View Full Version : Miss Stormreach Pageant!
09-26-2009, 04:50 PM
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! (does anyone say that anymore?)
Morah and Clankenbeard are proud to bring you:
Nominate your favorite NPC here in this thread!!!! Who is Most Beautiful? Who is Miss Congeniality?
Who has the Most Poise? Who can get past those pesky interview questions? Who will take the evening gown competition?
We ALL want to know!!!!
So nominate someone here, and let the cheesy advertisements start rolling in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Visit the website at (!
(Yeah, that's right... we own the domain name! We are serious about our cheesy contests!)
We will be posting ads and pictures of candidates who get through Clankenbeard's rigorous screening process of hawtness!
(You essentially just have to look at him directly to get in.)
This will be very similar in nature to the MAYOR of STORMREACH election that was held last year!
Don't know what that is? You should be ashamed of yourself! Go to right now and refresh your memory!!!!
Now get to posting and may the best, hawtest NPC win!
(Special thanks to Papa Smurf and Phoenixfire for letting me steal this idea from them at Gencon 2009!!!!)
09-26-2009, 04:58 PM
LOL, love the siggy. :D
09-26-2009, 05:19 PM
Here are the headshots of the ladies we have so far! In NO Special Order!
Amenia Songweaver
Margurite Dryden
Cellimas Villuhne
Arissa Storr
Eldin the Kobold Sorceress?
The DDO Succubus
Mari Mosshand
Charlette the Scarlet
Evi Joss
Jana the Lost Barmaid
Inquisiter Lightbringer
Seld the Grey Sister
The Archon
Vellah, The Red Dragon
Mistress Orphne
Thadine Bedeire
Erythyn Veridyn
Sorceress Noria Splashpaige
The Dreamy Cube
Whisperdoom (Decision Pending)
Morgan Neptune
09-26-2009, 06:41 PM
Clakenbeard discovered an issue with the Flash Animation and Windows Vista, so you might see a teeny tiny image.. or a normal one! He is working on it now!
Right! Nothing goes off without a hitch. I moved the website hitch into my "git-along" so that you needn't be bothered with it. Yeah, I bricked the scaling thing. I wanted the website to be HUGE on your screen when you view it. But, my version of Flash is old and doesn't play well with Vista or Firefox or portbale devices or kobolds. I'll try to figure the full screen scaling out now that Lessah isn't breathing down my neck whilst wearing her Helm of Intimidation +13.
If the site STILL looks tiny, open up your Tool/Internet Options/Browsing History/Delete/Temporary Internet Files. That'll fix it. If it doesn't just cast a darkness spell and sit there in the dark until I post a new SWF file that is a different size than the last one. That will fix it as well. But unless you are a Flash nerd, this might as well be written in Ogrish.
Anyways, all you forum members out there should be posting in this thread. You should be saying things like "I think Charlotte the Scarlet should be in the contest." or "I like the looks of Bellweather Bill's sister Billweather Belle's hindquarters!" to get ths ball rolling. This is an open-ended pageant. I know some stuff that is going to happen. But, if you watched the Mayor Election last year, you know 80% of this is still up in the air! Now get cracking.
09-26-2009, 07:02 PM
I gotta say Velah does strange and wonderful things to me in her Veil avatar... and later she does strange and wonderful things to me as a red dragon.
She breaths the fire... and I bathe in the heat. ;)
09-26-2009, 07:15 PM
Do Mindflayers have a gender? I've always wondered that. I haven't visited Fred in awhile, though; doesn't Fred wear a dress? I vote for Fred. Fred looks good in a dress, either way.
If Fred is not qualified to enter, which I also believe would be Mind-Flayer-ist, I vote for that Cleric in the tutorial whose name I can't remember.
09-26-2009, 07:20 PM
Do Mindflayers have a gender? I've always wondered that. I haven't visited Fred in awhile, though; doesn't Fred wear a dress? I vote for Fred. Fred looks good in a dress, either way.
If Fred is not qualified to enter, which I also believe would be Mind-Flayer-ist, I vote for that Cleric in the tutorial whose name I can't remember.
Celemast! I am grabbing screenshots of her now, along with MY pic for Miss Stormreach (though she be contraversial!).
09-26-2009, 07:27 PM
Yeah! That's the one.
I vote for Fred as honorable mention in the, "At least you still look nice in a dress" category then. If there isn't one, well, Fred can win that one by default.
(I promise Fred hasn't touched my brains and tricked me into saying he's the prettiest. He told me he was just switching a feat. He wouldn't lie. . . Would he? . . .)
09-26-2009, 07:27 PM
Who's the lady getting the backrub in Ataraxia's Haven? I think she'd be a good one.
09-26-2009, 07:38 PM
Miss Amenia Songweaver - Resort Spa, Ataraxia's Haven
A beautiful dark haired vixen, and a model for Charlotte the Scarlet's new clothing line.
Aside from her stunning beauty, she also has a lovely singing voice.
09-26-2009, 08:42 PM
Lots of Hotties In Atraxia's Haven!
Here is Deriaz's Nominee:
Cellimas Villuhne
She is very pretty and a servant of the Flame!
And.. now... for your consideration (and also because certain Pageant Officials may or may not have been bribed by her influential father...)
Arissa Storr, Mayor's Daughter, Korthos Island.
She was quoted as saying:
Daddy... I want to be Miss Stormreach now!
09-26-2009, 10:39 PM
Ooh, forgot about Arissa. She's a hottie.
09-27-2009, 03:11 AM
There is only one rational choice... after all, she's had men (and a few women, may I add) literally chasing her around the Marketplace for months now.
I nominate "Miss Unlimited" herself... the Succubus of Stormreach!
As per Clankenbeard's request:
1. Height/weight/age
Height: 5'9"
Weight: (I got a nasty glare when I asked this - next question!)
Age: Ageless
2. Where they are from
Origin: Plane of Battle
Material Plane Residence: Stormreach Marketplace, but prone to travel.
3. Occupation
Professional Seductress
4. Talent
What would you like it to be? (reference question 3)
5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach
She already haunts your dreams and puts your head in the clouds... why not make it official?
09-27-2009, 06:07 AM
****, the Succubus... I'm not sure that my quiet, beautiful, dark haired nominee can stand up to that.... but then again... What she lacks in psychotic sex appeal, she makes up for in perfection =)
09-27-2009, 06:36 AM
How do i Vote for Fred? :D
09-27-2009, 09:28 AM
I vote for Fred as honorable mention in the, "At least you still look nice in a dress" category then. If there isn't one, well, Fred can win that one by default.
How do i Vote for Fred? :D
Okay. Okay. Okay. I get it. Fred is cool. I like Fred too. But he just got elected Mayor of Stormreach by you guys last year (um...before getting ramrodded right back out of the position). Let's get some fresh blood in here. Morah just told me to squash Fred as a candidate, so I went and talked to him. He has agreed to be a judge in exchange for a boatload of Dragonshards. So, as a judge, he will be eliminated from the competition. Hey! I did something right the first time. Turns out Fred has prior judging experience anyways!
So leave the poor little squidface alone. You'll be hearing more from him on the as a judge in the weeks to come. Now how about some female-type-folk? I'll be updating the website as quickly as is dwarvenly possible.
09-27-2009, 11:25 AM
Ooh, forgot about Arissa. She's a hottie.
Arissa, better not win. She doesn't even own any shoes. A beauty pageant contestant needs shoes. Well except during the swim suit competition.
Edit: Further more why the hell does the daughter of a mayor of a whole island , not own any shoes. I mean come on he even gives you some boots for rescuing her. Dude, mayor man, how about giving your daughter a pair of shoes.
09-27-2009, 11:42 AM
Definitely got to go with the succubus :) us bad gals got to stick together :p
09-27-2009, 11:45 AM
Look, I may have been Fred's greatest thrall-- err, I mean advocate during the Mayoral elections, but I know where to draw the line. (shudder) Fred is a fantastic politician, and would make a fantastic Mayor. But frankly, he is not Miss Stormreach material. The lack of an actual gender for one thing...
09-27-2009, 01:00 PM
Look, I may have been Fred's greatest thrall-- err, I mean advocate during the Mayoral elections, but I know where to draw the line. (shudder) Fred is a fantastic politician, and would make a fantastic Mayor. But frankly, he is not Miss Stormreach material. The lack of an actual gender for one thing...
His skillset and interview would probably have been better...
Some people just like the tentacle I guess.
09-27-2009, 02:00 PM
hmmmm, NOW i know why i've been seeing lessah and clanky showing up at the top of the guild roster. should have known you had something brewing. :cool:
09-27-2009, 02:47 PM
hmmmm, NOW i know why i've been seeing lessah and clanky showing up at the top of the guild roster. should have known you had something brewing. :cool:
Stepp! (That's not a typo, by the way. "Untied" seems a bit more appropriate than "United".) It's true. Clanky has been AWOL for a spell. But now I'm BACK!...with a vengeance...and this time it's for real...and it's personal...and heads are gonna LOL! I think we are like three of a remaining 6 Stormbringers. It's like our storm got downgraded into a Tropical Depression and then went to Mexico. We need to re-bring the storm or I need to find another guild.
Maybe I'll start my own Guild--"The Tough Beards" or "The Clankenbrood" or "Mybutts Dragon" or something equally stupid. It would be a guild only for players who are serious about taking nothing seriously. You know--only for people who laugh at casual gamers for spending up to 2 hours a week playing DDo. Hmmmm... Maybe my guild won't even allow you to play. If you do anything more than join the guild, you get kicked out and have to delete your character. No questing at all! Don't even think about checking you mailbox. I'll call it the game's first PermaLoaf guild. Maybe you can eat Brocolli. I don't know. If I call a guild meeting to discuss it, I'll get kicked out.
Who wants in? :D
09-27-2009, 02:54 PM
I nominate Marguerite Dryden.
I can't believe what the succubus said about same sex marriage =(
09-27-2009, 04:47 PM
Nominee: Dead Girl (Valak's Mausolem)
09-27-2009, 10:37 PM
I nominate Marguerite Dryden.
Are you sure? I mean... I do not know if the competition can handle this:
Yeah.... those are REAL! I didn't believe it either! I will speak to her agent, but... she is really hard to get ahold of!
Now... on to this one!
Nominee: Dead Girl (Valak's Mausolem)
I did not think she would make the grade... but on closer inspection....
Deadgirl is Pretty Cute!
I have posed the headshots of all the ladies in the second post in this thread!!!!
We can do better Stormreach!!! Keep em coming!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-28-2009, 04:26 AM
It was not long after he escaped Khorthos that he came upon the most beautiful being in the whole Harbour district. She is a mighty adventurer that after several years of charming her way through various adventures came back to her birthplace, the Harbour, to teach up and coming Sorcerers how to do it.
Yip! Yip! Kasquik the Mighty brings you the winner! Edlin the Kobold Sorceress*:
To prove this nomination Kasquik set out to question all the important people in the harbour.
This is a transcript of his visit to the Den of the Kobold Borthers:
(Say): Kasquik says, 'How do you feel about Edlin down by the docks?'
(Say): Kobold Warrior says, 'Yark! Yark!' **
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Edlin the Kobold Sorceress is nominated for the Miss Stormreach pageant. How do you feel about that?'
(Say): Kobold says, 'You steal our treasures? We steal your blood!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'No, no, a pageant is not about stealing the participants. What would you do if Edlin didn't win?'
(Say): Kobold says, 'Kobolds never forget! Kobolds always hate you!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'No, no, Edlin won't be taken away! It's just a competition to see who is the prettiest.'
(Say): Kobold Chieftain says, 'Kobolds should stick together....'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Yip! Yip!'
(Say): Kobold says, 'Yark! Yark!'
(Say): Kasquik says, 'Thanks for the interview!'
* With maxed out charisma!
** "Yark" can have multiple meanings depending on tone of voice. In this case it means "Hawt!"
09-28-2009, 07:40 AM
I spoke to Eldin and I do not speak Kobold, so I didn't get much out of him.... er.. HER. I can't figure out of she is a SHE or not. I need to consult someone familiar with Kobolds. Someone with intimate knowledge of Kobold Female anatomy.
Godscuttle blushed furiously and would not comment on the matter, the other favored soul trainer told me to bugger off, and after several drinks in the tavern. ... Skraps (the bouncer in the Wayward Lobster) finally told me that "He wouldn't mind getting him a peice of that!"
Who am I to judge the standards of beauty by silly things like race or whether or not you have a pulse! (re: Deadgirl)
I will submit Eldins headshot for judging!
09-28-2009, 08:50 AM
There is only one rational choice... after all, she's had men (and a few women, may I add) literally chasing her around the Marketplace for months now.
I nominate "Miss Unlimited" herself... the Succubus of Stormreach!
09-28-2009, 09:30 AM
I've updated my nomination for the Ataraxia's Haven babe, "Amenia Songweaver" =)
09-28-2009, 09:33 AM
I can't believe no one has nominated Evi Joss yet. OK, I nominate Evi Joss she has that Megan Foxx thing going.
09-28-2009, 09:46 AM
I nominate Aida from the Wavecrest tavern, pre Korthos.
She looks hot in her Necklace.
09-28-2009, 10:02 AM
What about Scarlett!?
Surely we can do something for that "poor, innocent" :p
girl who so wrongly had her reputation demeaned
by That Disreputable Lord Goodblade!? :D
I Vote for Scarlett!
Of course... Celemas and the succubus are cuties too...
Oh dear, this is going to be tough... :eek:
09-28-2009, 10:12 AM
Mari.... stoneblade? I forget. I mean she lots a lot of weight and lost that dwarfish figure she used to have. The girl that gives the new people to Stormreach the small gem and collectable sacks.
09-28-2009, 11:47 AM
Mari.... stoneblade? I forget. I mean she lots a lot of weight and lost that dwarfish figure she used to have. The girl that gives the new people to Stormreach the small gem and collectable sacks.
Oh yeah, Mari Mosshand. I think it is...
09-28-2009, 11:57 AM
heck clank...if you want a loafer non-questing guild, we're already IN one! i see drevvy logging in from time to time, he definitely qualifies ;)
09-28-2009, 02:11 PM
I think Tattered Alice should be a judge.
She can read auras ya know.
09-28-2009, 02:52 PM
I'd like to submit Ms Jana, the Lost Barmaid of Tangle Root. The poor dear was let go from her job. She missed her shift at the One-Eared Bugbear after getting lost in the wilds of the gorge picking lily petals. Desperate for a 2nd chance in life, please give Miss Jana your consideration and support.
09-28-2009, 02:56 PM
A few nominees here so bare with me!
Charollete the Scarlet
Mari Mosshand
09-28-2009, 03:13 PM
Hmm... just curious... has anyone ever seen Deadgirl and Cellimas in the same place at the same time?
Just sayin'...
09-28-2009, 03:32 PM
Hmm... just curious... has anyone ever seen Deadgirl and Cellimas in the same place at the same time?
Just sayin'...
It's NOT Dead Girl whom she cannot be in the same room with!!!
It's THIS girl.....
Drusen d' Jorasco!
Here is a close up (again) of Cellemas
Here is your Deadgirl!
As you can see.. these are all very different women!!!
So... anyone want to nominate Druden d'Jorasco? As she is NOT.. I repeat NOT Cellemas or Deadgirl! ;)
09-28-2009, 03:36 PM
It does seem like there's a lot of similar-looking women in Stormreach. I think there must have been an NPC out there who was busy hanging out with someone or other about 20 years ago....
09-28-2009, 03:50 PM
Definitely got to go with the succubus :) us bad gals got to stick together :p
gals that stick together iz muh fav'rit. :D
I've got a nominee in mind, will have to go ask her for a pic before hinting who she is...
09-28-2009, 03:54 PM
Stepp! (That's not a typo, by the way. "Untied" seems a bit more appropriate than "United".) It's true. Clanky has been AWOL for a spell. But now I'm BACK!...with a vengeance...and this time it's for real...and it's personal...and heads are gonna LOL! I think we are like three of a remaining 6 Stormbringers. It's like our storm got downgraded into a Tropical Depression and then went to Mexico. We need to re-bring the storm or I need to find another guild.
Maybe I'll start my own Guild--"The Tough Beards" or "The Clankenbrood" or "Mybutts Dragon" or something equally stupid. It would be a guild only for players who are serious about taking nothing seriously. You know--only for people who laugh at casual gamers for spending up to 2 hours a week playing DDo. Hmmmm... Maybe my guild won't even allow you to play. If you do anything more than join the guild, you get kicked out and have to delete your character. No questing at all! Don't even think about checking you mailbox. I'll call it the game's first PermaLoaf guild. Maybe you can eat Brocolli. I don't know. If I call a guild meeting to discuss it, I'll get kicked out.
Who wants in? :D
Are we allowed to stand for hours window-shopping the AH, browsing thru the leet stuff knowing full well the coppers in our pockets can't even get us a screenie of the gear, let alone an accepted bid?
I might qualify.... :o
09-28-2009, 03:59 PM
Are we allowed to stand for hours window-shopping the AH, browsing thru the leet stuff knowing full well the coppers in our pockets can't even get us a screenie of the gear, let alone an accepted bid?
I might qualify.... :oCD! You posted in the forums! You're out! Dangit. Now I'm out. *Sigh*. Stop derailing this thread! :D
09-28-2009, 04:53 PM
I nominate Aida from the Wavecrest tavern, pre Korthos.
She looks hot in her Necklace.
Has anyone even seen Aidia lately? Where did she go?
09-28-2009, 05:34 PM
My Nomination... She beats out Succubus because she doesnt have "scaley" parts
Inquisitor "Sarah" Lightbringer,
1. Height 5ft 7inches /weight 10 stone/age 25
2. Where they are from: Sarah to her friends was born and raised in Stormreach to missionary parents, after getting training in the ways of a paladin in Khorvaire she has returned to her home city to protect it from evil.
3. Occupation: KICKING AXE AGAINST EVIL, as an Inquisitor travels around making contacts protecting the innocent and rooting out evil in all its forms, especially Vampires and Succubi
4. Talent: Smiting Evil, Laying on Hands, Yoddeling
5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach: She seeks to show that world that it is possible to be beatiful and successful while maintaining a high moral standard and not compromising lifestyle choices as is the norm for many young females in a port city like Stormreach (something she witnessed growing as a missionary kid). Also the high profile of a pagent winner will allow more exposure to the charities the Silver Flame sponsors in Stormreach.
09-29-2009, 10:33 AM
My Nomination... She beats out Succubi because she doesnt have "scaley" parts
I have added the Inquisiter to the Line up in the second post in the thread... and Yeah, she's kinda the total package eh? Smoking hot, vanquishes evil, gives out goodies... it just gets better and better!
Oh and thanks for doing my head shots work for me!!!!!
09-29-2009, 10:56 AM
I have added the Inquisiter to the Line up in the second post in the thread... and Yeah, she's kinda the total package eh? Smoking hot, vanquishes evil, gives out goodies... it just gets better and better!
Oh and thanks for doing my head shots work for me!!!!!
What can I say I like church girls :D
09-29-2009, 01:15 PM
I've got a nominee in mind, will have to go ask her for a pic before hinting who she is...
K. Well, it was a long conversation, with much pleading and begging...
But after finally untying me, Seld allowed me these couple shots and her permission to submit her (she glared at me daring me to make a joke of it) for the contest.
Therefore, my nominee:
09-29-2009, 02:05 PM
I have updated the second post to include Miss Seld. How did you get her? She is so secretive!!!!
Cellemas is the one for sure.
.....Followed by the Demon Queen herself as runner up. Men and women alike seem to want to lay down right in front of her the minute she gets close.
09-29-2009, 02:43 PM
Cellemas is the one for sure.
.....Followed by the Demon Queen herself as runner up. Men and women alike seem to want to lay down right in front of her the minute she gets close.
Six hands... imagine the possibilities. :D
09-29-2009, 03:25 PM
Well, since the Succubus from website images is being nominated, then why not the graceful Archon from the loading screen!
I nominate this angelic beauty...
Well, time to have a crack at this I suppose...
Where are they from:
Plane of Battle - Shavarath
As a Trumpet Archon (as she appears to be) she's a Messenger, a Herald
Able to usher in warriors for battle with high spirits and has incredible martial skills.
Why they want to be Miss Stormreach:
She joined the pageant when word came to the Archon Host that a devil, a Succubus had traveled to the mortal world and was apparently nominated for an archaic contest of beauty. They suspect the Succubus may be here as nothing but a decoy for some larger plan the devils might have. However, after learning the amount of influence one would gain by winning the contest, the Archons fear the power over mortals the Succubus would achieve by obtaining such a victory. It's bad enough there are mortals running around, distracted from real threats by having their heads in the clouds chasing ethereal Succubi. Therefore as a way of keeping tabs on this she-devil and take action if she were to win, the Archons sent one of their own...
That's all I got, feel free to add/change it Lessah :)
09-29-2009, 04:30 PM
I have updated the second post to include Miss Seld. How did you get her? She is so secretive!!!!
Even CD is not without a few small trinkets of charm. ;)
(Bracers of Charm Person, Gloves of Charm Person, Necklace of Charm Person....) :cool:
09-29-2009, 04:37 PM
Well, since the Succubus from website images is being nominated, then why not the graceful Archon from the loading screen!
I nominate this angelic beauty...
Done! I put her in the headshot thread!
09-29-2009, 10:46 PM
Everysbody! Great suggestions. I have updated the website at a lttle bit. I've fixed the "Contestants" page so that it now shows the entire list of names. Three are functional in that they show an image of the contestant.
I would like to put a short blurb on each contestant for:
1. Height/weight/age
2. Where they are from
3. Occupation
4. Talent
5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach
If you nominated a lovely lady, throw us a bone. Go back to yor nomination post and add this info. It's still wiiiide open for which contestants are going into the final rounds.
Clanky's backstage pass has been laminated. And the rules now clearly state that all succubi must keep their wings fully folded in the dressing rooms. I would hate to see that "incident" happen again (for such a short time before everything got obscured by succubus wings!)
Listen to this weekend for updates! Long live Jerry! (as long as he is promoting our cheesy entertainment venue.)
09-30-2009, 11:32 AM
In the immortal words of Ron Steinman via Patti Russo:
STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will NOT be including the age weight and height of our ladies... I imagine the Succubus is shamefully old anyway!
Here is the deal... If you nominated someone, you have exactly 24 hours to post these things:
Where they are from
Why they want to be Miss Stormreach
Otherwise... I see it as a broad interpretation and I get to have my crack team of writers start "making things up!"
Now get ye flask!!!!!!!
((the above reference to Patti Russo is explained HERE ( you did not already know!))
10-01-2009, 03:09 AM
Where they are from
Edlin's egg was hatched in the lovely Stormreach Harbour (image of a hatchery can be taken from Stealthy Repossession, can't provide one myself since my PD rogue died yesterday). Where she by a young age had charmed all male Kobolds from her tribe. This of course was not well received by the rest of the females so they kicked her out.
This lead to her travels as a Sorcerer for hire and eventually she had amassed great wealth. Among her equipment was several items of the finest greensteel (which will become an important part of her campaign).
After returning to the Harbour she saw a lot of unskilled sorcerers who required guidance. They would after all (without knowing it) help her get revenge on her former tribesmen (also, some are incredibly cute males!). It was a win-win situation.
* summoning
Makes excellent trash mobs in quests!
* Cooking (Marshmallow roasting...)
Firewalls make excellent campfires! Well, unless you're undead like some of her competitors...
* Armour & weapon dyes
She disliked the look of her greensteel so she started modifying it to look more fashionable. She succeeded and now her greensteel looks different from other greensteel items.
Why they want to be Miss Stormreach
* Provide more Harbor quests. (she's already been doing some, see "Haverdasher" "Home Sweet Sewer" and "Arachnophobia")
* Armour & weapon dyes to the people!
* Support of Skrapps Kobold Army
After loosing the Mayoral election Skrapps promised to gather a Kobold army and stuff the voting bins with votes in the next one. He might do so for Miss Stormreach :D
10-01-2009, 04:21 AM
Edlin has my vote!!!
10-01-2009, 04:28 AM
Inquisitor Lightbringer was going to be my vote for sure.
10-01-2009, 08:07 AM
I vote Archon as #1 and succubus as #2, (always good to have an angel and devil on your side) and they make for good times in mixed company :rolleyes:
10-01-2009, 08:36 AM
Wow, how did poor Miss Delara get overlooked. Though I don't have any means to grab a pic here at work...take a run of the dungeons and tell me that the sweet ghostly blonde at the end isn't the cutest undead you've ever met...
10-01-2009, 08:44 AM
The Succubus was going to post her bio here, but she got a bit distracted when she found out Vin Diesel plays DDO. She ran off to find him. Big fan apparently. I offered to post her information for her.
1. Where I am from: Your dreams and nightmares
2. Occupation: Demon, Mistress of Seduction *sigh*
3. Talent: Bewitching men, sultry sighs, looking pretty, naughty things…
4. Why I want to be Miss Stormreach: Why, because I can of course. *giggle* Plus being Miss Stormreach is a tremendous honor would give me opportunities to travel, which of course means expanding my pool of vict… potential male companions. *sigh* Oh, and I always take any opportunity to beat out Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes the Archon.
As an aside, I recommend that Mr. Diesel run. Quickly.
10-01-2009, 08:47 AM
Mistress Orphne, she has such an intresting mind.
10-01-2009, 09:09 AM
there is a merchants daughter in the market near the planescaller to gianthold, she'd down the stairs and already thinks she's the princess of stormreach.. but I like her so I nominate her
10-01-2009, 09:14 AM
My vote is for the succubus. Yeah, she will suck your life away, but what a way to go and at least she is honest about it.
10-02-2009, 08:33 AM
1. Vital Statistics:
Height: 21' 6"
Weight: 3500 lbs
Age: 354 years
2. Hometown:
Vault of the Night, House Kundarak
3. Occupation:
Guardian of the Vault of Night
4. Talents:
- Velah likes her freshly caught meat medium rare, so her Firebreathing helps make sure her meat is done "Just Right!"
-Velah is a fastidious housekeeper, and never likes pesky adventurer's cluttering up her immaculate house, so her Wing Buffet helps blow all the dust, dirt, and players out into oblivion. Velah is quoted saying "'The Twelve' have let the Marketplace get so run down, so let them clean up the scraps from my domain!"
5. Why Velah wants to be Miss Stormreach
"I have to represent for all the Dragonesses of Argonnessen. I am representing an entire continent here, as well as House Kundarak, and my Vault! Besides, how many of those other minuscule contestants can breath FIRE?"
A Head-Shot:
And for her Bathing Suit Pose:
10-02-2009, 09:15 AM
I'm still lobbying for the Succubus, but that is good!
10-02-2009, 10:01 AM
I'm still lobbying for the Succubus, but that is good!
I must admit that the Succubus is one of my favorites too.. but I couldn't resist! :cool:
10-02-2009, 01:13 PM
As far as I'm concerned, there is only one choice-The lovely Miss Erythyn Veridyn, who has saved my butt on a contract basis. If(when) she wins, I am hoping she uses the media attention to leverage turbine to allow her to level, so I can continue to hire her.
10-02-2009, 05:56 PM
As far as I'm concerned, there is only one choice-The lovely Miss Erythyn Veridyn, who has saved my butt on a contract basis. If(when) she wins, I am hoping she uses the media attention to leverage turbine to allow her to level, so I can continue to hire her.
I LOVE that the Hireling community is being represented!!!!
I will schedule her for a photo shoot post haste!
10-02-2009, 05:58 PM
1. Vital Statistics:
Height: 21' 6"
Weight: 3500 lbs
Age: 354 years
2. Hometown:
Vault of the Night, House Kundarak
3. Occupation:
Guardian of the Vault of Night
4. Talents:
- Velah likes her freshly caught meat medium rare, so her Firebreathing helps make sure her meat is done "Just Right!"
-Velah is a fastidious housekeeper, and never likes pesky adventurer's cluttering up her immaculate house, so her Wing Buffet helps blow all the dust, dirt, and players out into oblivion. Velah is quoted saying "'The Twelve' have let the Marketplace get so run down, so let them clean up the scraps from my domain!"
5. Why Velah wants to be Miss Stormreach
"I have to represent for all the Dragonesses of Argonnessen. I am representing an entire continent here, as well as House Kundarak, and my Vault! Besides, how many of those other minuscule contestants can breath FIRE?"
A Head-Shot:
And for her Bathing Suit Pose:
Seeing as how you did ALL the work FOR me and even submitted her headshot...
I will add her to the list!!!!
10-02-2009, 06:15 PM
Wow, how did poor Miss Delara get overlooked. Though I don't have any means to grab a pic here at work...take a run of the dungeons and tell me that the sweet ghostly blonde at the end isn't the cutest undead you've ever met...
I will have my people get on this at once. Delera is hard to get a hold of, and her agent NEVER returns phone calls!!!!
Mistress Orphne, she has such an intresting mind.
This one is easy too! Sorry I fell behind on the thread today, was too busy interviewing contestants!
there is a merchants daughter in the market near the planescaller to gianthold, she'd down the stairs and already thinks she's the princess of stormreach.. but I like her so I nominate her
Princess? When did THAT happen? I will go see for myself!!!!
Oh! ok! This is her!
Thadine Bedeire
10-02-2009, 06:22 PM
There is only one rational choice
I nominate "Miss Unlimited" herself... the Succubus of Stormreach!
She already haunts your dreams and puts your head in the clouds... why not make it official?
This is the Only choice, Megan the Succubus wins easily.
And im still waiting on my Wallpapers and Year Calendars and Posters of her.
10-02-2009, 06:26 PM
I nominate whatever the name of the red-headed sorceror is on the load screen:
I looked at this probably 25 times before I realized her eyes are mismatched: how wonderfully sorcery. Okay in truth I looked 25 times before realizing she had eyes but let's not be all picky about it.
I'm sure she has a backstory. I have to run but given additional time, I'll come up with it. It will probably involve her (apparent) disregard for pants, which really is one of the top things I look for in a sorceror.
She may not be as cool as Velah or as interesting as a kobold but no other entrant can even come close to the size of her enormous charisma.
10-02-2009, 07:10 PM
I nominate whatever the name of the red-headed sorceror is on the load screen:
I looked at this probably 25 times before I realized her eyes are mismatched: how wonderfully sorcery. Okay in truth I looked 25 times before realizing she had eyes at all but let's not be all picky about it.
I'm sure she has a backstory. I have to run but given additional time, I'll come up with it. It will probably involve her (apparent) disregard for pants, which really is one of the top things I look for in a sorceror.
She may not be as cool as Velah or as interesting as a kobold but no other entrant can even come close to the size of her enormous charisma.
In the importal words of Homer Simpson... "Dont you just hate pants?"
Iwas torn between the Sorc and Inquistor Lightbringer... The Ginger and Maryanne of Stormreach... I always like Maryanne better :D
10-03-2009, 07:50 AM
Seeing as how you did ALL the work FOR me and even submitted her headshot...
I will add her to the list!!!!
W00t!!!! Velah FTW!
10-05-2009, 07:45 AM
I worked on the site last night and got all of the new audio files on there. In case you guys don't know, Jerry over on is being kind enough to allow Morah's contestant interviews on his "Jerry King Live" segment. But in case you guys are too lazy to listen all the way through his show, you can hear just our bit on the Miss Stormreach site.
I'll try to get these four latest entries up on the site tonight! More likely it will be tomorrow night. But miracles do happen.
10-05-2009, 04:35 PM
It seems we are a little late to the party, but congrats! You have successfully distracted half of the team, and I'm working non the other half now. :eek: This is awesome ( Thanks. :D
10-05-2009, 08:33 PM
K. Well, it was a long conversation, with much pleading and begging...
But after finally untying me, Seld allowed me these couple shots and her permission to submit her (she glared at me daring me to make a joke of it) for the contest.
Therefore, my nominee:
Sorry, she obviously had a nosejob! We want natural beauty.
10-05-2009, 09:51 PM
I nominate whatever the name of the red-headed sorceror is on the load screen:
I looked at this probably 25 times before I realized her eyes are mismatched: how wonderfully sorcery. Okay in truth I looked 25 times before realizing she had eyes but let's not be all picky about it.
I'm sure she has a backstory. I have to run but given additional time, I'll come up with it. It will probably involve her (apparent) disregard for pants, which really is one of the top things I look for in a sorceror.
She may not be as cool as Velah or as interesting as a kobold but no other entrant can even come close to the size of her enormous charisma.
Haha, awesome. Nice post.
I'd vote for her.
Well, unless I could nominate a PC, in which case it would clearly be Lessah herself. But obviously that had to be ruled out in order to make the contest remotely fair.
10-05-2009, 11:23 PM
Haha, awesome. Nice post.
I'd vote for her.
Well, unless I could nominate a PC, in which case it would clearly be Lessah herself. But obviously that had to be ruled out in order to make the contest remotely fair.
Flattery will get you EVERYWHERE! Unfortunately, YOU cannot be in the contest either! I could fix it so you win!!!!!!!!
10-06-2009, 08:10 AM
The wesite was updated by Clanky and I have FINALLY gotten in touch with
Erythyn Veridyn's press agent. Well, she didn't really HAVE a press agent per say... she seemed obscure and a little EMO to me when I spoke to her... she didn't want me to take her picture... something about stealing her soul.
In any case, here she is!
I also realized that I overlooked this lovely lady! She did not even have a name! Clanky was so distracted by her +5 to shexterity outfit that he never asked what it was!
SO we have named her: SORCERESS SPLASH PAIGE
[QUOTE=geoffhanna;2457336]I nominate whatever the name of the red-headed sorceror is on the load screen:
10-06-2009, 10:12 AM
if theres a poll i would love to add a vote for Morah after all she does have her own belt .... officially making her a Woman of stormreach and thus making her a vailid contestant
however as a contestant it would disqualify her as a judge.
also would like to cast a negative vote for mistress orphane i been inside that girls mind and let me tell you ... its all like beholders and nastiness in there ... wouldnt want a woman with those kinds of mental problems representing Stormreach as miss stormreach.
lots of love .... think this ones gonna be great ...
yours truly
Confusious Firewater
10-06-2009, 10:45 AM
Great work on getting Delara out there Lessah. I'm mean, she's had a pretty tough life, being dead and all, so she deserves this shot. And I'm not just pulling for her because my main is a necromancer :) Besides, any chick good enough for Gygax to give his dedicated trinket to has to have something going on.
10-06-2009, 01:33 PM
if theres a poll i would love to add a vote for Morah after all she does have her own belt .... officially making her a Woman of stormreach and thus making her a vailid contestant
however as a contestant it would disqualify her as a judge.
also would like to cast a negative vote for mistress orphane i been inside that girls mind and let me tell you ... its all like beholders and nastiness in there ... wouldnt want a woman with those kinds of mental problems representing Stormreach as miss stormreach.
lots of love .... think this ones gonna be great ...
yours truly
Confusious Firewater
10-06-2009, 03:13 PM
No vote for the Demon Queen? I know she is all hands, but she knows how to bowl you over with her snaky charms and feminine wiles.
10-06-2009, 04:17 PM
I nominate a violet ooze/pudding/slime.
Can we get a pic?
They're soft. They don't complain or talk back, and they keep the floor clean! And if you want to party you can hit it with a non-blunt object and make more! Or wait, do violet oozes (oozii?) split?
And don't gimmie that lip about slime being asexual. A pink slime is girly enough to participate in a beauty pageant! Don't discriminate! Slimes have feelings too.
10-06-2009, 04:23 PM
No vote for the Demon Queen? I know she is all hands, but she knows how to bowl you over with her snaky charms and feminine wiles.
I think she's pretty hawt too! I'll see if I can get close to her... and not die!
I nominate a violet ooze/pudding/slime.
Can we get a pic?
They're soft. They don't complain or talk back, and they keep the floor clean! And if you want to party you can hit it with a non-blunt object and make more! Or wait, do violet oozes (oozii?) split?
And don't gimmie that lip about slime being asexual. Being pinkish is girly enough!
um.. no.
no no no no no no, no
Ooze/ Pudding/ slime? Snow me ooze lady parts! Supple lips, rich, velvety voice, long legs... heck ANY apendages at all!
Show me a sentient being... and I will show you a candidate! Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
10-06-2009, 04:27 PM
um.. no.
no no no no no no, no
Ooze/ Pudding/ slime? Snow me ooze lady parts! Supple lips, rich, velvety voice, long legs... heck ANY apendages at all!
Show me a sentient being... and I will show you a candidate! Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
Also, violet slimes aren't picky!
And you can talk to them telekinetically, via ooze puppet!
10-06-2009, 04:29 PM
Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
So by default does that rule out Lycosa the spider in Let Sleeping Dust Lie?
10-06-2009, 04:32 PM
So by default does that rule out Lycosa the spider in Let Sleeping Dust Lie?
She has long legs! Many appendages!
PS. I rule that slimes (and spiders) are sentient in DDO because they choose who to attack, and because they contribute to dungeon alert!
10-06-2009, 04:38 PM
So by default does that rule Lycosa the spider in Let Sleeping Dust Lie?
She has long legs! Many appendages!
PS. I rule that slimes (and spiders) are sentient in DDO because they choose who to attack, and because they contribute to dungeon alert!
Let me think it about... before I say NO again!
10-06-2009, 04:39 PM
So by default does that rule Lycosa the spider in Let Sleeping Dust Lie?
Or Whisperdoom. You know she's a promiscuous female, look at how many damned offspring she has running around in her lair!!!
10-06-2009, 04:39 PM
PS. I rule that slimes (and spiders) are sentient in DDO because they choose who to attack, and because they contribute to dungeon alert!
Get me a screenshot
10-06-2009, 04:41 PM
...I also realized that I overlooked this lovely lady! She did not even have a name! Clanky was so distracted by her +5 to shexterity outfit that he never asked what it was!
Her name is Noira
10-06-2009, 04:45 PM
Or Whisperdoom. You know she's a promiscuous female, look at how many damned offspring she has running around in her lair!!!
Seriously? You WANT me to send Morah to interview a Hiddeous SPIDER!!!!!!
Are you insane???? She will get eaten alive and may never come ba... wait wait wait... she will get eaten and never come.. back....
Ok... Let me talk to the judging panel and see what I can come up with! I MAY get whisperdoom or that other spider chick in on the grounds that the other spider Queen is technically an NPC for a little while. THe ooze.. not so much, but... this spider of yours.. EATS halflings right?
10-06-2009, 04:49 PM
Her name is Noira
You Don't like Sorceress Splash Paige????
Noria it is!!!!!!!
10-06-2009, 04:51 PM
You Don't like Sorceress Splash Paige????
Noria it is!!!!!!!
Maybe that can be her surname ;)
10-06-2009, 04:53 PM
Ooze/ Pudding/ slime? Snow me ooze lady parts! Supple lips, rich, velvety voice, long legs... heck ANY apendages at all!
Show me a sentient being... and I will show you a candidate! Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
As a matter of fact, the Cube is quite supple.
10-06-2009, 04:54 PM
Well, that's among other things I've seen her do to halflings. I'll refrain from the details, there may be children listening. *shudder*
Poor Morakai...I remember the little fella fondly...well, what's left of him.
10-06-2009, 05:01 PM
As a matter of fact, the Cube is quite supple.
3 things...
1. I had forgotten about "THE Cube"
2. I had no idea "THE Cube" was a lady.
3. I have a new signature....
However, I think I will have to talk to Fred about the fairness of nominating the Cube for Miss Stormreach since she has SO MUCH POWER! It could influence the vote!
10-06-2009, 05:11 PM
2. I had no idea "THE Cube" was a lady.
Cube's have genders?!?!?!?! I thought we disqualified Fred for, amongst other things, Fred really isn't either male or female...
If the cube really is a lady, well, that just does all sorts of things to my reality...:eek:
10-06-2009, 06:16 PM
Cube's have genders?!?!?!?! I thought we disqualified Fred for, amongst other things, Fred really isn't either male or female...
If the cube really is a lady, well, that just does all sorts of things to my reality...:eek:
True true.
If you ain't got no lady bits you should be disqualified from the pageant. Mainly, because I wont be able to garner any "favors" from contestants, by promising to rig the vote, If they don't have no lady bits.
10-06-2009, 06:21 PM
True true.
If you ain't got no lady bits you should be disqualified from the pageant. Mainly, because I wont be able to garner any "favors" from contestants, by promising to rig the vote, If they don't have no lady bits.
I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
10-06-2009, 06:35 PM
I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
jello mould ftw:D
10-06-2009, 06:51 PM
I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
Nah cubes are male. Zero curves, all angles.
10-06-2009, 06:55 PM
Nah cubes are male. Zero curves, all angles.
Careful, it may still be reading this thread....
10-06-2009, 07:36 PM
I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
The cube is only square because it lives in 1x1 dungeons. Similarly, an ooze or slime is only shaped like a blob because they are gravitationally challenged. In the right enclosure or environment, these could be shaped to have any kind of bits you desire!
10-06-2009, 07:43 PM
The cube is only square because it lives in 1x1 dungeons. Similarly, an ooze or slime is only shaped like a blob because they are gravitationally challenged. In the right enclosure or environment, these could be shaped to have any kind of bits you desire!
I SOOOOOO want to explore that dungeon!!
OK, that may have been a little...naughty. But I couldn't resist! Honest!!
10-06-2009, 09:36 PM
Um just out of curiousity....when does voting actually start for this fantabulous event. I need time to rig, er I mean, plan things out... :)
10-06-2009, 09:40 PM
10-06-2009, 10:00 PM
You seem to have forgotten a certain Beauty be nominated... i will do the honors...
meet ~Annelisa~
-Occupation: Love Slave
-Location: she may be found in Blaeric Goodspeed's Harem in the Bounty Hunter Dungeon
-Talent: Seduction, Pleasure Giving, Belly Dancing, Teasing, and generally anything else her Master wishes
-Why she should be Miss Stormreach: She has given sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids all to keep dungeon masters and possible Heros (should they so choose) "happy".. now what more could you want in a woman?!
10-07-2009, 06:12 AM
I've played through the tutorial and Misery's Peak enough to appreciate Cellimas. Plus she's the only one with a voice over, so she would get my vote.
10-07-2009, 07:12 AM
I SOOOOOO want to explore that dungeon!!
OK, that may have been a little...naughty. But I couldn't resist! Honest!!
*shakes head* You are starting to scare me a little!
Um just out of curiousity....when does voting actually start for this fantabulous event. I need time to rig, er I mean, plan things out... :)
Once we get enough nominees, the Judges will narrow it down to a few finalists, and THEN we vote!!!!! Muhahahah! That is, IF Tolero lets us vote. Last year we voted on the Mayoral Election. She has a lot of power so help me out and start kissing up early! Tell her how great she types! And that she works really hard!
Devs, you too! Tell her she coordinates her outfits very well and looks great in any season!!!! Will you do this for me? Your community will thank you!!!!
I have already started sending Morah out this week to get some GREAT interviews with contestants! Though, she is a little hesitant about the Dragon and the spider and the CUBE!
The Website has been updated by the way with a very nice news article fro the Guardian.
Keep em coming!
10-07-2009, 07:19 AM
You seem to have forgotten a certain Beauty be nominated... i will do the honors...
meet ~Annelisa~
-Occupation: Love Slave
-Location: she may be found in Blaeric Goodspeed's Harem in the Bounty Hunter Dungeon
-Talent: Seduction, Pleasure Giving, Belly Dancing, Teasing, and generally anything else her Master wishes
-Why she should be Miss Stormreach: She has given sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids all to keep dungeon masters and possible Heros (should they so choose) "happy".. now what more could you want in a woman?!
I have added Annelisa to the list. Is she wearing someone elses outfit or is it just me?
I will try to get good shots of her today, as Clanky will want this little honey on a better light for the WWW.
10-07-2009, 09:35 AM
I'll have you know that I grab screenies of Whisperdoom WHILE playing permadeath. The other players... they did not understand.
I also added the CUBE as a possible contestant, but I am waiting for Fred's Decision.
10-07-2009, 10:08 AM
*shakes head* You are starting to scare me a little!
Only starting now? I must be slipping.
Careful everyone!!! The Fiendish Cube is now the Dreamy Cube!!! It has designs on this competition!!!!! RUUUUUNNN!!!!!
10-07-2009, 10:10 AM
Oh heck.. Cube ate some new food coloring. Must be for the next Update.
Either that or the evening gown portion of the contest.
10-07-2009, 10:15 AM
I'll have you know that I grab screenies of Whisperdoom WHILE playing permadeath. The other players... they did not understand.
I also added the CUBE as a possible contestant, but I am waiting for Fred's Decision.
LMAO, you are insane (but in a good way)...but I have to admit, thats a really good screenie :). Did you manage that one in TR or her lair? (if you did it in her lair while doing PD then you are certifiably insane, and I will be extremely impressed)
10-07-2009, 01:10 PM
I think the bigger issue is that the Cube is stating it could have "lady bits" if it so desired...
Hmmmm. I wonder what that might look like? If only somebody would cook up some sorta digitally manipulated image of this.
Hellllloooooo. Memnir? Li'l help. You paying attention to this? There's only so much you can do with brocolli. Don't make Clanky beat you to this punch. Because they don't call me "One Punch Clanky" for nuthin'. (Actually I think it's "Punch Drunk Clanky", but to me it's close enough.)
And to you Dreamy Cube, what kind of tagline is "I Eat Dreams?!?" How ya gonna eat dreams? Try eatin' mine! Ya can't. My INT is so low that I'm just barely able to carry out the minimum number of autonomic functions to stay alive. I have to decide daily whether I want to sweat or blink. I ain't got the processing power for dreams. So do your worst! I'd laugh at yer feeble attempts, but that would probably shut down my endocrine system.
Dreamy Cube wants in the pageant? I say let her/him/it in! I'll go slap Fred around a bit until he/she/it agrees. He doesn't have trouble getting inside my head. But he typically gets frustrated once he's in. It's like looking for clear marble in an olympic sized pool. He's pretty much worthless to me. I only went there once because I though he swapped out "feets" and I wanted a pair of warforged boots so I could both sound clanky when I walk and run away faster at the fist sign of trouble.
10-07-2009, 05:42 PM
im all for equal opportunity... well actually Im not. If the entry period stays open much longer every female/person of undefined gender NPC will be entered in this contest
10-07-2009, 11:51 PM
Right. So the cube showed up over at our pageant planning headquarters--the Leaky Lobster. And he/she/it made a very convincing case for entering the upcoming event. By this I mean it threatened to eat the alcohol. While I can appreciate the novelty of the world's largest Jello shot, I couldn't be sure it would taste any good. So I caved.
So, the cube will be in the pageant he/she/it isn't listed as a contestant yet, but it's doing a right cute little wobbly jig with Morah on the Audio tab of! You go cube! Hmmm. Somehow I though it would be biggger. Maybe supple also equates to compressible. Somebody bring over a giant sand casting mould of a hot chick and we'll do this cube up right for the pageant!
10-08-2009, 02:22 AM
LOL @ margurite's sound bytes on the miss stormreach page!
10-08-2009, 11:23 AM
Ooze/ Pudding/ slime? Snow me ooze lady parts! Supple lips, rich, velvety voice, long legs... heck ANY apendages at all!
Show me a sentient being... and I will show you a candidate! Otherwise I am not admitting SLIME because I cannot talk to them and they cannot talk back!
Well, ever since the Dreamy Cube became popular, the paparrazi has been out in force gathering photos for Cube! The Magazine, Perez d' and The National Inquisition. This shot may be illegal in some states:
10-08-2009, 11:52 AM
Hello Kitty and a Rubic's Cube.....that cube has some fresh style.
I don't think I'll ever be able to watch a bikini contest the same way again....
10-08-2009, 12:17 PM
I am still laughing!
Jerry I can only give so much Rep a day!
That is very very funny!
10-08-2009, 02:27 PM
Jerry I can only give so much Rep a day!
I gave him some for you.
10-08-2009, 09:48 PM
you know...I did something that should have done long before...since this is such a great idea.
+1 to Lessah for what has been the most entertaining thread for me in a long time (ok, the broc pics have been rather good too). I wonder what would happen if Donald Trump ever got his paws on this pageant...
10-09-2009, 12:54 PM
I am scared and confused by Mockduck/Jerry's Dreamy Cube image.
The Cube is uber creepy in that getup.
Did somebody raid Clanky's underwear drawer? (It's a 12-man raid in case you are interested and you have to gather 20 bits of tatters before you can even attempt it.) Those undies seem very familiar.
Clanky can work a 3x3x3 Rubix Cube in 2 minutes. Best time = 1:26! 5x5x5 takes about 15 minutes. Can anybody else with an 8 INT do that? :D
At least Dreamy Cube's measurements are easy to remember 10'x10'x10'.
Now for a spoiler! Lessah has been busting her buns with new audio for the pageant. She has had at least 7 different people doing lines for her with a few more yet to submit. This weekend on the DDoCast 138, Morah interviews a whole new slew of contestants. This includes Velah, Mari Mosshand, Seld the Grey Sister, Whisperdoom, Evi Joss, Thadine Bedeire, Erthyn Veridyn. So listen to Jerry's podcast late Saturday for everything. Thanks in advance to everyone for pitching in with audio!
I'll post the new audio on the site on Sunday afternoon. I'll try to have my next "Newspaper Article" for The Guardian posted up there before then. The pageant is really shaping up. Maybe I'll go try to get an interview with the Dreamy Cube or Delera.
p.s. Yes, please rep Jerry for his artsyfartsyness. Ahem. Anyone see that hillarious picture of Fred as an American Idol judge? Where? Oh. Right here ( It was hillarious. Yeah. I know. I know. Somebody worked really hard on that. Right. Hillarious.
10-10-2009, 06:48 PM
Morah has been working ALL day on these interviews! I hope you listen and check it out!
I am still working with my producers to get some comments from the Dreamy Cube!
Don't worry! We will get there!
This is the LAST week to nominate anyone! After Friday, Clankenbeard and Judges will select the ladies who advance to the final round!!!!!
((I hope you are all having fun! I am working hard to make you laugh and smile!))
10-11-2009, 08:06 PM
LOL @ margurite's sound bytes on the miss stormreach page!
Haha, yeah, I thought the same thing.
I haven't had much free time lately, and I MEANT to do like Clankenbeard's message said, and come back and write up a quick bio since I was the one who nominated her, but when I finally had the chance to try to do so, I saw the interview was already up, and Lessah got it better than anything I could have written up! It captured exactly the sort of "out of place" feeling I would have wanted it to.
That being said, I think the ol' girl still has a chance! Sure, she may be a ghastly, incorporeal, eternally tortured monstrosity, but since discovering the secret of the Duality an becoming a wraith, she has one advantage none of the other contestants do...
"The void consumes the flame. The flame consumes the nothingness. Both consume WAY too many calories. The path lies between."
It kinda' makes sense, when you think about it. Have you ever seen a chubby undead?
Anyway, all that aside, I do have one more nomination. Well, technically it's not *my* nomination, since I've already seen her mentioned at least twice in this thread so far, but she hasn't shown up on the site yet, so I figured a little reminder was in order.
How about none other than the Demon Queen herself, Lailat!
Especially when you consider that she just got herself the epic treatment on Lamannia, I figure she's gotta' be ready for a big comeback!
10-11-2009, 08:10 PM
Hello Kitty and a Rubic's Cube.....that cube has some fresh style.
Oh yeah, and sorry for the double-post, but I couldn't just let this one slide...
I wouldn't say The Cube has some fresh style; it would be more appropriate to say that she has good taste. Namely, whoever was wearing that swimsuit last. I bet they tasted GREAT!
10-12-2009, 12:02 AM
Well, ever since the Dreamy Cube became popular, the paparrazi has been out in force gathering photos for Cube! The Magazine, Perez d' and The National Inquisition. This shot may be illegal in some states:
That is an artiist's rendition as the cube is hard to shoot. The only photos are of the cube's car:
10-12-2009, 01:01 AM
Oh yeah, and sorry for the double-post, but I couldn't just let this one slide...
I wouldn't say The Cube has some fresh style; it would be more appropriate to say that she has good taste. Namely, whoever was wearing that swimsuit last. I bet they tasted GREAT!
I bet you are right! It's called the small hallway discount...
10-12-2009, 09:06 AM
The DDo Succubus was recently accused of magical augmentation. HERE! ( Before and after images are in the latest article written by yours truly for The Guardian. (
Morah better come up with an address for these jokers. I'm writing articles (which you can see on the website) for them, but I don't see how they're going to get printed and dispersed in game if I can't find their bloody address!
10-12-2009, 11:26 AM
LMAO Clankenbeard....that was a nice twist....I have to say though...I'm all for her new look. Some dames can just pull it off.
And good job on the new interviews. I never knew Whisperdoom was such a family oriented lady. Almost makes me feel bad about impaling her...almost.
And I learned a valuable thing...don't ask beholders for directions!!!! (unless they are behind the counter of a gas station, in which case it might work).
10-12-2009, 12:03 PM
LMAO Clankenbeard....that was a nice twist....I have to say though...I'm all for her new look. Some dames can just pull it off.
And good job on the new interviews. I never knew Whisperdoom was such a family oriented lady. Almost makes me feel bad about impaling her...almost.
And I learned a valuable thing...don't ask beholders for directions!!!! (unless they are behind the counter of a gas station, in which case it might work).
Thanks! I worked really hard on those, I thought they were pretty funny.
Haha, yeah, I thought the same thing.
Anyway, all that aside, I do have one more nomination. Well, technically it's not *my* nomination, since I've already seen her mentioned at least twice in this thread so far, but she hasn't shown up on the site yet, so I figured a little reminder was in order.
How about none other than the Demon Queen herself, Lailat!
Especially when you consider that she just got herself the epic treatment on Lamannia, I figure she's gotta' be ready for a big comeback!
I am working on it! The Queen is hard to get! And she does not return calls!
10-12-2009, 02:11 PM
My vote is for Dead Girl.
10-12-2009, 03:45 PM
I am pretty sure that the Arcane Oozes in Von2 are female, have they been nominated yet? Arcane Oozes are HOT!
10-12-2009, 04:54 PM
Oh oh *waves arm wildly* Can we still nominate peoples? Can we can we?!
I wants to nominate Skully from the Phoenix Tavern. She's cute.
See you at karaoke later. ;D
10-12-2009, 05:41 PM
Oh oh *waves arm wildly* Can we still nominate peoples? Can we can we?! I wants to nominate Skully from the Phoenix Tavern. She's cuteFor you Jaggie, YES! Um. Also, for anybody else. But a special "Yes" for Jaggie. She made me a jam up +Sir Lawrence "+Sircoat" thingie to wear around Gencon. Also, she drew a cool picture of me holdin' me muckbane.
See you at karaoke later. ;DI'll be the one singing "Hey Mickey!" Oh. Wait. You were probably talking to Morah. Good god. I know she's a bard. But if I hear her sing "Girls Just Want to Have Fun!" one more time, I am going to shove her off the stage and sing "I am the Very Model of a Modern Battle Clerical!" That'll clear the room. (She was there the first time ( Theatre 3.mp3) I sang it and she claimed she went deaf. Liar!) Hopefully she'll get some open mic time and sing a better song ( Hah! Outage!
10-12-2009, 06:12 PM
+1 rep for Clankenbeard....that was bardic magic good sir!!! Lol good stuff.
10-12-2009, 09:13 PM
My Nomination...
Morgan Neptune
1. Height : 5ft 9inches /weight: 111 lbs/age: Do I have to be 18 to enter? Sure I'm 18.
2. Where they are from: I suppose my current port of call is is 3 Barrel Cove. The boys round here say I'm as pretty as a mermaid. I fancy I could have come from the sea as much time as I spend round her.
3. Occupation: Day Dreamer, Fish Monger, and aspiring Gold Digger
4. Talent: Fish Tossing!!! Why I can slap a drunken letch in the face with yesterdays catch from 15 paces.
5. Why they want to be Miss Stormreach: To find a better class of drunk!!! Just look at these rough dock workers, thugs and cut throats that come chat me up every day. And not a one of them with more than 2 coppers to rub together. Miss Stormreach deserves to be accosted by a better class of drunk, men who drink only the finest wines and the most expensive of alcohols
10-13-2009, 03:26 PM
Norah Splashpaige ftw.
10-13-2009, 04:18 PM
"Go avay, or I stab you in ze face!"
I just knew there was a special something about Seld that was calling to me. :D
Then again.... I do get that a lot in my own travels.
Hmmm..... :o
10-15-2009, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the nominations everybody. Every contestant is up at! Morah and I have stopped taking recommendations for contestants. We're full up with 26 "lovely" ladies. Well, we'll actually be at 25 onna count of nobody can find Charlotte the Scarlet. Believe me, I've tried. The arcane oozes didn't make it either. Dreamy Cube got jealous and ate them.
So, you'll hear the final six contestant interviews on this Saturday. Lessah and I wrote and recorded that dialogue last night. I'll fill in all of the contestant stats and details on the site this weekend. Next week, we'll head toward the finals. We have an actual story shaping up behind the pageant, so pay close attention. What else are you going to do this weekend? Carve a pumpkin?
10-17-2009, 02:00 AM
Ohh, Queen Lailat!!!
I wonder if Six Weapon Fighting will soon be available at a Mindflayer near me?
10-17-2009, 08:10 PM
Ohh, Queen Lailat!!!
I wonder if Six Weapon Fighting will soon be available at a Mindflayer near me?
Be sure and check out The Demon Queen's interview on the DDOC Cast this week or the Miss Stormreach Website! All our ladies have been interviewed and can be heard on the site! (Save one.... who no longer exists... we think.)
10-17-2009, 11:26 PM
I'm so calling her Dairy Queen the next time I run any of those raid quests!!!!
LMAO those new dialogues are Annelisa...dying here...
10-25-2009, 05:52 PM
You finalists have been announced on this weeks DDOCAST!
10-26-2009, 12:08 AM
Thanks for the nominations everybody. Every contestant is up at! Morah and I have stopped taking recommendations for contestants. We're full up with 26 "lovely" ladies. Well, we'll actually be at 25 onna count of nobody can find Charlotte the Scarlet. Believe me, I've tried. The arcane oozes didn't make it either. Dreamy Cube got jealous and ate them.
So, you'll hear the final six contestant interviews on this Saturday. Lessah and I wrote and recorded that dialogue last night. I'll fill in all of the contestant stats and details on the site this weekend. Next week, we'll head toward the finals. We have an actual story shaping up behind the pageant, so pay close attention. What else are you going to do this weekend? Carve a pumpkin?
But the webpage only shows 5 final contenstants... I demand a recount (unless one got eaten by Whisperdoom who wasn't present?)
How does Dreamy Cube get Miss Congealiality (sic)? It is really asexual and should be disqualified!
10-26-2009, 10:02 AM
But the webpage only shows 5 final contenstants... I demand a recount (unless one got eaten by Whisperdoom who wasn't present?)Here's your recount. 5! Don't know what kind of idiot would have posted 6.
Spoiler: How does Dreamy Cube get Miss Congealiality (sic)? It is really asexual and should be disqualified!It's the "Miss" as in "Not a Hit" for this particluar contestant. And really, how do you know it's assexual. It is clearly pink.
So let me get this straight... You DO have a problem with a sentient gelatinous cube getting an award based on gender. But you DON'T have a problem with a piece of cardboard taking the other award.:confused: Do you have a problem with comedy movies about space people going straight to instant videocassetes as well, Dark Helmet? :D +1 Rep for Dark_Helmet (Now never show that tape again!)
10-26-2009, 03:58 PM
Here's your recount. 5! Don't know what kind of idiot would have posted 6.
It's the "Miss" as in "Not a Hit" for this particluar contestant. And really, how do you know it's assexual. It is clearly pink.
So let me get this straight... You DO have a problem with a sentient gelatinous cube getting an award based on gender. But you DON'T have a problem with a piece of cardboard taking the other award.:confused: Do you have a problem with comedy movies about space people going straight to instant videocassetes as well, Dark Helmet? :D +1 Rep for Dark_Helmet (Now never show that tape again!)
How do I know? The cube has the same Doctor as Manny Ramirez of the Dodgers!
Did you see the cubie go Fiendish when it got all hopped up on Testosterone and that female fertility drug hCG? The Cube's Jello Green became Inflamed Red. Now it seems to be a bit pinkish. Not natural I tell ya!
... (no one saw me playing with my dolls).
10-26-2009, 09:42 PM
Here they are........ Your Finalistssssssss!!!!!!
And yes... it's been a terrible upset! Morah Ismorah IS a finalist!!!!!!
10-26-2009, 09:46 PM
The Dreamy Cube!!!
Miss Photogenic!
Noria Spalshpaige!
10-27-2009, 07:10 AM
I'm protesting the Succubus being left off the finalists list. Who cares if her boobs change size? She's versatile! At least they are symmetrical unlike some others *cough*Inquisitor Lightbringer*cough*.
I demand an inquiry!
Have been loving this whole contest. Great fun for a guy stuck at sea!:p
10-27-2009, 07:30 AM
Funniest thread ever!!! lmao
I nominate the bard trainer in the Marketplace!
She would definitely win the talent contest hand down!
10-27-2009, 10:39 PM
I'm protesting the Succubus being left off the finalists list. Who cares if her boobs change size? She's versatile! At least they are symmetrical unlike some others *cough*Inquisitor Lightbringer*cough*.
I demand an inquiry!Here's your inquiry. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? :D Come on Elsbet! The succubus got thrown off the stage by the Archon and Inquisitor. It's not like it was a judging error or some kind of prejudice. Her butt was on the ground. She's out. Now you can either jump on somebody else's bandwagon or sit there crying into your keyboard. I'll bet your WASD keys are already faint, so you better do the bandwagon option. :D<--This symbol means you are not allowed to take me seriously (like anyone would).
And for the record, Clanky is a big fan of the adjustable rack. During her "persuading" session with me not to print anything bad (which I forgot) there was a definite "cup runneth over" theme. I tried to get her to grow one in the back for dancing (credit: Al Bundy), but she wasn't having none o' that.
10-31-2009, 05:04 PM
Well everybody. After freakin' 69:19 of total audio, we finally have a winner! Go check it out on Jerry's DDoCast ( 141 Halloween night! Or, go listen to it at!
Thanks to everybody for their voices! Lessah will chime in with credits for all of them onna counta she wrangled up all of the help (and I'm too daft to know who did what). This has been a lot of fun and a lot more work than either one of us thought. Now I can go back to sleeping Friday nights and Saturday morning!
11-02-2009, 08:19 AM
In case you missed it... then ending of the pageant was very very funny!
Here is your winner... or at least, she ended up with the crown.
Visit the site ( listen to the final round of audio, or listen to it with more commentary on the DDO CAST! (
Uma, If the IFV on Thelanis
Jaggie, FotGN on Thelanis
Rowanheal, DDO Podcast
Sarah Snook
Alex Haddox/ Alex's Wife & Alex's sister
Jerry Snook
BIG BIG THANKS to anyone who participated in this thread!!!!! It was way fun!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed it!!!
My favorite interview was definately Annelisa "no one has their own theme music... that was a warning." & then Clanky's little song: "hmm hmmmm I'm going the harem.... going to the harem...." I sang that for a day afterwards!!!
I loved the broccolli and the Xoriat butterfly eating references too!
Cheers everyone!!!
11-02-2009, 02:40 PM
I am never going to look at Fred the same way again... Oh, that horrible song! It has forever scarred me.
11-02-2009, 02:46 PM
"Khyberians for Evi" demands a recount.
11-02-2009, 03:18 PM
Well, I finally got to listen to all the new pageant audio, and my god does it all make more sense now :) Absolutely hillarious stuff....and major kudos for the bugs bunny reference with the STK guardian!!! Great job on the whole thing guys....can't wait for next years...I mean, how do you top a battle royale????
11-02-2009, 03:24 PM
Well, I finally got to listen to all the new pageant audio, and my god does it all make more sense now :) Absolutely hillarious stuff....and major kudos for the bugs bunny reference with the STK guardian!!! Great job on the whole thing guys....can't wait for next years...I mean, how do you top a 'sexy' battle royale????
Corrected! :)
Hmm, what to do next year....
It's been great to have these done, Lessah and Clank. Just wanted to say my thanks.
11-02-2009, 03:46 PM
Oohh good catch there, sexy battle royale it was. For my oversight, I think I should be punished by the DDO succubus, you know, so I serve as an example to others who might think to make such where did she go...maybe back to the plastic, I mean doctors.
Wow I love this - and for that you get a special Duck Bump!
Admit it - you loved it :)
11-02-2009, 09:16 PM
I am never going to look at Fred the same way again... Oh, that horrible song! It has forever scarred me.
Um, Alex. You singing that song was not in the script. If you send back an MP3 to us labeled "bonus material" you can't feign disdain over its contents. Great job, man. Throw in a little dance with that next time Fred Astaire!
11-02-2009, 09:43 PM
Um, Alex. You singing that song was not in the script. If you send back an MP3 to us labeled "bonus material" you can't feign disdain over its contents. Great job, man. Throw in a little dance with that next time Fred Astaire!
I created and submitted it in a flash of insanity. You know, a "what the heck did I just do?" moment.
Sometimes the deepest wounds are self-inflicted.
ROFLMAO. Fred Astaire!!! Don't make me search for a mind-flayer costume... My microphone is in therapy and I don't want to put my video camera on anti-psychotics.
11-02-2009, 10:32 PM
You guys did a great job on Miss Stormreach!!!
Annalisa had my vote, all the way!
Keep 'em coming. You two are hilarious!
11-02-2009, 11:10 PM
I created and submitted it in a flash of insanity. You know, a "what the heck did I just do?" moment.
Sometimes the deepest wounds are self-inflicted.
ROFLMAO. Fred Astaire!!! Don't make me search for a mind-flayer costume... My microphone is in therapy and I don't want to put my video camera on anti-psychotics.
I thought the song at the end was one of the best parts. It was a perfect Coda to the whole scenario. I actually wasn't 100% sure it was you doing Fred's voice until the last week of it because of the way it's altered in post.
11-03-2009, 06:15 AM
Great job guys! Clankenbeard and Morah are hilarious. I know it must be very hard work, but I hope you do some more stuff in the future. My only complaint is not enough Jerry singing. What a voice.
11-03-2009, 12:56 PM
You two always make work suck less...though work doesn't suck all that much actually.
11-03-2009, 01:16 PM
Great job guys! Clankenbeard and Morah are hilarious. I know it must be very hard work, but I hope you do some more stuff in the future. My only complaint is not enough Jerry singing. What a voice.
I was doing my best Bill Murray lounge singer on Saturday Night Live impression.
11-04-2009, 10:41 AM
Awesome work guys! Funny funny frikkin dialogue... I assume all the clever parts are written by clanky?
Why look, the sky suddenly went black... clouds are swirling about... against the wind!
I take it back I take it back I take it ba
11-04-2009, 11:02 AM
Here's your inquiry. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? :D Come on Elsbet! The succubus got thrown off the stage by the Archon and Inquisitor. It's not like it was a judging error or some kind of prejudice. Her butt was on the ground. She's out. Now you can either jump on somebody else's bandwagon or sit there crying into your keyboard. I'll bet your WASD keys are already faint, so you better do the bandwagon option. :D<--This symbol means you are not allowed to take me seriously (like anyone would).
And for the record, Clanky is a big fan of the adjustable rack. During her "persuading" session with me not to print anything bad (which I forgot) there was a definite "cup runneth over" theme. I tried to get her to grow one in the back for dancing (credit: Al Bundy), but she wasn't having none o' that.
Inquisitor Lightbringer is a wuss. My dead Grandma could take her down. I bet it was all the Archon. :p
You just eliminated her because she wouldn't give into your (and Al's) ridiculous request.
Great work guys! Thank you!
11-04-2009, 11:58 AM
Oh my goodness! I just got caught up on this yesterday. WOW! You guys did an AMAZING job. I was in stitches. Do you know how hard it is to place bacon in the world while laughing?? Thank you thank you. :D
11-04-2009, 09:23 PM
oh My Goodness! I Just Got Caught Up On This Yesterday. Wow! You Guys Did An Amazing Job. I Was In Stitches. Do You Know How Hard It Is To Place Bacon In The World While Laughing?? Thank You Thank You. :d
Stop Making Keeper Laugh, I Need Bacon!!!!!!!!!!
11-05-2009, 12:22 AM
Really enjoyed it, thanks very much.
PS Morah won and you know it!
11-05-2009, 08:41 AM
PS Morah won and you know it!
As I happened to be married to the voice of Mari, I think she won!
11-05-2009, 09:43 AM
Um btw...what ever did become of Morah? Shouldn't we be putting together like an STK run to go find her or something? just saying...she doesn't really look like a George.
11-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Really enjoyed it, thanks very much.
PS Morah won and you know it!
Morah is MISS STORMREACH and everyone knows it! Mari Mosshand got her wings ripped right off her back! GO XORIAT!!!
Um btw...what ever did become of Morah? Shouldn't we be putting together like an STK run to go find her or something? just saying...she doesn't really look like a George.
Oh... I think Morah will be back... we have not seen the last of her.. I mean take a look at THESE babies!!!
11-05-2009, 10:55 AM
um, wow, /drool. Those are most impressive. Morah must have pulled of a bribe of the century to get those made...well, maybe the second bribe of the century if you include Miss Stormreach.
11-05-2009, 01:32 PM
Oh... I think Morah will be back... we have not seen the last of her.. I mean take a look at THESE babies!!!
What, no minus to CHA for annoyance or bonus to Taunt skill?
Or perhaps a 1/day summoning of tea-quilla!?
11-05-2009, 04:54 PM
Or perhaps a 1/day summoning of tea-quilla!?I think this will be revealed as part of the "Incredible Potential". She should be able to create Patrone Silver 1/day if the crafting is done correctly. Then the band name changes to "Morah's Patronizer" which seems oddly appropriate.
PS Morah won and you know it!
I wrote it and I'm still not positive. I'm pretty sure that Mari Mosshand's voice had Clanky all atwitter. It's a shame that we'll never know. You know what's odd about that pageant though? Where were all of the crowd noises for the contestants? No cheering for individual contestants? No screams when The Guardian came charging in? I am starting to think that maybe the whole thing was an elaborate hoax staged in a recording studio somewhere. Hmmm........
Hey, I've got a question for all o' ya. Is there any interest in having one big ZIP file to download all of these 17 tracks? I don't think there really is, but I figured I'd ask. It'd be free. That's over 69 minutes of gut-wrenching laughter for the low, low price of 0 plat.
11-06-2009, 11:28 AM
Is there any interest in having one big ZIP file to download all of these 17 tracks?
YES! Please? :D
11-06-2009, 11:31 AM
Does this pageant have any of fun like England?
From the AP
Miss England gives up crown after fracas reports
1 hr 16 mins ago
LONDON – The reigning Miss England has relinquished her crown after being accused of a fight in a bar.
Pageant organizers say Rachel Christie has also withdrawn from next month's Miss World competition in South Africa.
They said in a statement that the 21-year-old heptathlete will now focus on clearing her name and training for the 2012 Olympics.
British newspapers reported that Christie got into a dustup with another beauty queen — Miss Manchester Sara Beverley Jones — in a nightclub earlier this week.
Greater Manchester Police said Friday that a 21-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assault after an altercation at the city's Mansion nightclub on Monday. She was released on bail pending further enquiries.
11-06-2009, 01:40 PM
YES! Please? :D
Well one request is all I need. You can download one 63MB ZIP containin all 17 MP3 files HERE (! I'll update tonight with a similar link when I get home.
MP3 players everywhere, (or at least one of you) BEWARE!
11-06-2009, 01:49 PM
I just finished listening to all of the episodes (on DDO Cast). Morah, as always makes me laugh. Excellent job all around from Clankey to Lessah (and of course her alter ego Morah), Jerry and all the other voice talent.
11-06-2009, 01:49 PM
Cool idea. Sounds like the British Miss pageant contestants have been listening to Miss Stormreach!
11-06-2009, 02:24 PM
You can download one 63MB ZIP containin all 17 MP3 files HERE (! I'll update tonight with a similar link when I get home.
W00t! :D Thank you!
11-06-2009, 03:36 PM
Cool idea. Sounds like the British Miss pageant contestants have been listening to Miss Stormreach!
Now, we just need another certain candidate to be sued about her enhancements:
Miss California USA sued over breast implant money ( me the plat!
11-09-2009, 11:46 PM
Lessah and Clankenbeard rule.:D
- X
10-11-2014, 04:47 PM
You seem to have forgotten a certain Beauty be nominated... i will do the honors...
meet ~Annelisa~
-Occupation: Love Slave
-Location: she may be found in Blaeric Goodspeed's Harem in the Bounty Hunter Dungeon
-Talent: Seduction, Pleasure Giving, Belly Dancing, Teasing, and generally anything else her Master wishes
-Why she should be Miss Stormreach: She has given sweat, tears, and other bodily fluids all to keep dungeon masters and possible Heros (should they so choose) "happy".. now what more could you want in a woman?!
What Else? Hey! about some, eh, you know, 'Feminem Hygiene'?
I recall, partially/vaguely, this candidate's name well & often; though sadly, I've never had the pleasure of Annelisa's company. Personally, I wonder if 'luv slaves' ever get retired from Goodspeed's B.H. Dungeon Harem? I've 'heard' reports of her special 'evil' talents and other gifts (bile, toe jam & cerumen, etc.). I personally am musing: IF (judging by the snake holding her skirt right about at sea level) she would/could/should be any good at killing infants, children and other small pets? Hmmm....Or, perhaps, years of torture is more to her master's akbar? :S sssso very dark & dungeoness. In any case, however? Though the Miss Stormreach competition may be a forgone conclusion and over years ago? I hope she wins: If anything, because her calling is an 'inspiration' to all other 'slaves' in Eberron/Forgotten Realms to BE... obedient. Phew. Phew. Holsters dual cross-bows.
- 153, aka Synistre
01-25-2016, 01:14 AM
I see that im the 1st to post on this thread in two years, and while I was unable to participate in voting as I didn't own a computer till at least 2010, I like the idea. Two questions I have is whether or not Malicia would have been entered separately than other succubi (1st appeared in 2010 with update 5), and is there going to be another pageant?
if theres a poll i would love to add a vote for Morah after all she does have her own belt .... officially making her a Woman of stormreach and thus making her a vailid contestant
however as a contestant it would disqualify her as a judge.
also would like to cast a negative vote for mistress orphane i been inside that girls mind and let me tell you ... its all like beholders and nastiness in there ... wouldnt want a woman with those kinds of mental problems representing Stormreach as miss stormreach.
lots of love .... think this ones gonna be great ...
yours truly
Confusious Firewater
Did you forget that she was poisoned by Dar Qat assassins and thus would be stable after we cured her of it by going in her dream? or did that bit of lore not appear until after this pageant was complete?
01-25-2016, 03:05 PM
I see that im the 1st to post on this thread in two years, and while I was unable to participate in voting as I didn't own a computer till at least 2010, I like the idea. Two questions I have is whether or not Malicia would have been entered separately than other succubi (1st appeared in 2010 with update 5), and is there going to be another pageant?
Did you forget that she was poisoned by Dar Qat assassins and thus would be stable after we cured her of it by going in her dream? or did that bit of lore not appear until after this pageant was complete?
A thread worthy of being in the Hall of Fame. The Miss Stormreach Pageant was a follow up to the Stormreach Mayoral race ( where momentarily Fred was mayor after controlling everyone's minds. I don't see another pageant happening in the same format, after all, 90% of the contestants would be the same. I'm sure that if Malicia was in the game at the time she would have been nominated to participate. If anything, a follow up to these events would be a consideration (maybe for the 10 year anniversary?), something along the lines of a mayoral race for Eveningstar or a handsome man competition. You really would need that critical mass of creative talent to see things through however, Jerry who was the host of DDOCast is now busy as the DDO community manager Cordovan, Lessah is active with the Damsels of DDO and Clankenbeard is off being clanky somewhere.
It's good to still have the Miss Stormreach Pageant page ( there for posterity though for people to check out even today. Cyberspace can be very temporal and half of what has been put up online only 5 years ago has disappeared it seems. Browse the interviews under the 'Contestant' tab and make sure to check out the interview with Demon Queen Lailat, that is some classic Clankenbeard there! I recommend going through the audio files under the 'Audio' tab in order from DDOCast 136-141, the interviews are chopped up and attributed to the separate contestants - good for putting a face to a voice but not of its original format.
03-01-2016, 02:47 PM
A thread worthy of being in the Hall of Fame. The Miss Stormreach Pageant was a follow up to the Stormreach Mayoral race ( where momentarily Fred was mayor after controlling everyone's minds. I don't see another pageant happening in the same format, after all, 90% of the contestants would be the same. I'm sure that if Malicia was in the game at the time she would have been nominated to participate. If anything, a follow up to these events would be a consideration (maybe for the 10 year anniversary?), something along the lines of a mayoral race for Eveningstar or a handsome man competition. You really would need that critical mass of creative talent to see things through however, Jerry who was the host of DDOCast is now busy as the DDO community manager Cordovan, Lessah is active with the Damsels of DDO and Clankenbeard is off being clanky somewhere.
It's good to still have the Miss Stormreach Pageant page ( there for posterity though for people to check out even today. Cyberspace can be very temporal and half of what has been put up online only 5 years ago has disappeared it seems. Browse the interviews under the 'Contestant' tab and make sure to check out the interview with Demon Queen Lailat, that is some classic Clankenbeard there! I recommend going through the audio files under the 'Audio' tab in order from DDOCast 136-141, the interviews are chopped up and attributed to the separate contestants - good for putting a face to a voice but not of its original format.
****, he sounds like an actual dwarf! And both of those new contests sound like great ideas, but I don't have the time to do such myself.
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