipe list) even though they show up as something that can be added to a craftable item?That means it's over level 75 and thus not unlocked yet. Much like Metalline, for another example.
Just adding my 1,333333333cp (missing info in bold) : Life Shield can be slotted in armors, shields, and ranged weaponsLife Shield is in the main hand weapons list, and therefore is part of the shields list. (See the note at the top of the shields list.)
I did not do a list for ranged weapons, but instead figured that the Main Hand Weapons list would be sufficient for them.
06-14-2011, 03:10 PM
That means it's over level 75 and thus not unlocked yet. Much like Metalline, for another example.
Thanks for clearing that up! I do have to question the developer logic behind such a high crafting level required for an effect (10% concealment that does not stack with blur or displace) that is useless after about level 6.
06-15-2011, 10:48 PM
Very useful info, should be stickied!
06-20-2011, 03:11 AM
Added Empower Healing to the Efficient Metamagic list for trinket prefixes. (It was already in main hand weapons list, which means it also was in the shields lst.)
06-25-2011, 01:34 AM
Great thread. Love using it to craft for my lowbies. Keep stuff like this coming.
06-26-2011, 12:07 AM
Added Finesse to the main hand weapons prefix list. It only applies to light weapons or rapiers, which is why I didn't see it when I made these lists.
Oddly, it says it can be attached to Main Hand Weapon, Off Hand Weapon/Shield. Maybe it has to be a light shield? heh.
06-29-2011, 09:08 AM
is it really possible to add stunning to a shield???? It says bludgeon only, but a shield is bludgeoning... Can anyone test this? I'm at
06-29-2011, 05:21 PM
Yup, it is possible to put stunning on a shield. Do you know what this means? For sword and board types, you can now ditch off that worthless stunning weapon that is keeping your non-stunning DPS down. Stick stunning on your crafted shield, wield your sweet greensteel dwarven axe instead, and stun em til the cows come home!!!!! Feat and enhancement respec, here I come.
06-29-2011, 05:30 PM
Yup, it is possible to put stunning on a shield. Do you know what this means? For sword and board types, you can now ditch off that worthless stunning weapon that is keeping your non-stunning DPS down. Stick stunning on your crafted shield, wield your sweet greensteel dwarven axe instead, and stun em til the cows come home!!!!! Feat and enhancement respec, here I come.I was actually thinking of putting seeker on my s&b's shield until I pull a bloodstone or farm that seeker item from the new pack.
I like the idea of stunning after I get seeker squared away.
06-30-2011, 07:41 AM
I was actually thinking of putting seeker on my s&b's shield until I pull a bloodstone or farm that seeker item from the new pack.
I like the idea of stunning after I get seeker squared away.
You can do both. My new shield is a seeker +4 mithral tower shield of stunning + 6. min level 11... As I advance in levels I'll put on better seeker and stuns, although I probably won't be able to add +1 or +2 or +3 for quite a bit, as they really put the minimum level up.
07-05-2011, 08:48 AM
More work might need to be done with ranged weapons to figure out what is going on.
I tried recently to make a Life Shield Weapon of Axebane. In theory, according to this thread, it should be doable. It might be doable on a shield (for my purposes, I needed a weapon as I planned on using it with a different shield). But on a ranged weapon (I used a returner) you can't put Axebane, and on a non-ranged weapon, you can't put Life Shield.
07-05-2011, 09:29 AM
thankyou. this is an awesome resource.
tried to rep ya but i need to spread it around more aparently.
07-05-2011, 10:00 AM
I tried recently to make a Life Shield Weapon of Axebane. In theory, according to this thread, it should be doable. It might be doable on a shield (for my purposes, I needed a weapon as I planned on using it with a different shield). But on a ranged weapon (I used a returner) you can't put Axebane, and on a non-ranged weapon, you can't put Life Shield.There are two Life Shield shards. "Life Shield" is for armors and off hand weapons/shield, while "Life Shield (Weapon)" is for ranged weapons only.
I'll add a note to its entry in the main hand weapons list.
07-05-2011, 10:07 AM
Okay, this was a bit confusing. To try and maximize clarity, I changed the main hand weapons entry to:
Life Shield (Weapon) - Ranged weapons only
Then I added Life Shield to the off hand weapons/shields list to clarify that it does go on off hand weapons.
07-05-2011, 10:11 AM
There are two Life Shield shards. "Life Shield" is for armors and off hand weapons/shield, while "Life Shield (Weapon)" is for ranged weapons only.
I'll add a note to its entry in the main hand weapons list.
What? Crazy. I just assumed LS Weapon would go on the sword I was working with. Oh well, thanks for the info at least.
07-05-2011, 10:29 AM
What? Crazy. I just assumed LS Weapon would go on the sword I was working with. Oh well, thanks for the info at least.According to the machine, "Life Shield" will go on any one-handed sword.
EDIT: Oh nevermind, I misread that to mean you didn't think it would work. On reread it's clear you're saying how silly it is that the shard named Life Shield (Weapon) is the wrong one to use for a sword. Heh, yeah, that's pretty stupid.
07-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Posting in a killer useful thread!
+1 FTW!
07-29-2011, 02:52 PM
Posting in a killer useful thread!
+1 FTW!
Crazy awesome useful post. Thanks. I now know that I can't make elemental guard items beyond armor/shield/offhand weapon. Makes my expiramental turtle build a little trickier. I'm sure there are some named items out there with guard on clothing/jewerly and the like.
07-31-2011, 06:18 PM
You can do both. My new shield is a seeker +4 mithral tower shield of stunning + 6. min level 11... As I advance in levels I'll put on better seeker and stuns, although I probably won't be able to add +1 or +2 or +3 for quite a bit, as they really put the minimum level up.
The link from the first page doesn't indicate that you can put Seeker or Stun on Shields. Saw someone put Sacred on a shield too, so that should be added to the list.
07-31-2011, 08:10 PM
The link from the first page doesn't indicate that you can put Seeker or Stun on Shields. Saw someone put Sacred on a shield too, so that should be added to the list.Note the comment at the top of the shields entry explaining that anything that goes on a main hand weapon also goes on a shield.
07-31-2011, 10:08 PM
Note the comment at the top of the shields entry explaining that anything that goes on a main hand weapon also goes on a shield.
Good to know. Thanks.
I think that the Main Hand Weapons Category should probably read:
Main Hand Weapons/Off Hand Weapons/Shields
and the Shields/Off Hand Weapons list should read something like:
Shield/Off Hand Weapons (Additional)
That's what it really is, correct?
PS: Thanks for putting this up. I've referenced this page very often and I'm not sure why it doesn't have a sticky! :)
07-31-2011, 10:54 PM
Good to know. Thanks.
I think that the Main Hand Weapons Category should probably read:
Main Hand Weapons/Off Hand Weapons/Shields
and the Shields/Off Hand Weapons list should read something like:
Shield/Off Hand Weapons (Additional)
That's what it really is, correct?There is already a note in the top of the Main Hand Weapons list I added a few weeks ago due to multiple people misunderstanding the shields list. I'm not sure changing the title would be more clear than what it says now:
Main Hand Weapons
NOTE: Anything that can be put on a main hand weapon can also be put on a shield.
As for the shields list, I removed the comment about off hand weapons being anything but two-handers to help draw attention to the note about how shields and off hand weapons can also take any ability in the main hand weapons list.
I'm reluctant to add clutter to the section titles to explain something that IMO is pretty clearly explained. If anything, I'd rather just add all the main hand weapon effects to the shields list directly, making the shields list the largest section of all. I'd rather not do that because it would seem quite cluttered and less elegant to me, plus the fact that the way it is now you can either look for "shield" effects to add to a shield or "dps" effects to add to a shield in separate lists depending on your intention.
That's my thinking for keeping it the way it is, anyway.
08-05-2011, 12:16 PM
Empower Healing goes on Shields too apprently. PREFIX.
Shields / Off Hand Weapons
Shields and Off Hand Weapons can take any ability in the Main Hand Weapons lists, plus the following additional abilities:
Life Shield
Natural Armor
Shield Spikes
Undead Guard
Any one energy resistance:
.....Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire, Sonic
Any one damage absorption:
.....Electrical, Fire, Negative Energy
Any one damage reduction:
.....Axeblock, Hammerblock, Spearblock, Invulnerability
False Life
Protection (Deflection bonus to AC)
Spell Resistance
08-05-2011, 02:42 PM
Empower Healing goes on Shields too apprently. PREFIX.
Yes, because it is on the Main Hand Weapons list. Note the "Shields and Off Hand Weapons can take any ability in the Main Hand Weapons lists, plus the following additional abilities:" in your quote.
And at the top of the Main Hand Weapons list:
Main Hand Weapons
NOTE: Anything that can be put on a main hand weapon can also be put on a shield.
08-05-2011, 07:44 PM
I may have to break down and just dump the entire Main Hand list into the Shields list for clarity. It's remarkably misunderstood as it is now.
08-06-2011, 10:39 AM
^ Thank you.
But yeah, the way that most users use your list is that they click on the gear that they want to slot, then the list pops up.
As the user, our eyes would go through the list, skipping the header (where you said that weapon effects can be slotted onto shields). You can add/combine the lists or clarity or you can also provide a prominent link that takes us to the weapons list from the shields list.
BTW: I really love this list and I use it quite regularly for my own crafting needs. :-) Really well done.
08-06-2011, 05:21 PM
or you can also provide a prominent link that takes us to the weapons list from the shields list.Hey, now that's a good idea. Let me try that for now.
EDIT: I put in a prominent link at the top of the shield list. What do you think? Will that help alleviate the confusion?
08-08-2011, 02:04 PM
If you don't get any more suggestions that your Shield list is incomplete, then it should be a success. :)
08-17-2011, 06:26 AM
+1 Great thread.
Seeing the prefix and suffix on the same page is great, use this all the time.
08-17-2011, 08:55 AM
I've been toying with the idea of adding a third section for each piece of equipment after the prefix and suffix lists for suggestions. Something like:
Recipe Ideas
Underwater Action of Swim
Charisma of Persuasion
You get the idea. Nothing too long or involved; just a handful of useful suggestions per item. (For weapons I'll just link to the Weapon Recipe thread in my signature.)
If anyone has suggestions for recipes to include in such idea lists, please post them to the thread. Or if you think this is a bad idea (increased clutter) I'm interested to hear that as well.
08-23-2011, 09:42 AM
hey i've been using you're thread a lot and ofc +1 :) but if you don't mind since the new patch is coming out, whenever you feel they're stable and that its worth it, add the enchants you can craft to rune arms please, thanks :D
EDIT: seems it acts like a trinket so ignore this message :P
08-24-2011, 03:24 PM
seems that the vengeful shard is a suffix, not a prefix, as i've tried a few times and i got the message i already had a suffix on it.
08-24-2011, 07:59 PM
seems that the vengeful shard is a suffix, not a prefix, as i've tried a few times and i got the message i already had a suffix on it.Weird, it's definitely a prefix. I just successfully crafted a Vengeful Greataxe of Lesser Dwarf Bane to confirm.
08-24-2011, 08:47 PM
Weird, it's definitely a prefix. I just successfully crafted a Vengeful Greataxe of Lesser Dwarf Bane to confirm.
still doesn't for me. perhaps it's the fact i'm trying to put it on a shield.
okay, i just tried it on a blank shield and it let me. and went on as a pre.. i'm sure my other one has a suff that is already on it. o,O
-then i put the shard on that is on the other one and it let me. i guess it just had to go on first...
09-04-2011, 06:59 PM
EDIT: NVM Aligned is Suffix, its the other guides that have it wrong.
Also, it might be a good idea to add a "Ranged" section, as there are a few shards you cant put on ranged weapons.
09-09-2011, 11:18 AM
still doesn't for me. perhaps it's the fact i'm trying to put it on a shield.
okay, i just tried it on a blank shield and it let me. and went on as a pre.. i'm sure my other one has a suff that is already on it. o,O
-then i put the shard on that is on the other one and it let me. i guess it just had to go on first...
Thx for the info. I was trying to make a vengeful weapon yesterday, and the same thing happened. I guess I have to re-craft it in a "proper" order.
09-09-2011, 06:26 PM
That sounds like more than an isolated incident, so I've added a note to the vengeful entry in the weapons list.
09-12-2011, 09:53 PM
Possible update of what goes to rune arms?
09-13-2011, 03:36 AM
Possible update of what goes to rune arms?Sadly, I do not have an Artificer and have no intention of rolling one up, so I can't make such a list. If somebody who has one wants to post a rune arm list to the thread I'd be happy to add a link to it in the OP.
09-14-2011, 09:22 AM
Sadly, I do not have an Artificer and have no intention of rolling one up, so I can't make such a list. If somebody who has one wants to post a rune arm list to the thread I'd be happy to add a link to it in the OP.
You don't need to be an artificer, just find any rune arm and put it in the crafting device.
09-14-2011, 10:14 AM
You don't need to be an artificer, just find any rune arm and put it in the crafting device.Will do. I got one offered as a chain end reward in Delera's, but I didn't know what the heck it was and I really wanted my Voice of the Master anyway, but I'll pick one up next time I get one offered and run it through the machine.
09-14-2011, 10:16 AM
90% sure that rune arms work like trinkets for what can go on them - including ranged alacrity ^^
09-15-2011, 02:32 PM
Yep, looks like rune arms are considered trinkets for the purposes of cannith crafting. I've edited the table of contents and trinket list to include rune arms in the title.
I've been toying with the idea of adding a third section for each piece of equipment after the prefix and suffix lists for suggestions. Something like:
Recipe Ideas
Underwater Action of Swim
Charisma of Persuasion
You get the idea. Nothing too long or involved; just a handful of useful suggestions per item. (For weapons I'll just link to the Weapon Recipe thread in my signature.)
If anyone has suggestions for recipes to include in such idea lists, please post them to the thread. Or if you think this is a bad idea (increased clutter) I'm interested to hear that as well.
Looks like people got distracted, but I would like this addition. Thanks for the guide!
09-18-2011, 10:36 AM
I went ahead and added a few recipe ideas I've enjoyed using. I skipped some gear slots that I never craft, and also don't have wf unlocked so I skipped docents.
09-27-2011, 08:31 AM
To the OP: I use this all the time, for me it is the go-to Cannith crafting reference. I +1'd you months ago but I would +10 you today if I could.
Thanks for doing this!
09-30-2011, 03:09 PM
bracers page are missing +6str not sure if this is a pre or suffix.
great tread btw *thums up
10-01-2011, 12:49 AM
I can confirm that STR is now available on bracers. Woot!
Has anyone seen this in any release notes? Any other changes? (
10-01-2011, 03:01 AM
Great news, thanks much for pointing out this stealth change. I've added strength to the bracers list, as well as adding it to the "quick reference" rundown at the bottom of post 2.
10-01-2011, 11:41 AM
If anyone has suggestions for recipes to include in such idea lists, please post them to the thread. Or if you think this is a bad idea (increased clutter) I'm interested to hear that as well.
From a Melee centric perspective. (boots and ring are almost like a set).
Mith of Invulnerability:
Absolutely rocks for the Korthos grind until level 10 or you have good named armor. About level 10 to 12 Mobs start getting magic weapons and Invulnerability is No longer useful, Change to either spear block or Axe block.
Feather fall of resistance/save
Striding of Balance
hot swap with rogue gear(Search, Open locks and Disable device) also Underwater action
Natural armor of dodge
til mid levels when AC still has value
10-02-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm sure I saw twilight shield in game, but I can't craft one via crafting/
Is that bug or WAI?
10-04-2011, 10:08 PM
Awesome thread, makes my life so much easier, +1 to you, wish I could give more
10-23-2011, 10:05 AM
This is definitely one of the most important threads for any craftsman or craftswoman.
I'd give you a +5, if only they'd release the expansion shards for forum threads ;) :D
Btw, if anyone needs a good damage boosting weapon, try crafting a bit of Agony and Misery
(+X Screaming and Bleeding. +2 from enchantments, add enhancements up to ML you desire)
(+1d8 sonic and bleeding per hit, and pretty much everything in the game other than Elementals, Full Constructs, and Undead bleeds.)
10-23-2011, 03:47 PM
pretty much everything in the game other than Elementals, Full Constructs, and Undead bleeds.)I thought elementals bleed, though maybe I'm confusing them with mephits.
10-24-2011, 04:41 AM
For a level 5 true neutral character a plain +0 armour of Superior Stability is great. +6 to AC and saves is huge at that level.
11-07-2011, 06:04 PM
I know bumping threads is usually considered obnoxious and rude, but this thread is important enough to warrant that and was getting harder to find.
11-08-2011, 08:53 AM
I agree... this thread is good enough to be stickied.
12-17-2011, 12:24 PM
Should add that vampirism can't be added to ranged weapons. (Man, my artificer was going to be awesome at self healing until I found that out)
12-17-2011, 07:48 PM
Should add that vampirism can't be added to ranged weapons. (Man, my artificer was going to be awesome at self healing until I found that out)Done. Good tip, thanks much.
12-17-2011, 08:04 PM
Pretty sure it's the same case for bodyfeeder too.
12-29-2011, 03:06 PM
Pretty sure it's the same case for bodyfeeder too.Kept forgetting to check this. You are indeed correct, and the listing is now updated.
02-21-2012, 09:02 AM
This has been nominated to be part of our Hall of Fame, and we agree! Nice work, EllisDee37.
02-21-2012, 09:59 AM
I just decked out my level 4 veteran cleric with
Chrono full plate (for the Spell res 19)
Gloves of resistance +3
Ring of Sup Devotion IV
Ring of Wiz I and Featherfalling
Belt of Moderate Fort
Trinket with pirate vitality and +10 exceptional fort (providing a total of 85% fort)
Pirate Bandana with Wiz II and Concentration +7 (found that one after I created the FF ring)
Club with Empower Healing II
Shield with Healing Lore +6% (with a greater healing lore +9% in the bank with ML 5)
Striding +15% boots
Most of these items are BTA and where possible I use the masterful to lower the ML 2 levels.
I have a belt of heavy fort and the greater healing lore shield banked and the idea is to use wands as much as possible but also SP for healing at lower cost due to the club and with a greater chance to score a heal crit.
Plus I gave my cleric the Empower healing meta. All in all I noticed that my cleric could easily hit 20-30 points worth of heal with a light heal and that's not bad for level 4.
I'm considering making a BTA adamantine fullplate with some kind of temp HP proc per incoming hit. It works really well with the cav plate and would add some great survivability to my cleric.
This of course leaves me with both the cloak and the goggles to do something with, such a spell resistance cloak when I move to a different armor.
02-21-2012, 10:08 AM
I tell you what; a force based trinket for the Mindsunder or store bought rune arm (the ML 11 one) is pretty darn useful.
Make it a Superior V with Major Force lore and lower the level requirement and you have a trinket that will boost the damage even for the store bought rune arm greatly.
With a investment in the enhacement line you will see regular 200+ force crit damage per bolt.
This can be done with acid based damage as well, such as the Glorious Obsenity - and then lower the level requirement with 2 so you can use it at level 15.
I regularly see 400+ crits now with a 50% investment in the acid line with 6% crit, in addition to using the Cannith challenge boots with superior Acid and Major Acid Lore. That is per bolt (with a max of five acid bolts) but it won't be as useful against Shavarath critters and Demons.
That's where the investment in a force based rune arm pays off.
A Superior Impact (I believe) V with Major Force lore and masterful will be able to be equipped at ML 9. A Store bought rune arm with masterful can be equiped at ML 11.
Both will greatly boost the Arti's ability in dealing good damage.
You could of course boost this temporarily by creating a force based clickie that increases the damage with 75%.
02-21-2012, 11:18 AM
This has been nominated to be part of our Hall of Fame, and we agree! Nice work, EllisDee37.
well deserved. I use this page all time.
02-21-2012, 12:37 PM
This has been nominated to be part of our Hall of Fame, and we agree! Nice work, EllisDee37.
It's about time! This thread has been incredibly time saving.
02-21-2012, 04:58 PM
This has been nominated to be part of our Hall of Fame, and we agree! Nice work, EllisDee37.
Can only agree. It was this thread that turned my Self-Healing soloing Monk onto a Superior Devotion V Trinket of Melee Alacrity 10%.
Awesome thread :)
02-21-2012, 05:04 PM
This has been nominated to be part of our Hall of Fame, and we agree! Nice work, EllisDee37.Thanks much, I'm honored.
02-21-2012, 11:37 PM
I just decked out my level 4 veteran cleric with
Chrono full plate (for the Spell res 19)
Gloves of resistance +3
Ring of Sup Devotion IV
Ring of Wiz I and Featherfalling
Belt of Moderate Fort
Trinket with pirate vitality and +10 exceptional fort (providing a total of 85% fort)
Pirate Bandana with Wiz II and Concentration +7 (found that one after I created the FF ring)
Club with Empower Healing II
Shield with Healing Lore +6% (with a greater healing lore +9% in the bank with ML 5)
Striding +15% boots
Most of these items are BTA and where possible I use the masterful to lower the ML 2 levels.
I have a belt of heavy fort and the greater healing lore shield banked and the idea is to use wands as much as possible but also SP for healing at lower cost due to the club and with a greater chance to score a heal crit.
Plus I gave my cleric the Empower healing meta. All in all I noticed that my cleric could easily hit 20-30 points worth of heal with a light heal and that's not bad for level 4.
I'm considering making a BTA adamantine fullplate with some kind of temp HP proc per incoming hit. It works really well with the cav plate and would add some great survivability to my cleric.
This of course leaves me with both the cloak and the goggles to do something with, such a spell resistance cloak when I move to a different armor.
You could go with the mirror cloak for SR(17) at 5th lvl. The armor you are thinking of would be lifeshield adamantine fullplate. Maybe throw invulnerability on it as well. Would have to check the + equivalence of lifeshield though.
02-24-2012, 04:38 AM
Yay gratz. This thread has saved me more time than I can calculate.
Thank you thank you!!
04-09-2012, 10:42 PM
Added rightouseness to the weapons list.
04-10-2012, 11:38 PM
Whats with effects which are prefixes on random gen items, and tuned into suffixes on crafting?
For example, fire lore shield of invulnerability is possible to get as random loot, but cannot be crafted, as fire lore is turned into suffix in cannith crafting.
Another unfixed bug, or devs just want to make people angry?
04-11-2012, 12:27 AM
Whats with effects which are prefixes on random gen items, and tuned into suffixes on crafting?
For example, fire lore shield of invulnerability is possible to get as random loot, but cannot be crafted, as fire lore is turned into suffix in cannith crafting.
Another unfixed bug, or devs just want to make people angry?Yeah, Evocation/Necro bracers/weapons of whatever can not be crafted. But can be found in random loot.
04-12-2012, 04:59 AM
Added rightouseness to the weapons list.
you have it as a prefix in the main hands weapon category, should probably be a suffix
04-12-2012, 06:55 AM
you have it as a prefix in the main hands weapon category, should probably be a suffixOops, fixed now. Good catch, thanks much.
05-08-2012, 11:49 PM
thank you so much for this resource!
05-13-2012, 10:16 PM
Great thread.
The lack of prefix variety for cloaks is disappointing.
05-21-2012, 03:29 PM
Beautifully done! I can't tell you how thankful I am that this is here. Nor how many times i've referenced it.
06-10-2012, 12:28 PM
Is Vorpal not craftable?
06-10-2012, 12:30 PM
Is Vorpal not craftable?
It is not.
BTW, Ellis, are there new shards coming with the expansion?
06-10-2012, 09:14 PM
BTW, Ellis, are there new shards coming with the expansion?I'm not on lama so I can't say for sure, but I think there will be. At the very least, the flexible slotting recipes are in so I'll probably go over all the shard recipes again to catch any new ones once it goes live.
06-26-2012, 02:27 PM
U14 Changes:
- Natural Armor was changed from a prefix to a suffix
- Poison Save shards were removed
- Benevolence (passive) and Beatitude (active) were removed (Buffed good spells. Did anyone ever use these?)
- Disease Immunity renamed to Proof Against Disease
- Reinforced Plating removed
- Construct Fortification added
- Flexible shards
- Mobility now goes on light and medium non-metal armor
This post includes only the changes that impact the lists in the front of this thread. As an example, Proof Against Poison was changed from immunity to a bonus to saves of varying amounts, but I didn't need to update anything to reflect this change because it's still called Proof Against Poison, it's still a prefix, and it still goes in the same slots.
All changes noted in this post have been updated in the lists on the first page.
NOTE: No new recipes were added from levels 101-150. Only flexible versions of existing shards.
06-26-2012, 11:39 PM
All done, woohoo!
The info for flexible shards has been added to the second post of the thread, and the lists have been updated for all the changes I'm aware of. Any corrections are welcome; help me spot any errors to get these lists as accurate as possible.
06-27-2012, 03:27 PM
I heard a rumor that proof against poison changed to a suffix. Not logged into ddo right now to check.
06-30-2012, 07:55 AM
Flexible Shards
Armor Bonus................Ring, Bracers
Attack Bonus +2..........Accessory, Armor
Attack Bonus +4..........Goggles, Ring, Trinket, Weapon, Shield
Deathblock..................Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Shield
Dodge Bonus...............Accessory, Armor
Dusk..........................Accessory, Armor
Eternal Faith................Accessory, Armor
False Life....................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Feather Falling.............Accessory, Armor
Fortification.................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Good Luck...................Accessory, Armor
Melee Alacrity..............Anywhere
Natural Armor..............Accessory, Armor, Shield
Proof Against Disease....Accessory, Armor
Proof Against Poison.....Accessory, Armor
Protection...................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Ranged Alacrity............Anywhere
Regeneration...............Accessory, Armor
Secret Door Detection...Accessory, Armor
Silver Flame.................Accessory, Armor
Spell Penetration..........Anywhere
Spell Resistance...........Accessory, Armor, Shield
Striding.......................Accessory, Armor
True Seeing.................Accessory, Armor
Underwater Action........Accessory, Armor
As per the above info, the shards like GoodLuck and regen can go on armor or accessories.
But they are not updated in your existing recipes for armor or accessories.
am i missing something?
Also can you highlight the changes you did in the recipes, like maybe a different color or font.
06-30-2012, 02:26 PM
I heard a rumor that proof against poison changed to a suffix. Not logged into ddo right now to check.It appears to still be a prefix.
As per the above info, the shards like GoodLuck and regen can go on armor or accessories.
But they are not updated in your existing recipes for armor or accessories.
am i missing something?
Also can you highlight the changes you did in the recipes, like maybe a different color or font.The individual item recipe lists do not contain any flexible recipes, but instead focus on the native shards for that slot. I briefly considered adding them to the individual lists, but it would essentially amount to the list you quoted being added to every single list. I feel that would be too unwieldy. It would also be awkward to try and shoehorn in flexible stats, for example, to slots that only natively hold one or two stats. I could try color coding to differentiate them, but it could easily turn into a giant mess that ends up being less useful overall.
I envision the individual lists being used by crafters as they level to 100, giving them all the info they need at a glance to plan out their gear. Once you get up to the 90s and can start thinking about flexible shards, you will probably have a pretty good grasp of what goes on what and can just refer to the flexible shard post to see what your new options are.
Using similar logic I decided not to split up the flexible shards into prefix and suffix lists, since by the time you can craft them you'll probably know which is which already. In the end, it seemed to me that the most efficient way to present the flexible shard info was concise (alphabetical) lists with minimal clutter for easy lookup and quick reference.
EDIT: The complete list of all changes made to the individual lists can be found here ( It didn't amount to much.
07-12-2012, 08:02 AM
Any word on mobility shards now only able to go on armor? I tried putting it into a craftable+3 on the bracers of wind, but it wouldn't go. The shard does specifically say "armor"-- don't know if it always said that.
Mobility was changed after update 14 to be even better than it used to be, so I wouldn't be surprised if they limited its slotting. I wonder if it can still go into a trinket.
07-12-2012, 09:33 AM
Any word on mobility shards now only able to go on armor? I tried putting it into a craftable+3 on the bracers of wind, but it wouldn't go. The shard does specifically say "armor"-- don't know if it always said that.
Mobility was changed after update 14 to be even better than it used to be, so I wouldn't be surprised if they limited its slotting. I wonder if it can still go into a trinket.Mobility never went on bracers.
I can confirm that mobility still goes on trinkets since I just last week made a Mobile trinket of Fire Absorption 33% for my cleric to swap in for shroud harry fights.
Based on your post I went through the shard machine to verify that it's listed correctly on the lists here. It was, except that Mobility now goes on medium or light armor (not heavy), but it won't go on metal armor. The armor list is now updated to reflect this.
Thanks much for pointing this out.
07-13-2012, 04:14 PM
How does flexible shards work?
Are they prefix or suffix or can be both or is it neither?
Can you still put 2 shards, ie 1 flexible and 1 pre/suf shard on an item or just 1 flexible shard only? Can you put 2 flexible shard on an item?
Thanks for incredibly useful post.
07-13-2012, 09:07 PM
How does flexible shards work?
Are they prefix or suffix or can be both or is it neither?
Can you still put 2 shards, ie 1 flexible and 1 pre/suf shard on an item or just 1 flexible shard only? Can you put 2 flexible shard on an item?The flexible shards are the same prefix/suffix as their non-flexible counterparts. You can mix and match flexible with nonflexible, much like you can mix and match bound and unbound shards. You can have both the prefix and suffix be flexible shards if you like.
09-07-2012, 10:35 PM
Natural Armor
Update: This appears to be a prefix now. I tried putting it on a Health (+con) ring and got told that the prefix slot was taken.
09-07-2012, 10:59 PM
Update: This appears to be a prefix now. I tried putting it on a Health (+con) ring and got told that the prefix slot was taken.They were sloppy when they changed some shards from prefix to suffix. The shard machine error checking still sees them as prefixes. I believe the workaround is to add the suffix first, and then the prefix after. I think I read somewhere that this still doesn't work; when you go to add the health shard the error checking sees the natural armor as a prefix so you can't add health, but it's worth a shot.
You can test it relatively cheaply by buying an extra ring from the ah and trying to make a health +1 ring of natural armor +1, putting the natural armor on first. If it still doesn't work, post back to the thread.
11-17-2012, 05:51 PM
Tried the same thing with some bracers - game sees natural armour as a prefix not a suffix so unable to create according to this guide. Tried with some bracers.
11-17-2012, 06:04 PM
You have to add the natural armor first and it'll work. I was able to make a health +6 necklace of natural armor +3 for my monk by adding the natural armor first.
01-13-2013, 03:48 PM
Just want to say thank you. This contiues to be one of my favorit crafting resources. Frequenlty link it to anyone who asked about crafting.
02-13-2013, 10:04 PM
It was pointed out to me that Aligned is a weapon prefix, not suffix. Originally it was a suffix, allowing Metalline of Aligned weapons, but at some point it was changed to a prefix. I suspect this happened a long time ago and I just didn't notice.
Anyway, updated the weapon list to reflect this.
I noticed there was no mention of the new augment-slotted equipment in this thread...
Now, I've seen comments along the line of especially the colored augments being useless, because on lootgen/crafted they essentially add 4 to the item's minimum level.
However, as a newbie with only first-life lowish-level toons, I find it quite hard to keep up to character level with my crafting on "basic" blanks. And besides it's one more slot to put things in, sometimes at a lower level than with lootgen/crafted even with the penalty. (Sapphire of heavy fortification at "A"ML 8, while a green-bordered belt with nothing but heavy fort seems to be ML 9?)
And, specifically goggles is where I might do something...
Recipe Ideas
Blindness Immunity of Attack Bonus
Underwater Action of Persuasion
I have a topaz of blindness immunity and blank yellow-slotted goggles, and last time I checked I wasn't able to craft attack +2 yet, so... if that particular toon didn't have the Crystal Cove ring with underwater action, it'd already been the prefix on those goggles too.
Or am I missing something here? (Would a topaz of power stack with, say, power III?)
06-05-2013, 03:56 AM
No, they don't stack, but you could make a wizardry II shard for 50 spell points and use masterful to take it down to ML1, for example.
The problem with heavy fort is that blue slots only drop on armor, and named armor is generally better but for low and mid levels crafted armor can be quite good.
The best use of augments IMO is as caster sticks, where you apply lore (and possibly an enhancement bonus) to a one-handed weapon with a red slot where you slot the matching spell power.
No, they don't stack, but you could make a wizardry II shard for 50 spell points and use masterful to take it down to ML1, for example.
Yeah, I figured they probably wouldn't.
Oh well, masterful won't happen any time soon for me anyway...
As of now I can on average (between what I have on various servers) craft up to about level with the augment cost figured in, not having any better gear yet a +2 (battle breastplate/skirmish whatever) of invulnerability with +con is about as good as I can "afford".
Oh and since I haven't seen any red-slotted rings, devotion and augment for the casting stat seem to end up naturally together for me on various toons. (Different weapons for different enemies, don't have to swap weapons to heal.) Should I change that?
06-05-2013, 07:44 AM
Oh and since I haven't seen any red-slotted rings, devotion and augment for the casting stat seem to end up naturally together for me on various toons. (Different weapons for different enemies, don't have to swap weapons to heal.) Should I change that?Red slots don't drop on lootgen rings, only weapons.
For self-healing melees I use Sword of the Thirty and Whirlwind, slotting devotion in their red slots.
Red slots don't drop on lootgen rings, only weapons.
For self-healing melees I use Sword of the Thirty and Whirlwind, slotting devotion in their red slots.
Well yeah, I used to do that with my Sword of the Thirty wielding warchanter, but I never remembered to swap weapons from beating on undead/oozes/golems/whatever to heal. So I switched the devotion to something I mostly keep worn when fighting. (And put some random elemental ruby in instead, don't even remember what it was, but every bit helps, right?)
Now, I'm sure you have much more experience than I have, but doesn't swapping weapons also cause about a second or two of delay every time, so twice if you swap to heal and then back...?
My other TWF attempts haven't gotten far enough yet to actually have meaningful amounts of "good" gear.
BTW, one of my toons does have a red-slotted shield in the bank, I haven't decided on the prefix yet. (Mostly uses a named shield with better AC than I could craft, anyway, but maybe for the undead-beating set...)
06-05-2013, 10:17 PM
Well yeah, I used to do that with my Sword of the Thirty wielding warchanter, but I never remembered to swap weapons from beating on undead/oozes/golems/whatever to heal. So I switched the devotion to something I mostly keep worn when fighting. (And put some random elemental ruby in instead, don't even remember what it was, but every bit helps, right?)For undead quests I generally use a devotion trinket.
BTW, one of my toons does have a red-slotted shield in the bank, I haven't decided on the prefix yet. (Mostly uses a named shield with better AC than I could craft, anyway, but maybe for the undead-beating set...)Life Shield, by a country mile. Unless you're a pale master, in which case undead guard was the only prefix I found that offered any value at all.
06-06-2013, 01:20 AM
(Greater) Spell Focus is another potentially useful prefix that goes on a shield.
My level 20 sorc carries a Greater Conj Focus celestial buckler of Superior Stability, with Impulse 90 planned in the Red slot
01-05-2014, 12:52 AM
I find this thread very helpful in my crafting but there is one improvement I would like to see. In the Flexible Shards post it would be most helpful to differentiate between prefixes and suffixes somehow. Perhaps by color coding the text.
Thanks for a very helpful post.
01-05-2014, 02:42 AM
Crafting recipes by gear will let you see at a glance all the shards that can be added to a given piece of equipment. Note that only one prefix and one suffix can be added to any one item.
I just tried crafting a Necklace with Proof Against Poison as my prefix and the game is saying it's a suffix. Both this site and the Cannith Crafting Planner at say that Proof Against Poison is a prefix. Looks like it's time to update things. Turbine needs to identify prefixes and suffixes explicitly on the shard identification popup because this is a pain trying to figure out by guessing.
01-05-2014, 10:21 AM
I just tried crafting a Necklace with Proof Against Poison as my prefix and the game is saying it's a suffix. Both this site and the Cannith Crafting Planner at say that Proof Against Poison is a prefix. Looks like it's time to update things. Turbine needs to identify prefixes and suffixes explicitly on the shard identification popup because this is a pain trying to figure out by guessing.
Proof against poison is a prefix. And the game does tell you which shards are prefixes and which are suffixes, it just does so subtly. When you hover your mouse over the shard icon in-game, if the name of the shard says shard of xxxxxxx then it is a suffix. If it says xxxxxxxx shard, then it is a prefix. The placement of the shard name relative the word shard, before or after, tells the difference. This always tells you which it is and it can be used before you craft it by looking at it in the crafting machine.
01-05-2014, 02:01 PM
I just tried crafting a Necklace with Proof Against Poison as my prefix and the game is saying it's a suffix. Both this site and the Cannith Crafting Planner at say that Proof Against Poison is a prefix. Looks like it's time to update things. Turbine needs to identify prefixes and suffixes explicitly on the shard identification popup because this is a pain trying to figure out by guessing.It's a prefix, but the validation routine on the shard machine incorrectly thinks it's a suffix. The work-around is to apply proof against poison first, on an empty item, so that the verification logic doesn't cause problems.
In addition to proof against poison this is also an issue with natural armor.
01-05-2014, 08:30 PM
U14 introduced flexible shard recipes (bound level 101-150), allowing standard shards to be crafted into non-standard slots.
The following keywords mean that the shard can go in any slot in the list:
.....Accessory: Hat, Goggles, Necklace, Cloak, Bracers, Gloves, Belt, Boots, Ring, Trinket
.....Armor: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Light Armor, Docent, Clothing
.....Weapon: Two-handed weapon, One-handed weapon, Shield
.....Shield: One-handed weapon, Shield
NOTE: To avoid confusion, for shards that go on the "Weapon" group I include the "Shield" keyword even though it's redundant.
Color key:
Red = Prefix
Green = Suffix
Stats: Accessory
.....Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Energy Resist: Anywhere
.....Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sonic
Energy Absorption:
.....Electrical: Accessory, Armor
.....Fire: Accessory, Armor, Shield
.....Negative: Accessory, Armor, Shield
.....Power: Anywhere
.....Wizardry: Accessory, Armor
.....Magi: Accessory, Armor
Spell Focus: Anywhere
.....Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation
Spell Power: Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Weapon, Shield
.....Potency, Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance,
.....Impulse, Devotion, Reconstruction, Radiance, Nullification
Lore: Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Weapon, Shield
.....Acid, Ice, Fire, Healing, Kinetic, Lightning, Repair, Sonic, Void
Armor Bonus................Ring, Bracers
Attack Bonus +2..........Accessory, Armor
Attack Bonus +4..........Goggles, Ring, Trinket, Weapon, Shield
Deathblock..................Necklace, Ring, Trinket, Armor, Shield
Dodge Bonus...............Accessory, Armor
Dusk..........................Accessory, Armor
Eternal Faith................Accessory, Armor
False Life....................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Feather Falling.............Accessory, Armor
Fortification.................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Good Luck...................Accessory, Armor
Melee Alacrity..............Anywhere
Natural Armor..............Accessory, Armor, Shield
Proof Against Disease....Accessory, Armor
Proof Against Poison.....Accessory, Armor
Protection...................Accessory, Armor, Shield
Ranged Alacrity............Anywhere
Regeneration...............Accessory, Armor
Secret Door Detection...Accessory, Armor
Silver Flame.................Accessory, Armor
Spell Penetration..........Anywhere
Spell Resistance...........Accessory, Armor, Shield
Striding.......................Accessory, Armor
True Seeing.................Accessory, Armor
Underwater Action........Accessory, Armor
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